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2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00
* @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
* @typedef {import('unist').Parent} Parent
* @typedef {Record<string, unknown>} Props
* @typedef {null | undefined | string | Props | TestFunctionAnything | Array<string | Props | TestFunctionAnything>} Test
* Check for an arbitrary node, unaware of TypeScript inferral.
* @callback TestFunctionAnything
* Check if a node passes a test, unaware of TypeScript inferral.
* @param {unknown} this
* The given context.
* @param {Node} node
* A node.
* @param {number | null | undefined} [index]
* The nodes position in its parent.
* @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]
* The nodes parent.
* @returns {boolean | void}
* Whether this node passes the test.
* @template {Node} Kind
* Node type.
* @typedef {Kind['type'] | Partial<Kind> | TestFunctionPredicate<Kind> | Array<Kind['type'] | Partial<Kind> | TestFunctionPredicate<Kind>>} PredicateTest
* Check for a node that can be inferred by TypeScript.
* Check if a node passes a certain test.
* @template {Node} Kind
* Node type.
* @callback TestFunctionPredicate
* Complex test function for a node that can be inferred by TypeScript.
* @param {Node} node
* A node.
* @param {number | null | undefined} [index]
* The nodes position in its parent.
* @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]
* The nodes parent.
* @returns {node is Kind}
* Whether this node passes the test.
* @callback AssertAnything
* Check that an arbitrary value is a node, unaware of TypeScript inferral.
* @param {unknown} [node]
* Anything (typically a node).
* @param {number | null | undefined} [index]
* The nodes position in its parent.
* @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]
* The nodes parent.
* @returns {boolean}
* Whether this is a node and passes a test.
* Check if a node is a node and passes a certain node test.
* @template {Node} Kind
* Node type.
* @callback AssertPredicate
* Check that an arbitrary value is a specific node, aware of TypeScript.
* @param {unknown} [node]
* Anything (typically a node).
* @param {number | null | undefined} [index]
* The nodes position in its parent.
* @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]
* The nodes parent.
* @returns {node is Kind}
* Whether this is a node and passes a test.
* Check if `node` is a `Node` and whether it passes the given test.
* @param node
* Thing to check, typically `Node`.
* @param test
* A check for a specific node.
* @param index
* The nodes position in its parent.
* @param parent
* The nodes parent.
* @returns
* Whether `node` is a node and passes a test.
export const is =
* @type {(
* (() => false) &
* (<Kind extends Node = Node>(node: unknown, test: PredicateTest<Kind>, index: number, parent: Parent, context?: unknown) => node is Kind) &
* (<Kind extends Node = Node>(node: unknown, test: PredicateTest<Kind>, index?: null | undefined, parent?: null | undefined, context?: unknown) => node is Kind) &
* ((node: unknown, test: Test, index: number, parent: Parent, context?: unknown) => boolean) &
* ((node: unknown, test?: Test, index?: null | undefined, parent?: null | undefined, context?: unknown) => boolean)
* )}
* @param {unknown} [node]
* @param {Test} [test]
* @param {number | null | undefined} [index]
* @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]
* @param {unknown} [context]
* @returns {boolean}
// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
function is(node, test, index, parent, context) {
const check = convert(test)
if (
index !== undefined &&
index !== null &&
(typeof index !== 'number' ||
index < 0 ||
index === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
) {
throw new Error('Expected positive finite index')
if (
parent !== undefined &&
parent !== null &&
(!is(parent) || !parent.children)
) {
throw new Error('Expected parent node')
if (
(parent === undefined || parent === null) !==
(index === undefined || index === null)
) {
throw new Error('Expected both parent and index')
// @ts-expect-error Looks like a node.
return node && node.type && typeof node.type === 'string'
? Boolean(check.call(context, node, index, parent))
: false
* Generate an assertion from a test.
* Useful if youre going to test many nodes, for example when creating a
* utility where something else passes a compatible test.
* The created function is a bit faster because it expects valid input only:
* a `node`, `index`, and `parent`.
* @param test
* * when nullish, checks if `node` is a `Node`.
* * when `string`, works like passing `(node) => node.type === test`.
* * when `function` checks if function passed the node is true.
* * when `object`, checks that all keys in test are in node, and that they have (strictly) equal values.
* * when `array`, checks if any one of the subtests pass.
* @returns
* An assertion.
export const convert =
* @type {(
* (<Kind extends Node>(test: PredicateTest<Kind>) => AssertPredicate<Kind>) &
* ((test?: Test) => AssertAnything)
* )}
* @param {Test} [test]
* @returns {AssertAnything}
function (test) {
if (test === undefined || test === null) {
return ok
if (typeof test === 'string') {
return typeFactory(test)
if (typeof test === 'object') {
return Array.isArray(test) ? anyFactory(test) : propsFactory(test)
if (typeof test === 'function') {
return castFactory(test)
throw new Error('Expected function, string, or object as test')
* @param {Array<string | Props | TestFunctionAnything>} tests
* @returns {AssertAnything}
function anyFactory(tests) {
/** @type {Array<AssertAnything>} */
const checks = []
let index = -1
while (++index < tests.length) {
checks[index] = convert(tests[index])
return castFactory(any)
* @this {unknown}
* @param {Array<unknown>} parameters
* @returns {boolean}
function any(...parameters) {
let index = -1
while (++index < checks.length) {
if (checks[index].call(this, ...parameters)) return true
return false
* Turn an object into a test for a node with a certain fields.
* @param {Props} check
* @returns {AssertAnything}
function propsFactory(check) {
return castFactory(all)
* @param {Node} node
* @returns {boolean}
function all(node) {
/** @type {string} */
let key
for (key in check) {
// @ts-expect-error: hush, it sure works as an index.
if (node[key] !== check[key]) return false
return true
* Turn a string into a test for a node with a certain type.
* @param {string} check
* @returns {AssertAnything}
function typeFactory(check) {
return castFactory(type)
* @param {Node} node
function type(node) {
return node && node.type === check
* Turn a custom test into a test for a node that passes that test.
* @param {TestFunctionAnything} check
* @returns {AssertAnything}
function castFactory(check) {
return assertion
* @this {unknown}
* @param {unknown} node
* @param {Array<unknown>} parameters
* @returns {boolean}
function assertion(node, ...parameters) {
return Boolean(
node &&
typeof node === 'object' &&
'type' in node &&
// @ts-expect-error: fine.
Boolean(check.call(this, node, ...parameters))
function ok() {
return true