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# estree-util-build-jsx
[estree][] utility to turn JSX into function calls: `<x />` -> `h('x')`!
## Contents
* [What is this?](#what-is-this)
* [When should I use this?](#when-should-i-use-this)
* [Install](#install)
* [Use](#use)
* [API](#api)
* [`buildJsx(tree, options?)`](#buildjsxtree-options)
* [`Options`](#options)
* [`Runtime`](#runtime)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Example: use with Acorn](#example-use-with-acorn)
* [Types](#types)
* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
* [Related](#related)
* [Security](#security)
* [Contribute](#contribute)
* [License](#license)
## What is this?
This package is a utility that takes an [estree][] (JavaScript) syntax tree as
input that contains embedded JSX nodes (elements, fragments) and turns them into
function calls.
## When should I use this?
If you already have a tree and only need to compile JSX away, use this.
If you have code, use something like [SWC][] or [esbuild][] instead.
## Install
This package is [ESM only][esm].
In Node.js (version 14.14+ and 16.0+), install with [npm][]:
npm install estree-util-build-jsx
In Deno with [`esm.sh`][esmsh]:
import {buildJsx} from 'https://esm.sh/estree-util-build-jsx@2'
In browsers with [`esm.sh`][esmsh]:
<script type="module">
import {buildJsx} from 'https://esm.sh/estree-util-build-jsx@2?bundle'
## Use
Say we have the following `example.jsx`:
import x from 'xastscript'
<album id={123}>
<name>Born in the U.S.A.</name>
<artist>Bruce Springsteen</artist>
<releasedate date="1984-04-06">April 6, 1984</releasedate>
{1 + 1}
<self-closing />
<x name key="value" key={expression} {...spread} />
…and next to it a module `example.js`:
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import {fromJs} from 'esast-util-from-js'
import {buildJsx} from 'estree-util-build-jsx'
import {toJs} from 'estree-util-to-js'
import jsx from 'acorn-jsx'
const doc = String(await fs.readFile('example.jsx'))
const tree = fromJs(doc, {module: true, plugins: [jsx()]})
buildJsx(tree, {pragma: 'x', pragmaFrag: 'null'})
…now running `node example.js` yields:
import x from "xastscript";
console.log(x("album", {
id: 123
}, x("name", null, "Born in the U.S.A."), x("artist", null, "Bruce Springsteen"), x("releasedate", {
date: "1984-04-06"
}, "April 6, 1984")));
console.log(x(null, null, 1 + 1, x("self-closing"), x("x", Object.assign({
name: true,
key: "value",
key: expression
}, spread))));
## API
This package exports the identifier [`buildJsx`][build-jsx].
There is no default export.
### `buildJsx(tree, options?)`
Turn JSX in `tree` into function calls: `<x />` -> `h('x')`!
###### Algorithm
In almost all cases, this utility is the same as the Babel plugin, except that
they work on slightly different syntax trees.
Some differences:
* no pure annotations things
* `this` is not a component: `<this>` -> `h('this')`, not `h(this)`
* namespaces are supported: `<a:b c:d>` -> `h('a:b', {'c:d': true})`,
which throws by default in Babel or can be turned on with `throwIfNamespace`
* no `useSpread`, `useBuiltIns`, or `filter` options
###### Parameters
* `tree` ([`Node`][node])
— tree to transform (typically [`Program`][program])
* `options` ([`Options`][options], optional)
— configuration
###### Returns
Given, modified, `tree` ([`Node`][node]).
### `Options`
Configuration (TypeScript type).
> 👉 **Note**: you can also configure `runtime`, `importSource`, `pragma`, and
> `pragmaFrag` from within files through comments.
##### Fields
###### `runtime`
Choose the [runtime][jsx-runtime] ([`Runtime`][runtime], default: `'classic'`).
Comment form: `@jsxRuntime theRuntime`.
###### `importSource`
Place to import `jsx`, `jsxs`, `jsxDEV`, and `Fragment` from, when the
effective runtime is automatic (`string`, default: `'react'`).
Comment form: `@jsxImportSource theSource`.
> 👉 **Note**: `/jsx-runtime` or `/jsx-dev-runtime` is appended to this provided
> source.
