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2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00
import type { Abbreviation } from '@emmetio/abbreviation';
import type { CSSSnippet } from './stylesheet/snippets.js';
export type SyntaxType = 'markup' | 'stylesheet';
export type FieldOutput = (index: number, placeholder: string, offset: number, line: number, column: number) => string;
export type TextOutput = (text: string, offset: number, line: number, column: number) => string;
export type StringCase = '' | 'lower' | 'upper';
export interface SnippetsMap {
[name: string]: string;
export interface AbbreviationContext {
name: string;
attributes?: {
[name: string]: string | null;
* Raw config which contains per-syntax options. `markup` and `syntax` keys are
* reserved for global settings for all markup and stylesheet syntaxes
export interface GlobalConfig {
[syntax: string]: Partial<BaseConfig>;
export interface BaseConfig {
type: SyntaxType;
/** Options for abbreviation output */
options: Partial<Options>;
/** Substitutions for variable names */
variables: SnippetsMap;
/** Abbreviation name to snippets mapping */
snippets: SnippetsMap;
interface ResolvedConfig extends BaseConfig {
/** Host syntax */
syntax: string;
* Context of abbreviation. For markup abbreviation, it contains parent tag
* name with attributes, for stylesheet abbreviation it contains property name
* if abbreviation is expanded as value
context?: AbbreviationContext;
/** Text to wrap with abbreviation */
text?: string | string[];
/** Max amount of repeated elements (fool proof) */
maxRepeat?: number;
* Object for storing internal cache data to be shared across Emmet methods
* invocation. If provided, Emmet will store compute-intensive data in this
* object and will re-use it during editor session.
* Every time user settings are changed, you should empty cache by passing
* new object.
cache?: Cache;
export type Config = ResolvedConfig & {
options: Options;
export type UserConfig = Partial<ResolvedConfig>;
export interface Cache {
stylesheetSnippets?: CSSSnippet[];
markupSnippets?: {
[name: string]: Abbreviation | null;
export interface Options {
/** A list of inline-level elements */
inlineElements: string[];
/** A string for one level indent */
'output.indent': string;
* A string for base indent, e.g. context indentation which will be added
* for every generated line
'output.baseIndent': string;
/** A string to use as a new line */
'output.newline': string;
/** Tag case: lower, upper or '' (keep as-is) */
'output.tagCase': StringCase;
/** Attribute name case: lower, upper or '' (keep as-is) */
'output.attributeCase': StringCase;
/** Attribute value quotes: 'single' or 'double' */
'output.attributeQuotes': 'single' | 'double';
/** Enable output formatting (indentation and line breaks) */
'output.format': boolean;
/** When enabled, automatically adds inner line breaks for leaf (e.g. without children) nodes */
'output.formatLeafNode': boolean;
/** A list of tag names that should not get inner indentation */
'output.formatSkip': string[];
/** A list of tag names that should *always* get inner indentation. */
'output.formatForce': string[];
* How many inline sibling elements should force line break for each tag.
* Set to `0` to output all inline elements without formatting.
* Set to `1` to output all inline elements with formatting (same as block-level).
'output.inlineBreak': number;
* Produce compact notation of boolean attributes: attributes which doesnt have value.
* With this option enabled, outputs `<div contenteditable>` instead of
* `<div contenteditable="contenteditable">`
'output.compactBoolean': boolean;
/** A list of boolean attributes */
'output.booleanAttributes': string[];
/** Reverses attribute merging directions when resolving snippets */
'output.reverseAttributes': boolean;
/** Style of self-closing tags: html (`<br>`), xml (`<br/>`) or xhtml (`<br />`) */
'output.selfClosingStyle': 'html' | 'xml' | 'xhtml';
* A function that takes field index and optional placeholder and returns
* a string field (tabstop) for host editor. For example, a TextMate-style
* field is `$index` or `${index:placeholder}`
* @param index Field index
* @param placeholder Field placeholder (default value), if any
* @param offset Current character offset from the beginning of generated content
* @param line Current line of generated output
* @param column Current column in line
'output.field': FieldOutput;
* A function for processing text chunk passed to `OutputStream`.
* May be used by editor for escaping characters, if necessary
'output.text': TextOutput;
* Automatically update value of <a> element's href attribute
* if inserting URL or email
'markup.href': boolean;
* Attribute name mapping. Can be used to change attribute names for output.
* For example, `class` -> `className` in JSX. If a key ends with `*`, this
* value will be used for multi-attributes: currentry, its a `class` and `id`
* since `multiple` marker is added for shorthand attributes only.
* Example: `{ "class*": "styleName" }`
'markup.attributes'?: Record<string, string>;
* Prefixes for attribute values.
* If specified, a value is treated as prefix for object notation and
* automatically converts attribute value into expression if `jsx` is enabled.
* Same as in `markup.attributes` option, a `*` can be used.
'markup.valuePrefix'?: Record<string, string>;
* Enable/disable element commenting: generate comments before open and/or
* after close tag
'comment.enabled': boolean;
* Attributes that should trigger node commenting on specific node,
* if commenting is enabled
'comment.trigger': string[];
* Template string for comment to be placed *before* opening tag
'comment.before': string;
* Template string for comment to be placed *after* closing tag.
* Example: `\n<!-- /[#ID][.CLASS] -->`
'comment.after': string;
/** Enable/disable BEM addon */
'bem.enabled': boolean;
/** A string for separating elements in output class */
'bem.element': string;
/** A string for separating modifiers in output class */
'bem.modifier': string;
/** Enable/disable JSX addon */
'jsx.enabled': boolean;
/** List of globally available keywords for properties */
'stylesheet.keywords': string[];
* List of unitless properties, e.g. properties where numeric values without
* explicit unit will be outputted as is, without default value
'stylesheet.unitless': string[];
/** Use short hex notation where possible, e.g. `#000` instead of `#000000` */
'stylesheet.shortHex': boolean;
/** A string between property name and value */
'stylesheet.between': string;
/** A string after property value */
'stylesheet.after': string;
/** A unit suffix to output by default after integer values, 'px' by default */
'stylesheet.intUnit': string;
/** A unit suffix to output by default after float values, 'em' by default */
'stylesheet.floatUnit': string;
* Aliases for custom units in abbreviation. For example, `r: 'rem'` will
* output `10rem` for abbreviation `10r`
'stylesheet.unitAliases': SnippetsMap;
/** Output abbreviation as JSON object properties (for CSS-in-JS syntaxes) */
'stylesheet.json': boolean;
/** Use double quotes for JSON values */
'stylesheet.jsonDoubleQuotes': boolean;
* A float number between 0 and 1 to pick fuzzy-matched abbreviations.
* Lower value will pick more abbreviations (and less accurate)
'stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore': number;
* Default syntaxes for abbreviation types
export declare const defaultSyntaxes: {
[name in SyntaxType]: string;
* List of all known syntaxes
export declare const syntaxes: {
markup: string[];
stylesheet: string[];
export declare const defaultOptions: Options;
export declare const defaultConfig: Config;
* Default per-syntax config
export declare const syntaxConfig: GlobalConfig;
* Parses raw snippets definitions with possibly multiple keys into a plan
* snippet map
export declare function parseSnippets(snippets: SnippetsMap): SnippetsMap;
export default function resolveConfig(config?: UserConfig, globals?: GlobalConfig): Config;
export {};