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2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00
* @typedef {import('estree').Comment} Comment
* @typedef {import('estree').Directive} Directive
* @typedef {import('estree').ModuleDeclaration} ModuleDeclaration
* @typedef {import('estree').Node} EstreeNode
* @typedef {import('estree').Statement} Statement
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXAttribute} JsxAttribute
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXElement} JsxElement
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXIdentifier} JsxIdentifier
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXMemberExpression} JsxMemberExpression
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXNamespacedName} JsxNamespacedName
* @typedef {import('hast').Content} Content
* @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-mdx-expression').MdxFlowExpression} MdxFlowExpression
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-mdx-expression').MdxTextExpression} MdxTextExpression
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-mdx-jsx').MdxJsxAttribute} MdxJsxAttribute
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-mdx-jsx').MdxJsxAttributeValueExpression} MdxJsxAttributeValueExpression
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-mdx-jsx').MdxJsxExpressionAttribute} MdxJsxExpressionAttribute
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-mdx-jsx').MdxJsxFlowElement} MdxJsxFlowElement
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-mdx-jsx').MdxJsxTextElement} MdxJsxTextElement
* @typedef {import('property-information').Schema} Schema
* @typedef {import('unist').Parent} UnistParent
* @typedef {Content | MdxJsxAttributeValueExpression | MdxJsxAttribute | MdxJsxExpressionAttribute | MdxJsxFlowElement | MdxJsxTextElement | MdxFlowExpression | MdxTextExpression | Root} Node
* @typedef {Extract<Node, UnistParent>} Parent
* @typedef {JsxElement['openingElement']['name']} JsxElementName
* @typedef {JsxAttribute['name']} JsxAttributeName
* @typedef {JsxElement['children'][number]} JsxChild
* @typedef {'html' | 'svg'} Space
* Namespace.
* @callback Handle
* Turn a hast node into an estree node.
* @param {any} node
* Expected hast node.
* @param {State} state
* Info passed around about the current state.
* @returns {JsxChild | null | undefined | void}
* estree node.
* @typedef {'html' | 'react'} ElementAttributeNameCase
* Specify casing to use for attribute names.
* HTML casing is for example `class`, `stroke-linecap`, `xml:lang`.
* React casing is for example `className`, `strokeLinecap`, `xmlLang`.
* @typedef {'css' | 'dom'} StylePropertyNameCase
* Casing to use for property names in `style` objects.
* CSS casing is for example `background-color` and `-webkit-line-clamp`.
* DOM casing is for example `backgroundColor` and `WebkitLineClamp`.
* @typedef Options
* Configuration.
* @property {ElementAttributeNameCase | null | undefined} [elementAttributeNameCase='react']
* Specify casing to use for attribute names.
* This casing is used for hast elements, not for embedded MDX JSX nodes
* (components that someone authored manually).
* @property {Record<string, Handle | null | undefined> | null | undefined} [handlers={}]
* Custom handlers.
* @property {Space | null | undefined} [space='html']
* Which space the document is in.
* When an `<svg>` element is found in the HTML space, this package already
* automatically switches to and from the SVG space when entering and exiting
* it.
* @property {StylePropertyNameCase | null | undefined} [stylePropertyNameCase='dom']
* Specify casing to use for property names in `style` objects.
* This casing is used for hast elements, not for embedded MDX JSX nodes
* (components that someone authored manually).
* @typedef State
* Info passed around about the current state.
* @property {Schema} schema
* Current schema.
* @property {ElementAttributeNameCase} elementAttributeNameCase
* Casing to use for attribute names.
* @property {StylePropertyNameCase} stylePropertyNameCase
* Casing to use for property names in `style` objects.
* @property {Array<Comment>} comments
* List of estree comments.
* @property {Array<Directive | Statement | ModuleDeclaration>} esm
* List of top-level estree nodes.
* @property {(node: any) => JsxChild | null | undefined | void} handle
* Transform a hast node to estree.
* @property {(parent: Parent) => Array<JsxChild>} all
* Transform children of a hast parent to estree.
* @property {(from: Node, to: EstreeNode | Comment) => void} patch
* Take positional info from `from` (use `inherit` if you also want data).
* @property {(from: Node, to: EstreeNode | Comment) => void} inherit
* Take positional info and data from `from` (use `patch` if you dont want data).
* @property {(name: string) => JsxAttributeName} createJsxAttributeName
* Create a JSX attribute name.
* @property {(name: string) => JsxElementName} createJsxElementName
* Create a JSX element name.
import {html, svg} from 'property-information'
import {position} from 'unist-util-position'
import {zwitch} from 'zwitch'
import {handlers} from './handlers/index.js'
const own = {}.hasOwnProperty
// `react-dom` triggers a warning for *any* white space in tables.
// To follow GFM, `mdast-util-to-hast` injects line endings between elements.
// Other tools might do so too, but they dont do here, so we remove all of
// that.
// See: <https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/7081>.
// See: <https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/7515>.
// See: <https://github.com/remarkjs/remark-react/issues/64>.
// See: <https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-react/pull/29>.
