269 lines
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269 lines
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![]() |
* @typedef {import('../types.js').State} State
* @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent
* @typedef {import('../types.js').Element} Element
* @typedef {import('../types.js').Properties} Properties
* @typedef {import('../types.js').PropertyValue} PropertyValue
import {ccount} from 'ccount'
import {stringify as commas} from 'comma-separated-tokens'
import {svg, find} from 'property-information'
import {stringify as spaces} from 'space-separated-tokens'
import {stringifyEntities} from 'stringify-entities'
import {opening} from '../omission/opening.js'
import {closing} from '../omission/closing.js'
* Maps of subsets.
* Each value is a matrix of tuples.
* The value at `0` causes parse errors, the value at `1` is valid.
* Of both, the value at `0` is unsafe, and the value at `1` is safe.
* @type {Record<'name' | 'unquoted' | 'single' | 'double', Array<[Array<string>, Array<string>]>>}
const constants = {
// See: <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#attribute-name-state>.
name: [
['\t\n\f\r &/=>'.split(''), '\t\n\f\r "&\'/=>`'.split('')],
['\0\t\n\f\r "&\'/<=>'.split(''), '\0\t\n\f\r "&\'/<=>`'.split('')]
// See: <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#attribute-value-(unquoted)-state>.
unquoted: [
['\t\n\f\r &>'.split(''), '\0\t\n\f\r "&\'<=>`'.split('')],
['\0\t\n\f\r "&\'<=>`'.split(''), '\0\t\n\f\r "&\'<=>`'.split('')]
// See: <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#attribute-value-(single-quoted)-state>.
single: [
["&'".split(''), '"&\'`'.split('')],
["\0&'".split(''), '\0"&\'`'.split('')]
// See: <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#attribute-value-(double-quoted)-state>.
double: [
['"&'.split(''), '"&\'`'.split('')],
['\0"&'.split(''), '\0"&\'`'.split('')]
* Serialize an element node.
* @param {Element} node
* Node to handle.
* @param {number | undefined} index
* Index of `node` in `parent.
* @param {Parent | undefined} parent
* Parent of `node`.
* @param {State} state
* Info passed around about the current state.
* @returns {string}
* Serialized node.
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
export function element(node, index, parent, state) {
const schema = state.schema
const omit = schema.space === 'svg' ? false : state.settings.omitOptionalTags
let selfClosing =
schema.space === 'svg'
? state.settings.closeEmptyElements
: state.settings.voids.includes(node.tagName.toLowerCase())
/** @type {Array<string>} */
const parts = []
/** @type {string} */
let last
if (schema.space === 'html' && node.tagName === 'svg') {
state.schema = svg
const attrs = serializeAttributes(state, node.properties)
const content = state.all(
schema.space === 'html' && node.tagName === 'template' ? node.content : node
state.schema = schema
// If the node is categorised as void, but it has children, remove the
// categorisation.
// This enables for example `menuitem`s, which are void in W3C HTML but not
// void in WHATWG HTML, to be stringified properly.
if (content) selfClosing = false
if (attrs || !omit || !opening(node, index, parent)) {
parts.push('<', node.tagName, attrs ? ' ' + attrs : '')
if (
selfClosing &&
(schema.space === 'svg' || state.settings.closeSelfClosing)
) {
last = attrs.charAt(attrs.length - 1)
if (
!state.settings.tightSelfClosing ||
last === '/' ||
(last && last !== '"' && last !== "'")
) {
parts.push(' ')
if (!selfClosing && (!omit || !closing(node, index, parent))) {
parts.push('</' + node.tagName + '>')
return parts.join('')
* @param {State} state
* @param {Properties | null | undefined} props
* @returns {string}
function serializeAttributes(state, props) {
/** @type {Array<string>} */
const values = []
let index = -1
/** @type {string} */
let key
if (props) {
for (key in props) {
if (props[key] !== undefined && props[key] !== null) {
const value = serializeAttribute(state, key, props[key])
if (value) values.push(value)
while (++index < values.length) {
const last = state.settings.tightAttributes
? values[index].charAt(values[index].length - 1)
: null
// In tight mode, don’t add a space after quoted attributes.
if (index !== values.length - 1 && last !== '"' && last !== "'") {
values[index] += ' '
return values.join('')
* @param {State} state
* @param {string} key
* @param {PropertyValue} value
* @returns {string}
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
function serializeAttribute(state, key, value) {
const info = find(state.schema, key)
const x =
state.settings.allowParseErrors && state.schema.space === 'html' ? 0 : 1
const y = state.settings.allowDangerousCharacters ? 0 : 1
let quote = state.quote
/** @type {string | undefined} */
let result
if (info.overloadedBoolean && (value === info.attribute || value === '')) {
value = true
} else if (
info.boolean ||
(info.overloadedBoolean && typeof value !== 'string')
) {
value = Boolean(value)
if (
value === undefined ||
value === null ||
value === false ||
(typeof value === 'number' && Number.isNaN(value))
) {
return ''
const name = stringifyEntities(
Object.assign({}, state.settings.characterReferences, {
// Always encode without parse errors in non-HTML.
subset: constants.name[x][y]
// No value.
// There is currently only one boolean property in SVG: `[download]` on
// `<a>`.
// This property does not seem to work in browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome),
// so I can’t test if dropping the value works.
// But I assume that it should:
// ```html
// <!doctype html>
// <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100">
// <a href=https://example.com download>
// <circle cx=50 cy=40 r=35 />
// </a>
// </svg>
// ```
// See: <https://github.com/wooorm/property-information/blob/main/lib/svg.js>
if (value === true) return name
// `spaces` doesn’t accept a second argument, but it’s given here just to
// keep the code cleaner.
value = Array.isArray(value)
? (info.commaSeparated ? commas : spaces)(value, {
padLeft: !state.settings.tightCommaSeparatedLists
: String(value)
if (state.settings.collapseEmptyAttributes && !value) return name
// Check unquoted value.
if (state.settings.preferUnquoted) {
result = stringifyEntities(
Object.assign({}, state.settings.characterReferences, {
subset: constants.unquoted[x][y],
attribute: true
// If we don’t want unquoted, or if `value` contains character references when
// unquoted…
if (result !== value) {
// If the alternative is less common than `quote`, switch.
if (
state.settings.quoteSmart &&
ccount(value, quote) > ccount(value, state.alternative)
) {
quote = state.alternative
result =
quote +
Object.assign({}, state.settings.characterReferences, {
// Always encode without parse errors in non-HTML.
subset: (quote === "'" ? constants.single : constants.double)[x][y],
attribute: true
) +
// Don’t add a `=` for unquoted empties.
return name + (result ? '=' + result : result)