318 lines
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318 lines
11 KiB
![]() |
import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from "../../../core/errors/index.js";
import { markHTMLString } from "../escape.js";
import { extractDirectives, generateHydrateScript } from "../hydration.js";
import { serializeProps } from "../serialize.js";
import { shorthash } from "../shorthash.js";
import { isPromise } from "../util.js";
import {
} from "./astro/index.js";
import { Fragment, Renderer, stringifyChunk } from "./common.js";
import { componentIsHTMLElement, renderHTMLElement } from "./dom.js";
import { renderSlots, renderSlotToString } from "./slot.js";
import { formatList, internalSpreadAttributes, renderElement, voidElementNames } from "./util.js";
const rendererAliases = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([["solid", "solid-js"]]);
function guessRenderers(componentUrl) {
const extname = componentUrl == null ? void 0 : componentUrl.split(".").pop();
switch (extname) {
case "svelte":
return ["@astrojs/svelte"];
case "vue":
return ["@astrojs/vue"];
case "jsx":
case "tsx":
return ["@astrojs/react", "@astrojs/preact", "@astrojs/solid-js", "@astrojs/vue (jsx)"];
return [
function isFragmentComponent(Component) {
return Component === Fragment;
function isHTMLComponent(Component) {
return Component && Component["astro:html"] === true;
const ASTRO_SLOT_EXP = /\<\/?astro-slot\b[^>]*>/g;
const ASTRO_STATIC_SLOT_EXP = /\<\/?astro-static-slot\b[^>]*>/g;
function removeStaticAstroSlot(html, supportsAstroStaticSlot) {
const exp = supportsAstroStaticSlot ? ASTRO_STATIC_SLOT_EXP : ASTRO_SLOT_EXP;
return html.replace(exp, "");
async function renderFrameworkComponent(result, displayName, Component, _props, slots = {}) {
var _a, _b, _c;
if (!Component && !_props["client:only"]) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to render ${displayName} because it is ${Component}!
Did you forget to import the component or is it possible there is a typo?`
const { renderers, clientDirectives } = result;
const metadata = {
astroStaticSlot: true,
const { hydration, isPage, props } = extractDirectives(_props, clientDirectives);
let html = "";
let attrs = void 0;
if (hydration) {
metadata.hydrate = hydration.directive;
metadata.hydrateArgs = hydration.value;
metadata.componentExport = hydration.componentExport;
metadata.componentUrl = hydration.componentUrl;
const probableRendererNames = guessRenderers(metadata.componentUrl);
const validRenderers = renderers.filter((r) => r.name !== "astro:jsx");
const { children, slotInstructions } = await renderSlots(result, slots);
let renderer;
if (metadata.hydrate !== "only") {
let isTagged = false;
try {
isTagged = Component && Component[Renderer];
} catch {
if (isTagged) {
const rendererName = Component[Renderer];
renderer = renderers.find(({ name }) => name === rendererName);
if (!renderer) {
let error;
for (const r of renderers) {
try {
if (await r.ssr.check.call({ result }, Component, props, children)) {
renderer = r;
} catch (e) {
error ??= e;
if (!renderer && error) {
throw error;
if (!renderer && typeof HTMLElement === "function" && componentIsHTMLElement(Component)) {
const output = renderHTMLElement(result, Component, _props, slots);
return output;
} else {
if (metadata.hydrateArgs) {
const passedName = metadata.hydrateArgs;
const rendererName = rendererAliases.has(passedName) ? rendererAliases.get(passedName) : passedName;
renderer = renderers.find(
({ name }) => name === `@astrojs/${rendererName}` || name === rendererName
if (!renderer && validRenderers.length === 1) {
renderer = validRenderers[0];
if (!renderer) {
const extname = (_a = metadata.componentUrl) == null ? void 0 : _a.split(".").pop();
renderer = renderers.filter(
({ name }) => name === `@astrojs/${extname}` || name === extname
if (!renderer) {
if (metadata.hydrate === "only") {
throw new AstroError({
message: AstroErrorData.NoClientOnlyHint.message(metadata.displayName),
hint: AstroErrorData.NoClientOnlyHint.hint(
probableRendererNames.map((r) => r.replace("@astrojs/", "")).join("|")
} else if (typeof Component !== "string") {
const matchingRenderers = validRenderers.filter(
(r) => probableRendererNames.includes(r.name)
const plural = validRenderers.length > 1;
if (matchingRenderers.length === 0) {
throw new AstroError({
message: AstroErrorData.NoMatchingRenderer.message(
(_b = metadata == null ? void 0 : metadata.componentUrl) == null ? void 0 : _b.split(".").pop(),
hint: AstroErrorData.NoMatchingRenderer.hint(
formatList(probableRendererNames.map((r) => "`" + r + "`"))
} else if (matchingRenderers.length === 1) {
renderer = matchingRenderers[0];
({ html, attrs } = await renderer.ssr.renderToStaticMarkup.call(
{ result },
} else {
throw new Error(`Unable to render ${metadata.displayName}!
