681 lines
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681 lines
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import Scanner, { isNumber, isAlpha, isAlphaWord, isQuote, isSpace, isAlphaNumericWord, ScannerError } from '@emmetio/scanner';
var OperatorType;
(function (OperatorType) {
OperatorType["Sibling"] = "+";
OperatorType["Important"] = "!";
OperatorType["ArgumentDelimiter"] = ",";
OperatorType["ValueDelimiter"] = "-";
OperatorType["PropertyDelimiter"] = ":";
})(OperatorType || (OperatorType = {}));
var Chars;
(function (Chars) {
/** `#` character */
Chars[Chars["Hash"] = 35] = "Hash";
/** `$` character */
Chars[Chars["Dollar"] = 36] = "Dollar";
/** `-` character */
Chars[Chars["Dash"] = 45] = "Dash";
/** `.` character */
Chars[Chars["Dot"] = 46] = "Dot";
/** `:` character */
Chars[Chars["Colon"] = 58] = "Colon";
/** `,` character */
Chars[Chars["Comma"] = 44] = "Comma";
/** `!` character */
Chars[Chars["Excl"] = 33] = "Excl";
/** `@` character */
Chars[Chars["At"] = 64] = "At";
/** `%` character */
Chars[Chars["Percent"] = 37] = "Percent";
/** `_` character */
Chars[Chars["Underscore"] = 95] = "Underscore";
/** `(` character */
Chars[Chars["RoundBracketOpen"] = 40] = "RoundBracketOpen";
/** `)` character */
Chars[Chars["RoundBracketClose"] = 41] = "RoundBracketClose";
/** `{` character */
Chars[Chars["CurlyBracketOpen"] = 123] = "CurlyBracketOpen";
/** `}` character */
Chars[Chars["CurlyBracketClose"] = 125] = "CurlyBracketClose";
/** `+` character */
Chars[Chars["Sibling"] = 43] = "Sibling";
/** `'` character */
Chars[Chars["SingleQuote"] = 39] = "SingleQuote";
/** `"` character */
Chars[Chars["DoubleQuote"] = 34] = "DoubleQuote";
/** `t` character */
Chars[Chars["Transparent"] = 116] = "Transparent";
/** `/` character */
Chars[Chars["Slash"] = 47] = "Slash";
})(Chars || (Chars = {}));
function tokenize(abbr, isValue) {
let brackets = 0;
let token;
const scanner = new Scanner(abbr);
const tokens = [];
while (!scanner.eof()) {
token = getToken(scanner, brackets === 0 && !isValue);
if (!token) {
throw scanner.error('Unexpected character');
if (token.type === 'Bracket') {
if (!brackets && token.open) {
mergeTokens(scanner, tokens);
brackets += token.open ? 1 : -1;
if (brackets < 0) {
throw scanner.error('Unexpected bracket', token.start);
// Forcibly consume next operator after unit-less numeric value or color:
// next dash `-` must be used as value delimiter
if (shouldConsumeDashAfter(token) && (token = operator(scanner))) {
return tokens;
* Returns next token from given scanner, if possible
function getToken(scanner, short) {
return field(scanner)
|| customProperty(scanner)
|| numberValue(scanner)
|| colorValue(scanner)
|| stringValue(scanner)
|| bracket(scanner)
|| operator(scanner)
|| whiteSpace(scanner)
|| literal(scanner, short);
function field(scanner) {
const start = scanner.pos;
if (scanner.eat(Chars.Dollar) && scanner.eat(Chars.CurlyBracketOpen)) {
scanner.start = scanner.pos;
let index;
let name = '';
if (scanner.eatWhile(isNumber)) {
// It’s a field
index = Number(scanner.current());
name = scanner.eat(Chars.Colon) ? consumePlaceholder(scanner) : '';
else if (isAlpha(scanner.peek())) {
// It’s a variable
name = consumePlaceholder(scanner);
if (scanner.eat(Chars.CurlyBracketClose)) {
return {
type: 'Field',
index, name,
end: scanner.pos
throw scanner.error('Expecting }');
// If we reached here then there’s no valid field here, revert
// back to starting position
scanner.pos = start;
* Consumes a placeholder: value right after `:` in field. Could be empty
function consumePlaceholder(stream) {
const stack = [];
stream.start = stream.pos;
while (!stream.eof()) {
if (stream.eat(Chars.CurlyBracketOpen)) {
else if (stream.eat(Chars.CurlyBracketClose)) {
if (!stack.length) {
else {
if (stack.length) {
stream.pos = stack.pop();
throw stream.error(`Expecting }`);
return stream.current();
* Consumes literal from given scanner
* @param short Use short notation for consuming value.
