✨ answers now scraped!
redid the signature-scraping aswell Co-authored-by: haraldnilsen <harald_998@hotmail.com> Signed-off-by: Sindre Kjelsrud <kjelsrudsindre@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 22 additions and 16 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import httpx
from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser
import re
def fetch_question_url(url):
# Define headers
@ -45,28 +46,33 @@ def fetch_all_info(url):
response = httpx.get(url, headers=headers)
html = HTMLParser(response.text)
# Extracting the question and answer
# Extracting the question "sporsmal"
sporsmal = html.css_first('div.article-text').text()
# Check if the element exists before accessing its text
signatur_div = html.css_first('div.signatur')
signatur = ""
if signatur_div:
signaturTxt = signatur_div.text()
# Remove "Med vennlig hilsen" or "Vennlig hilsen"
signaturTxt = signaturTxt.replace("Med vennlig hilsen", "").replace("Vennlig hilsen", "").strip()
# Check if the text is empty after removal
if signaturTxt:
signatur = signaturTxt
# Extracting the answer "svar" and the signature "signature"
svar = ""
signature = ""
specific_div = html.css_first('.article-text.font-serif.text-base.py-10')
if specific_div:
p_elements = specific_div.css('p')
full_text = ' '.join([p.text() for p in p_elements])
# Separate the signature using a regular expression
signature_match = re.search(r'(Vennlig hilsen|Med vennlig hilsen|Mvh|Lykke til!)\s*(.*)', full_text, re.IGNORECASE)
if signature_match:
signature = signature_match.group(2) # This is the signature text
svar = full_text[:signature_match.start()] # This is the text before the signature
signatur = "Null signatur"
signatur = "Null signatur"
svar = full_text # In case there is no signature
# Clean up the signature
cleaned_signature = re.sub(r'(Vennlig hilsen|Med vennlig hilsen|Mvh|Lykke til!)\s*', '', signature, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
cleaned_signature = re.sub(r'^[\s,]*', '', cleaned_signature).strip() # Remove leading commas and spaces
# Create array of results
#result = [sporsmal, svar, signatur]
result = [sporsmal, svar, cleaned_signature]
return signatur
return result
studenterspor_url = "https://www.studenterspor.no/ajax_handler.php"
question_urls = fetch_question_url(studenterspor_url)
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