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2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00
// a query
* @name LDAP query built from user-controlled sources
* @description Building an LDAP query from user-controlled sources is vulnerable to insertion of
* malicious LDAP code by the user.
* @kind path-problem
* @problem.severity error
* @id py/ldap-injection
* @tags experimental
* security
* external/cwe/cwe-090
import python
import experimental.semmle.python.security.injection.LDAP
import DataFlow::PathGraph
from LDAPInjectionFlowConfig config, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink
where config.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "$@ LDAP query parameter comes from $@.", sink.getNode(),
"This", source.getNode(), "a user-provided value"
// a concept
module LDAPEscape {
abstract class Range extends DataFlow::Node {
abstract DataFlow::Node getAnInput();
class LDAPEscape extends DataFlow::Node {
LDAPEscape::Range range;
LDAPEscape() { this = range }
DataFlow::Node getAnInput() { result = range.getAnInput() }
// a library modeling
private module LDAP2 {
private class LDAP2QueryMethods extends string {
LDAP2QueryMethods() {
this in ["search", "search_s", "search_st", "search_ext", "search_ext_s"]
private class LDAP2Query extends DataFlow::CallCfgNode, LDAPQuery::Range {
DataFlow::Node ldapQuery;
LDAP2Query() {
exists(DataFlow::AttrRead searchMethod |
this.getFunction() = searchMethod and
API::moduleImport("ldap").getMember("initialize").getACall() =
searchMethod.getObject().getALocalSource() and
searchMethod.getAttributeName() instanceof LDAP2QueryMethods and
ldapQuery = this.getArg(0)
ldapQuery = this.getArg(2) or
ldapQuery = this.getArgByName("filterstr")
override DataFlow::Node getQuery() { result = ldapQuery }
private class LDAP2EscapeDNCall extends DataFlow::CallCfgNode, LDAPEscape::Range {
LDAP2EscapeDNCall() {
this = API::moduleImport("ldap").getMember("dn").getMember("escape_dn_chars").getACall()
override DataFlow::Node getAnInput() { result = this.getArg(0) }
private class LDAP2EscapeFilterCall extends DataFlow::CallCfgNode, LDAPEscape::Range {
LDAP2EscapeFilterCall() {
this =
override DataFlow::Node getAnInput() { result = this.getArg(0) }
// a taint flow config
class LDAPInjectionFlowConfig extends TaintTracking::Configuration {
LDAPInjectionFlowConfig() { this = "LDAPInjectionFlowConfig" }
override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { source instanceof RemoteFlowSource }
override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { sink = any(LDAPQuery ldapQuery).getQuery() }
override predicate isSanitizer(DataFlow::Node sanitizer) {
sanitizer = any(LDAPEscape ldapEsc).getAnInput()
// From https://github.com/github/codeql/pull/5443/files