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2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00
* Create `state` from an mdast tree.
* @param {MdastNodes} tree
* mdast node to transform.
* @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]
* Configuration.
* @returns {State}
* `state` function.
export function createState(
tree: MdastNodes,
options?: Options | null | undefined
): State
* Transform an mdast node into a hast node.
* @param {State} state
* Info passed around.
* @param {MdastNodes} node
* mdast node.
* @param {MdastParents | null | undefined} [parent]
* Parent of `node`.
* @returns {HastElementContent | Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined}
* Resulting hast node.
export function one(
state: State,
node: MdastNodes,
parent?: MdastParents | null | undefined
): HastElementContent | Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined
* Transform the children of an mdast node into hast nodes.
* @param {State} state
* Info passed around.
* @param {MdastNodes} parent
* mdast node to compile
* @returns {Array<HastElementContent>}
* Resulting hast nodes.
export function all(state: State, parent: MdastNodes): Array<HastElementContent>
* Wrap `nodes` with line endings between each node.
* @template {HastContent} Type
* Node type.
* @param {Array<Type>} nodes
* List of nodes to wrap.
* @param {boolean | null | undefined} [loose=false]
* Whether to add line endings at start and end.
* @returns {Array<Type | HastText>}
* Wrapped nodes.
export function wrap<Type extends import('hast').Content>(
nodes: Type[],
loose?: boolean | null | undefined
): (import('hast').Text | Type)[]
export type HastContent = import('hast').Content
export type HastElement = import('hast').Element
export type HastElementContent = import('hast').ElementContent
export type HastProperties = import('hast').Properties
export type HastRoot = import('hast').Root
export type HastText = import('hast').Text
export type MdastContent = import('mdast').Content
export type MdastDefinition = import('mdast').Definition
export type MdastFootnoteDefinition = import('mdast').FootnoteDefinition
export type MdastParent = import('mdast').Parent
export type MdastRoot = import('mdast').Root
export type HastNodes = HastRoot | HastContent
export type MdastNodes = MdastRoot | MdastContent
export type MdastParents = Extract<MdastNodes, MdastParent>
* hast fields.
export type EmbeddedHastFields = {
* Generate a specific element with this tag name instead.
hName?: string | null | undefined
* Generate an element with these properties instead.
hProperties?: HastProperties | null | undefined
* Generate an element with this content instead.
hChildren?: Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined
* mdast data with embedded hast fields.
export type MdastData = Record<string, unknown> & EmbeddedHastFields
* mdast node with embedded hast data.
export type MdastNodeWithData = MdastNodes & {
data?: MdastData | null | undefined
* Point-like value.
export type PointLike = {
* Line.
line?: number | null | undefined
* Column.
column?: number | null | undefined
* Offset.
offset?: number | null | undefined
* Position-like value.
export type PositionLike = {
* Point-like value.
start?: PointLike | null | undefined
* Point-like value.
end?: PointLike | null | undefined
* Handle a node.
export type Handler = (
state: State,
node: any,
parent: MdastParents | null | undefined
) => HastElementContent | Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined
* Signature of `state` for when props are passed.
export type HFunctionProps = (
node: MdastNodes | PositionLike | null | undefined,
tagName: string,
props: HastProperties,
children?: Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined
) => HastElement
* Signature of `state` for when no props are passed.
export type HFunctionNoProps = (
node: MdastNodes | PositionLike | null | undefined,
tagName: string,
children?: Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined
) => HastElement
* Info on `state`.
export type HFields = {
* Whether HTML is allowed.
dangerous: boolean
* Prefix to use to prevent DOM clobbering.
clobberPrefix: string
* Label to use to introduce the footnote section.
footnoteLabel: string
* HTML used for the footnote label.
footnoteLabelTagName: string
* Properties on the HTML tag used for the footnote label.
footnoteLabelProperties: HastProperties
* Label to use from backreferences back to their footnote call.
footnoteBackLabel: string
* Definition cache.
definition: (identifier: string) => MdastDefinition | null
* Footnote definitions by their identifier.
footnoteById: Record<string, MdastFootnoteDefinition>
* Identifiers of order when footnote calls first appear in tree order.
footnoteOrder: Array<string>
* Counts for how often the same footnote was called.
footnoteCounts: Record<string, number>
* Applied handlers.
handlers: Handlers
* Handler for any none not in `passThrough` or otherwise handled.
unknownHandler: Handler
* Copy a nodes positional info.
patch: (from: MdastNodes, node: HastNodes) => void
* Honor the `data` of `from`, and generate an element instead of `node`.
applyData: <Type extends HastNodes>(
from: MdastNodes,
to: Type
) => import('hast').Element | Type
* Transform an mdast node to hast.
one: (
node: MdastNodes,
parent: MdastParents | null | undefined
) => HastElementContent | Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined
* Transform the children of an mdast parent to hast.
all: (node: MdastNodes) => Array<HastElementContent>
* Wrap `nodes` with line endings between each node, adds initial/final line endings when `loose`.
wrap: <Type_1 extends import('hast').Content>(
nodes: Type_1[],
loose?: boolean | null | undefined
) => (Type_1 | import('hast').Text)[]
* Like `state` but lower-level and usable on non-elements.
* Deprecated: use `patch` and `applyData`.
augment: (
left: MdastNodeWithData | PositionLike | null | undefined,
right: HastElementContent
) => HastElementContent
* List of node types to pass through untouched (except for their children).
passThrough: Array<string>
* Configuration (optional).
export type Options = {
* Whether to persist raw HTML in markdown in the hast tree.
allowDangerousHtml?: boolean | null | undefined
* Prefix to use before the `id` attribute on footnotes to prevent it from
* *clobbering*.
clobberPrefix?: string | null | undefined
* Label to use from backreferences back to their footnote call (affects
* screen readers).
footnoteBackLabel?: string | null | undefined
* Label to use for the footnotes section (affects screen readers).
footnoteLabel?: string | null | undefined
* Properties to use on the footnote label (note that `id: 'footnote-label'`
* is always added as footnote calls use it with `aria-describedby` to
* provide an accessible label).
footnoteLabelProperties?: HastProperties | null | undefined
* Tag name to use for the footnote label.
footnoteLabelTagName?: string | null | undefined
* Extra handlers for nodes.
handlers?: Handlers | null | undefined
* List of custom mdast node types to pass through (keep) in hast (note that
* the node itself is passed, but eventual children are transformed).
passThrough?: Array<string> | null | undefined
* Handler for all unknown nodes.
unknownHandler?: Handler | null | undefined
* Handle nodes.
export type Handlers = Record<string, Handler>
* Info passed around.
export type State = HFunctionProps & HFunctionNoProps & HFields