* The difference between “short” and “full” notation is that first one uses
* alpha characters only and used for extracting keywords from abbreviation,
* while “full” notation also supports numbers and dashes
function literal(scanner, short) {
const start = scanner.pos;
if (scanner.eat(isIdentPrefix)) {
// SCSS or LESS variable
// NB a bit dirty hack: if abbreviation starts with identifier prefix,
// consume alpha characters only to allow embedded variables
scanner.eatWhile(start ? isKeyword : isLiteral$1);
else if (scanner.eat(isAlphaWord)) {
scanner.eatWhile(short ? isLiteral$1 : isKeyword);
else {
// Allow dots only at the beginning of literal
if (start !== scanner.pos) {
scanner.start = start;
return createLiteral(scanner, scanner.start = start);
function createLiteral(scanner, start = scanner.start, end = scanner.pos) {
return {
type: 'Literal',
value: scanner.substring(start, end),
* Consumes numeric CSS value (number with optional unit) from current stream,
* if possible
function numberValue(scanner) {
const start = scanner.pos;
if (consumeNumber(scanner)) {
scanner.start = start;
const rawValue = scanner.current();
// eat unit, which can be a % or alpha word
scanner.start = scanner.pos;
scanner.eat(Chars.Percent) || scanner.eatWhile(isAlphaWord);
return {
type: 'NumberValue',
value: Number(rawValue),
unit: scanner.current(),
end: scanner.pos
* Consumes quoted string value from given scanner
function stringValue(scanner) {
const ch = scanner.peek();
const start = scanner.pos;
let finished = false;
if (isQuote(ch)) {
while (!scanner.eof()) {
// Do not throw error on malformed string
if (scanner.eat(ch)) {
finished = true;
else {
scanner.start = start;
return {
type: 'StringValue',
value: scanner.substring(start + 1, scanner.pos - (finished ? 1 : 0)),
quote: ch === Chars.SingleQuote ? 'single' : 'double',
end: scanner.pos
* Consumes a color token from given string
function colorValue(scanner) {
// supported color variations:
// #abc → #aabbccc
// #0 → #000000
// #fff.5 → rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
// #t → transparent
const start = scanner.pos;
if (scanner.eat(Chars.Hash)) {
const valueStart = scanner.pos;
let color = '';
let alpha = '';
if (scanner.eatWhile(isHex)) {
color = scanner.substring(valueStart, scanner.pos);
alpha = colorAlpha(scanner);
else if (scanner.eat(Chars.Transparent)) {
color = '0';
alpha = colorAlpha(scanner) || '0';
else {
alpha = colorAlpha(scanner);
if (color || alpha || scanner.eof()) {
const { r, g, b, a } = parseColor(color, alpha);
return {
type: 'ColorValue',
r, g, b, a,
raw: scanner.substring(start + 1, scanner.pos),
end: scanner.pos
else {
// Consumed # but no actual value: invalid color value, treat it as literal
return createLiteral(scanner, start);
scanner.pos = start;
* Consumes alpha value of color: `.1`
function colorAlpha(scanner) {
const start = scanner.pos;
if (scanner.eat(Chars.Dot)) {
scanner.start = start;
if (scanner.eatWhile(isNumber)) {
return scanner.current();
return '1';
return '';
* Consumes white space characters as string literal from given scanner
function whiteSpace(scanner) {
const start = scanner.pos;
