πŸ¦• hello world!

I'm a 1st year IT uni-student at Western University of Applied Scienes in Bergen, Norway!

## about me * i'm currently learning a bit about blockchain and cryptocurrency ontop of my school studies * i'm a huge nerd when it comes to anime, games and tech * i love being active outdoors & go snowboarding during the winterseason * i created my portfolio/personal website from scratch ## projects | Index | Project | Tech Used | |:------:|:-----------------:|:------:| | 1 |[sidBot - A Discord bot](https://github.com/SindreKjelsrud/sidBot)| Python | | 2 |[Cookie Clicker](https://github.com/SindreKjelsrud/CookieClicker)| Java | | 3 |[Personal Website](https://github.com/SindreKjelsrud/sindrekjelsrud.github.io)| HTML / CSS | ## πŸ’» languages and tools i've worked with (w/ statsπŸ“Š)

java css3 html5 python photoshop

## 🌍 connect with me

