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import httpx
from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser
import re
import csv
import config
def fetch_question_url(url):
# Define headers
headers = config.headers
# Define the parameters for the request
params = {
"action": "get-faqs",
"idSource": "2",
"list": "frequently_asked_questions",
"idCategory": "8288", # Id for category
"from": "0",
"size": "100", # Adjust this to get more results
"gender": "false",
"age": "false",
"zone": "default",
"filter_query": "",
"skip": "0",
"load_categories": "false"
response = httpx.get(url, params=params, headers=headers)
# Check if the request was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
# Parse the response
data = response.json()
# Extracting URLs from each item
urls = [item['url'] for item in data['items']]
return urls
print(f"Failed to fetch data: {response.status_code}")
def fetch_all_info(url):
# Define headers
headers = config.headers
response = httpx.get(url, headers=headers)
html = HTMLParser(response.text)
# Extracting the question
questions = html.css_first('div.article-text').text()
# Extracting the answer and the signature
answers = ""
signature = ""
specific_div = html.css_first('')
if specific_div:
p_elements = specific_div.css('p')
full_text = ' '.join([p.text() for p in p_elements])
# Separate the signature using a regular expression
signature_match ='(Vennlig hilsen|Med vennlig hilsen|Mvh|Lykke til!)\s*(.*)', full_text, re.IGNORECASE)
if signature_match:
signature = # This is the signature text
answers = full_text[:signature_match.start()] # This is the text before the signature
answers = full_text # In case there is no signature
# Clean up the signature
cleaned_signature = re.sub(r'(Vennlig hilsen|Med vennlig hilsen|Mvh|Lykke til!)\s*', '', signature, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
cleaned_signature = re.sub(r'^[\s,]*', '', cleaned_signature).strip() # Remove leading commas and spaces
# Extracting the additional metadata for gender and date
metadata_div = html.css_first('')
if metadata_div:
metadata_text = metadata_div.text(deep=True).strip()
# Split the text to isolate gender and date
parts = metadata_text.split('.')
# Assuming gender and age are separated by a space and age is always a number
gender_age = parts[0].split()
gender = ' '.join([word for word in gender_age if not word.isdigit()]).strip() # Remove the age part
date = parts[1].strip() if len(parts) > 1 else "Date not found"
metadata = gender + ", " + date
metadata = "Metadata not found", "Metadata not found"
# Create array of results
result = [questions, answers, cleaned_signature, metadata]
return result
studenterspor_url = ""
question_urls = fetch_question_url(studenterspor_url)
with open('studenterspor.csv', mode='w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# Write the header
writer.writerow(['Question', 'Answer', 'Signature', 'Metadata'])
# Fetch info for each URL and write it to the CSV file
for url in question_urls:
info = fetch_all_info(url)
writer.writerow(info) # Write the question, answer, signature and metadata as a new row
print("Done! Your data is now in 'studenterspor.csv'")