if (scanner.eatWhile(isSpace)) {
return {
type: 'WhiteSpace',
end: scanner.pos
* Consumes custom CSS property: --foo-bar
function customProperty(scanner) {
const start = scanner.pos;
if (scanner.eat(Chars.Dash) && scanner.eat(Chars.Dash)) {
scanner.start = start;
return {
type: 'CustomProperty',
value: scanner.current(),
end: scanner.pos
scanner.pos = start;
* Consumes bracket from given scanner
function bracket(scanner) {
const ch = scanner.peek();
if (isBracket$1(ch)) {
return {
type: 'Bracket',
open: ch === Chars.RoundBracketOpen,
start: scanner.pos++,
end: scanner.pos
* Consumes operator from given scanner
function operator(scanner) {
const op = operatorType(scanner.peek());
if (op) {
return {
type: 'Operator',
operator: op,
start: scanner.pos++,
end: scanner.pos
* Eats number value from given stream
* @return Returns `true` if number was consumed
function consumeNumber(stream) {
const start = stream.pos;
const afterNegative = stream.pos;
const hasDecimal = stream.eatWhile(isNumber);
const prevPos = stream.pos;
if (stream.eat(Chars.Dot)) {
// It’s perfectly valid to have numbers like `1.`, which enforces
// value to float unit type
const hasFloat = stream.eatWhile(isNumber);
if (!hasDecimal && !hasFloat) {
// Lone dot
stream.pos = prevPos;
// Edge case: consumed dash only: not a number, bail-out
if (stream.pos === afterNegative) {
stream.pos = start;
return stream.pos !== start;
function isIdentPrefix(code) {
return code === Chars.At || code === Chars.Dollar;
* If given character is an operator, returns it’s type
function operatorType(ch) {
return (ch === Chars.Sibling && OperatorType.Sibling)
|| (ch === Chars.Excl && OperatorType.Important)
|| (ch === Chars.Comma && OperatorType.ArgumentDelimiter)
|| (ch === Chars.Colon && OperatorType.PropertyDelimiter)
|| (ch === Chars.Dash && OperatorType.ValueDelimiter)
|| void 0;
* Check if given code is a hex value (/0-9a-f/)
function isHex(code) {
return isNumber(code) || isAlpha(code, 65, 70); // A-F
function isKeyword(code) {
return isAlphaNumericWord(code) || code === Chars.Dash;
function isBracket$1(code) {
return code === Chars.RoundBracketOpen || code === Chars.RoundBracketClose;
function isLiteral$1(code) {
return isAlphaWord(code) || code === Chars.Percent || code === Chars.Slash;
* Parses given color value from abbreviation into RGBA format
function parseColor(value, alpha) {
let r = '0';
let g = '0';
let b = '0';
let a = Number(alpha != null && alpha !== '' ? alpha : 1);
if (value === 't') {
a = 0;
else {
switch (value.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
r = g = b = value + value;
case 2:
r = g = b = value;
case 3:
r = value[0] + value[0];
g = value[1] + value[1];
b = value[2] + value[2];
value += value;
r = value.slice(0, 2);
g = value.slice(2, 4);
b = value.slice(4, 6);
return {
r: parseInt(r, 16),
g: parseInt(g, 16),
b: parseInt(b, 16),
* Check if scanner reader must consume dash after given token.
* Used in cases where user must explicitly separate numeric values
function shouldConsumeDashAfter(token) {
return token.type === 'ColorValue' || (token.type === 'NumberValue' && !token.unit);
* Merges last adjacent tokens into a single literal.