> In CJS, that can resolve to a file (as in `theSource/jsx-runtime.js`), but for
> ESM an export map needs to be set up to point to files:
> ```js
> // …
> "exports": {
> // …
> "./jsx-runtime": "./path/to/jsx-runtime.js",
> "./jsx-dev-runtime": "./path/to/jsx-runtime.js"
> // …
> ```
###### `pragma`
Identifier or member expression to call when the effective runtime is classic
(`string`, default: `'React.createElement'`).
Comment form: `@jsx identifier`.
###### `pragmaFrag`
Identifier or member expression to use as a symbol for fragments when the
effective runtime is classic (`string`, default: `'React.Fragment'`).
Comment form: `@jsxFrag identifier`.
###### `development`
When in the automatic runtime, whether to import `theSource/jsx-dev-runtime.js`,
use `jsxDEV`, and pass location info when available (`boolean`, default: `false`).
This helps debugging but adds a lot of code that you don’t want in production.
###### `filePath`
File path to the original source file (`string`, example: `'path/to/file.js'`).
Passed in location info to `jsxDEV` when using the automatic runtime with
`development: true`.
### `Runtime`
How to transform JSX (TypeScript type).
###### Type
type Runtime = 'automatic' | 'classic'
## Examples
### Example: use with Acorn
To support configuration from comments in Acorn, those comments have to be in
the program.
This is done by [`espree`][espree] but not automatically by [`acorn`][acorn]:
import {Parser} from 'acorn'
import jsx from 'acorn-jsx'
const doc = '' // To do: get `doc` somehow.
const comments = []
const tree = Parser.extend(jsx()).parse(doc, {onComment: comments})
tree.comments = comments
## Types
This package is fully typed with [TypeScript][].
It exports the additional type `Options` and `Runtime`.
## Compatibility
Projects maintained by the unified collective are compatible with all maintained
versions of Node.js.
As of now, that is Node.js 14.14+ and 16.0+.
Our projects sometimes work with older versions, but this is not guaranteed.
## Related
* [`syntax-tree/hast-util-to-estree`](https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-to-estree)
— turn [hast](https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast) (HTML) to [estree][]
* [`coderaiser/estree-to-babel`](https://github.com/coderaiser/estree-to-babel)
— turn [estree][] to Babel trees
## Security
This package is safe.
## Contribute
See [`contributing.md` in `syntax-tree/.github`][contributing] for ways to get
See [`support.md`][support] for ways to get help.
This project has a [code of conduct][coc].
By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to
abide by its terms.
## License
[MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author]
<!-- Definitions -->
[build-badge]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/estree-util-build-jsx/workflows/main/badge.svg
[build]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/estree-util-build-jsx/actions
[coverage-badge]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/syntax-tree/estree-util-build-jsx.svg
[coverage]: https://codecov.io/github/syntax-tree/estree-util-build-jsx
[downloads-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/estree-util-build-jsx.svg
[downloads]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/estree-util-build-jsx
[size-badge]: https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/minzip/estree-util-build-jsx.svg
[size]: https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=estree-util-build-jsx
[sponsors-badge]: https://opencollective.com/unified/sponsors/badge.svg
[backers-badge]: https://opencollective.com/unified/backers/badge.svg
[collective]: https://opencollective.com/unified
[chat-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-discussions-success.svg
[chat]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist/discussions
[esm]: https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c
[npm]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install
[esmsh]: https://esm.sh
[license]: license
[author]: https://wooorm.com
[typescript]: https://www.typescriptlang.org
[contributing]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github/blob/main/contributing.md
[support]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github/blob/main/support.md
[coc]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github/blob/main/code-of-conduct.md
[acorn]: https://github.com/acornjs/acorn
[estree]: https://github.com/estree/estree
[espree]: https://github.com/eslint/espree
[node]: https://github.com/estree/estree/blob/master/es5.md#node-objects
[program]: https://github.com/estree/estree/blob/master/es5.md#programs
[jsx-runtime]: https://reactjs.org/blog/2020/09/22/introducing-the-new-jsx-transform.html
[swc]: https://swc.rs
[esbuild]: https://esbuild.github.io
[build-jsx]: #buildjsxtree-options
[options]: #options
[runtime]: #runtime