This component likely uses ${formatList(probableRendererNames)},
but Astro encountered an error during server-side rendering.
Please ensure that ${metadata.displayName}:
1. Does not unconditionally access browser-specific globals like \`window\` or \`document\`.
If this is unavoidable, use the \`client:only\` hydration directive.
2. Does not conditionally return \`null\` or \`undefined\` when rendered on the server.
If you're still stuck, please open an issue on GitHub or join us at https://astro.build/chat.`);
} else {
if (metadata.hydrate === "only") {
html = await renderSlotToString(result, slots == null ? void 0 : slots.fallback);
} else {
({ html, attrs } = await renderer.ssr.renderToStaticMarkup.call(
{ result },
if (renderer && !renderer.clientEntrypoint && renderer.name !== "@astrojs/lit" && metadata.hydrate) {
throw new AstroError({
message: AstroErrorData.NoClientEntrypoint.message(
if (!html && typeof Component === "string") {
const Tag = sanitizeElementName(Component);
const childSlots = Object.values(children).join("");
const iterable = renderAstroTemplateResult(
await renderTemplate`<${Tag}${internalSpreadAttributes(props)}${markHTMLString(
childSlots === "" && voidElementNames.test(Tag) ? `/>` : `>${childSlots}</${Tag}>`
html = "";
for await (const chunk of iterable) {
html += chunk;
if (!hydration) {
return async function* () {
var _a2;
if (slotInstructions) {
yield* slotInstructions;
if (isPage || (renderer == null ? void 0 : renderer.name) === "astro:jsx") {
yield html;
} else if (html && html.length > 0) {
yield markHTMLString(
removeStaticAstroSlot(html, ((_a2 = renderer == null ? void 0 : renderer.ssr) == null ? void 0 : _a2.supportsAstroStaticSlot) ?? false)
} else {
yield "";
const astroId = shorthash(
const island = await generateHydrateScript(
{ renderer, result, astroId, props, attrs },
let unrenderedSlots = [];
if (html) {
if (Object.keys(children).length > 0) {
for (const key of Object.keys(children)) {
let tagName = ((_c = renderer == null ? void 0 : renderer.ssr) == null ? void 0 : _c.supportsAstroStaticSlot) ? !!metadata.hydrate ? "astro-slot" : "astro-static-slot" : "astro-slot";
let expectedHTML = key === "default" ? `<${tagName}>` : `<${tagName} name="${key}">`;
if (!html.includes(expectedHTML)) {
} else {
unrenderedSlots = Object.keys(children);
const template = unrenderedSlots.length > 0 ? unrenderedSlots.map(
(key) => `<template data-astro-template${key !== "default" ? `="${key}"` : ""}>${children[key]}</template>`
).join("") : "";
island.children = `${html ?? ""}${template}`;
if (island.children) {
island.props["await-children"] = "";
async function* renderAll() {
if (slotInstructions) {
yield* slotInstructions;
yield { type: "directive", hydration, result };
yield markHTMLString(renderElement("astro-island", island, false));
return renderAll();
function sanitizeElementName(tag) {
const unsafe = /[&<>'"\s]+/g;
if (!unsafe.test(tag))
return tag;
return tag.trim().split(unsafe)[0].trim();
async function renderFragmentComponent(result, slots = {}) {
const children = await renderSlotToString(result, slots == null ? void 0 : slots.default);
if (children == null) {
return children;
return markHTMLString(children);
async function renderHTMLComponent(result, Component, _props, slots = {}) {
const { slotInstructions, children } = await renderSlots(result, slots);
const html = Component({ slots: children });
const hydrationHtml = slotInstructions ? slotInstructions.map((instr) => stringifyChunk(result, instr)).join("") : "";
return markHTMLString(hydrationHtml + html);
function renderComponent(result, displayName, Component, props, slots = {}) {
if (isPromise(Component)) {
return Promise.resolve(Component).then((Unwrapped) => {
return renderComponent(result, displayName, Unwrapped, props, slots);
if (isFragmentComponent(Component)) {
return renderFragmentComponent(result, slots);
if (isHTMLComponent(Component)) {
return renderHTMLComponent(result, Component, props, slots);
if (isAstroComponentFactory(Component)) {
return createAstroComponentInstance(result, displayName, Component, props, slots);
return renderFrameworkComponent(result, displayName, Component, props, slots);
function renderComponentToIterable(result, displayName, Component, props, slots = {}) {
const renderResult = renderComponent(result, displayName, Component, props, slots);
if (isAstroComponentInstance(renderResult)) {
return renderResult.render();
return renderResult;
export {