namespace backend; public static class QueryParameterValidators { private static readonly string[] sortTypes = new[] { "titleasc", "titledesc", "yearasc", "yeardesc" }; private static readonly string[] movieTypes = new[] { "movie", "series", "episode" }; // Assuming `s` is a non-nullable parameter and can be any string // If there are specific requirements for `s`, additional validation can be added public static bool IsValidS(string s) { return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s); } // Assuming `type` can be any string but you might want to limit it to specific values // If there are predefined types, you can replace the body with something like: return new List<string> { "type1", "type2" }.Contains(type); public static bool IsValidType(string? type) { return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type) || movieTypes.Contains(type.ToLower()); } // For `year`, assuming it's a 4 digit representation of a year public static bool IsValidYear(string? year) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(year)) return true; return int.TryParse(year, out int parsedYear) && parsedYear > 1900 && parsedYear <= DateTime.Now.Year; } // Assuming `sort` can be any string but you might want to limit it to specific values // If there are predefined sorts, you can replace the body with something like: return new List<string> { "asc", "desc" }.Contains(sort); public static bool IsValidSort(string? sort) { return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sort) || sortTypes.Contains(sort.ToLower()); } // Assuming `pageNumber` should be 1 or more public static bool IsValidPageNumber(int pageNumber) { return pageNumber > 0; } // Assuming `pageSize` should be between 1 to 100 (or any other limits you might want to set) public static bool IsValidPageSize(int pageSize) { return pageSize > 0 && pageSize <= 100; // you can adjust the upper limit as per requirements } }