* This function is used to overcome edge case when function name was parsed
* as a list of separate tokens. For example, a `scale3d()` value will be
* parsed as literal and number tokens (`scale` and `3d`) which is a perfectly
* valid abbreviation but undesired result. This function will detect last adjacent
* literal and number values and combine them into single literal
function mergeTokens(scanner, tokens) {
let start = 0;
let end = 0;
while (tokens.length) {
const token = last(tokens);
if (token.type === 'Literal' || token.type === 'NumberValue') {
start = token.start;
if (!end) {
end = token.end;
else {
if (start !== end) {
tokens.push(createLiteral(scanner, start, end));
function last(arr) {
return arr[arr.length - 1];
function tokenScanner(tokens) {
return {
start: 0,
pos: 0,
size: tokens.length
function peek(scanner) {
return scanner.tokens[scanner.pos];
function readable(scanner) {
return scanner.pos < scanner.size;
function consume(scanner, test) {
if (test(peek(scanner))) {
return true;
return false;
function error(scanner, message, token = peek(scanner)) {
if (token && token.start != null) {
message += ` at ${token.start}`;
const err = new Error(message);
err['pos'] = token && token.start;
return err;
function parser(tokens, options = {}) {
const scanner = tokenScanner(tokens);
const result = [];
let property;
while (readable(scanner)) {
if (property = consumeProperty(scanner, options)) {
else if (!consume(scanner, isSiblingOperator)) {
throw error(scanner, 'Unexpected token');
return result;
* Consumes single CSS property
function consumeProperty(scanner, options) {
let name;
let important = false;
let valueFragment;
const value = [];
const token = peek(scanner);
const valueMode = !!options.value;
if (!valueMode && isLiteral(token) && !isFunctionStart(scanner)) {
name = token.value;
// Consume any following value delimiter after property name
consume(scanner, isValueDelimiter);
// Skip whitespace right after property name, if any
if (valueMode) {
consume(scanner, isWhiteSpace);
while (readable(scanner)) {
if (consume(scanner, isImportant)) {
important = true;
else if (valueFragment = consumeValue(scanner, valueMode)) {
else if (!consume(scanner, isFragmentDelimiter)) {
if (name || value.length || important) {
return { name, value, important };
* Consumes single value fragment, e.g. all value tokens before comma
function consumeValue(scanner, inArgument) {
const result = [];
let token;
let args;
while (readable(scanner)) {
token = peek(scanner);
if (isValue(token)) {
if (isLiteral(token) && (args = consumeArguments(scanner))) {
type: 'FunctionCall',
name: token.value,
arguments: args
else {
else if (isValueDelimiter(token) || (inArgument && isWhiteSpace(token))) {
else {
return result.length
? { type: 'CSSValue', value: result }
: void 0;
function consumeArguments(scanner) {
const start = scanner.pos;
if (consume(scanner, isOpenBracket)) {
const args = [];
let value;
while (readable(scanner) && !consume(scanner, isCloseBracket)) {
if (value = consumeValue(scanner, true)) {
else if (!consume(scanner, isWhiteSpace) && !consume(scanner, isArgumentDelimiter)) {
throw error(scanner, 'Unexpected token');
scanner.start = start;
return args;
function isLiteral(token) {
return token && token.type === 'Literal';
function isBracket(token, open) {
return token && token.type === 'Bracket' && (open == null || token.open === open);
function isOpenBracket(token) {
return isBracket(token, true);
function isCloseBracket(token) {
return isBracket(token, false);
function isWhiteSpace(token) {
return token && token.type === 'WhiteSpace';
function isOperator(token, operator) {
return token && token.type === 'Operator' && (!operator || token.operator === operator);
function isSiblingOperator(token) {
return isOperator(token, OperatorType.Sibling);
function isArgumentDelimiter(token) {
return isOperator(token, OperatorType.ArgumentDelimiter);
function isFragmentDelimiter(token) {
return isArgumentDelimiter(token);
function isImportant(token) {
return isOperator(token, OperatorType.Important);
function isValue(token) {
return token.type === 'StringValue'
|| token.type === 'ColorValue'
|| token.type === 'NumberValue'
|| token.type === 'Literal'
|| token.type === 'Field'
|| token.type === 'CustomProperty';
function isValueDelimiter(token) {
return isOperator(token, OperatorType.PropertyDelimiter)
|| isOperator(token, OperatorType.ValueDelimiter);
function isFunctionStart(scanner) {
const t1 = scanner.tokens[scanner.pos];
const t2 = scanner.tokens[scanner.pos + 1];
return t1 && t2 && isLiteral(t1) && t2.type === 'Bracket';
* Parses given abbreviation into property set
function parse(abbr, options) {
try {
const tokens = typeof abbr === 'string' ? tokenize(abbr, options && options.value) : abbr;
return parser(tokens, options);
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof ScannerError && typeof abbr === 'string') {
err.message += `\n${abbr}\n${'-'.repeat(err.pos)}^`;
throw err;
export { OperatorType, parse as default, getToken, parser, tokenize };
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map