// See: <https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-react/pull/32>.
// See: <https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-react/pull/45>.
// See: <https://github.com/mdx-js/mdx/issues/2000>
const tableElements = new Set(['table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'tr'])
* Create a state from options.
* @param {Options} options
* Configuration.
* @returns {State}
* Info passed around about the current state.
export function createState(options) {
/** @type {Handle} */
const one = zwitch('type', {
handlers: {...handlers, ...options.handlers}
return {
// Current space.
schema: options.space === 'svg' ? svg : html,
elementAttributeNameCase: options.elementAttributeNameCase || 'react',
stylePropertyNameCase: options.stylePropertyNameCase || 'dom',
// Results.
comments: [],
esm: [],
// Useful functions.
* @this {State}
* @param {any} node
* @returns {JsxChild | null | undefined | void}
function handle(node) {
return one(node, this)
* Crash on an invalid value.
* @param {unknown} value
* Non-node.
* @returns {never}
* Nothing (crashes).
function invalid(value) {
throw new Error('Cannot handle value `' + value + '`, expected node')
* Crash on an unknown node.
* @param {unknown} node
* Unknown node.
* @returns {never}
* Nothing (crashes).
function unknown(node) {
// @ts-expect-error: JS guarantees theres a `type`.
throw new Error('Cannot handle unknown node `' + node.type + '`')
* @this {State} state
* Info passed around about the current state.
* @param {Parent | MdxJsxFlowElement | MdxJsxTextElement} parent
* hast node whose children to transform.
* @returns {Array<JsxChild>}
* estree nodes.
function all(parent) {
const children = parent.children || []
let index = -1
/** @type {Array<JsxChild>} */
const results = []
const ignoreLineBreak =
this.schema.space === 'html' &&
parent.type === 'element' &&
while (++index < children.length) {
const child = children[index]
if (ignoreLineBreak && child.type === 'text' && child.value === '\n') {
const result = this.handle(child)
if (Array.isArray(result)) {
} else if (result) {
return results
* Take positional info and data from `hast`.
* Use `patch` if you dont want data.
* @param {Node | MdxJsxAttributeValueExpression | MdxJsxAttribute | MdxJsxExpressionAttribute | MdxJsxFlowElement | MdxJsxTextElement | MdxFlowExpression | MdxTextExpression} from
* hast node to take positional info and data from.
* @param {EstreeNode | Comment} to
* estree node to add positional info and data to.
* @returns {void}
* Nothing.
function inherit(from, to) {
/** @type {Record<string, unknown> | undefined} */
const left = from.data
/** @type {Record<string, unknown> | undefined} */
let right
/** @type {string} */
let key
patch(from, to)
if (left) {
for (key in left) {
if (own.call(left, key) && key !== 'estree') {
if (!right) right = {}
right[key] = left[key]
if (right) {
// @ts-expect-error `esast` extension.
to.data = right
* Take positional info from `from`.
* Use `inherit` if you also want data.
* @param {Node | MdxJsxAttributeValueExpression | MdxJsxAttribute | MdxJsxExpressionAttribute | MdxJsxFlowElement | MdxJsxTextElement | MdxFlowExpression | MdxTextExpression} from
* hast node to take positional info from.
* @param {EstreeNode | Comment} to
* estree node to add positional info to.
* @returns {void}
* Nothing.
function patch(from, to) {
const p = position(from)
if (
p.start.line &&
p.start.offset !== undefined &&
p.end.offset !== undefined
) {
// @ts-expect-error acorn-style.
to.start = p.start.offset
// @ts-expect-error acorn-style.
to.end = p.end.offset
to.loc = {
start: {line: p.start.line, column: p.start.column - 1},
end: {line: p.end.line, column: p.end.column - 1}
to.range = [p.start.offset, p.end.offset]
* Create a JSX attribute name.
* @param {string} name
* @returns {JsxAttributeName}
function createJsxAttributeName(name) {
const node = createJsxNameFromString(name)
// MDX never generates this.
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
if (node.type === 'JSXMemberExpression') {
throw new Error('Member expressions in attribute names are not supported')
return node
* Create a JSX element name.
* @param {string} name
* @returns {JsxElementName}
function createJsxElementName(name) {
return createJsxNameFromString(name)
* Create a JSX name from a string.
* @param {string} name
* Name.
* @returns {JsxMemberExpression | JsxNamespacedName | JsxIdentifier}
* Node.
function createJsxNameFromString(name) {
if (name.includes('.')) {
const names = name.split('.')
let part = names.shift()
/** @type {JsxMemberExpression} */
// @ts-expect-error: hush, the first is always defined.
let node = {type: 'JSXIdentifier', name: part}
while ((part = names.shift())) {
node = {
type: 'JSXMemberExpression',
object: node,
property: {type: 'JSXIdentifier', name: part}
return node
if (name.includes(':')) {
const parts = name.split(':')
return {
type: 'JSXNamespacedName',
namespace: {type: 'JSXIdentifier', name: parts[0]},
name: {type: 'JSXIdentifier', name: parts[1]}
return {type: 'JSXIdentifier', name}