404 lines
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404 lines
17 KiB
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as l10n from '@vscode/l10n';
import { TokenType, ScannerState } from '../htmlLanguageTypes';
class MultiLineStream {
constructor(source, position) {
this.source = source;
this.len = source.length;
this.position = position;
eos() {
return this.len <= this.position;
getSource() {
return this.source;
pos() {
return this.position;
goBackTo(pos) {
this.position = pos;
goBack(n) {
this.position -= n;
advance(n) {
this.position += n;
goToEnd() {
this.position = this.source.length;
nextChar() {
return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position++) || 0;
peekChar(n = 0) {
return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + n) || 0;
advanceIfChar(ch) {
if (ch === this.source.charCodeAt(this.position)) {
return true;
return false;
advanceIfChars(ch) {
let i;
if (this.position + ch.length > this.source.length) {
return false;
for (i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) {
if (this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + i) !== ch[i]) {
return false;
return true;
advanceIfRegExp(regex) {
const str = this.source.substr(this.position);
const match = str.match(regex);
if (match) {
this.position = this.position + match.index + match[0].length;
return match[0];
return '';
advanceUntilRegExp(regex) {
const str = this.source.substr(this.position);
const match = str.match(regex);
if (match) {
this.position = this.position + match.index;
return match[0];
else {
return '';
advanceUntilChar(ch) {
while (this.position < this.source.length) {
if (this.source.charCodeAt(this.position) === ch) {
return true;
return false;
advanceUntilChars(ch) {
while (this.position + ch.length <= this.source.length) {
let i = 0;
for (; i < ch.length && this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + i) === ch[i]; i++) {
if (i === ch.length) {
return true;
return false;
skipWhitespace() {
const n = this.advanceWhileChar(ch => {
return ch === _WSP || ch === _TAB || ch === _NWL || ch === _LFD || ch === _CAR;
return n > 0;
advanceWhileChar(condition) {
const posNow = this.position;
while (this.position < this.len && condition(this.source.charCodeAt(this.position))) {
return this.position - posNow;
const _BNG = '!'.charCodeAt(0);
const _MIN = '-'.charCodeAt(0);
const _LAN = '<'.charCodeAt(0);
const _RAN = '>'.charCodeAt(0);
const _FSL = '/'.charCodeAt(0);
const _EQS = '='.charCodeAt(0);
const _DQO = '"'.charCodeAt(0);
const _SQO = '\''.charCodeAt(0);
const _NWL = '\n'.charCodeAt(0);
const _CAR = '\r'.charCodeAt(0);
const _LFD = '\f'.charCodeAt(0);
const _WSP = ' '.charCodeAt(0);
const _TAB = '\t'.charCodeAt(0);
const htmlScriptContents = {
'text/x-handlebars-template': true,
// Fix for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/77977
'text/html': true,
export function createScanner(input, initialOffset = 0, initialState = ScannerState.WithinContent, emitPseudoCloseTags = false) {
const stream = new MultiLineStream(input, initialOffset);
let state = initialState;
let tokenOffset = 0;
let tokenType = TokenType.Unknown;
let tokenError;
let hasSpaceAfterTag;
let lastTag;
let lastAttributeName;
let lastTypeValue;
function nextElementName() {
return stream.advanceIfRegExp(/^[_:\w][_:\w-.\d]*/).toLowerCase();
function nextAttributeName() {
return stream.advanceIfRegExp(/^[^\s"'></=\x00-\x0F\x7F\x80-\x9F]*/).toLowerCase();
function finishToken(offset, type, errorMessage) {
tokenType = type;
tokenOffset = offset;
tokenError = errorMessage;
return type;
function scan() {
const offset = stream.pos();
const oldState = state;
const token = internalScan();
if (token !== TokenType.EOS && offset === stream.pos() && !(emitPseudoCloseTags && (token === TokenType.StartTagClose || token === TokenType.EndTagClose))) {
console.warn('Scanner.scan has not advanced at offset ' + offset + ', state before: ' + oldState + ' after: ' + state);
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Unknown);
return token;
function internalScan() {
const offset = stream.pos();
if (stream.eos()) {
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.EOS);
let errorMessage;
switch (state) {
case ScannerState.WithinComment:
if (stream.advanceIfChars([_MIN, _MIN, _RAN])) { // -->
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.EndCommentTag);
stream.advanceUntilChars([_MIN, _MIN, _RAN]); // -->
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Comment);
case ScannerState.WithinDoctype:
if (stream.advanceIfChar(_RAN)) {
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.EndDoctypeTag);
stream.advanceUntilChar(_RAN); // >
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Doctype);
case ScannerState.WithinContent:
if (stream.advanceIfChar(_LAN)) { // <
if (!stream.eos() && stream.peekChar() === _BNG) { // !
if (stream.advanceIfChars([_BNG, _MIN, _MIN])) { // <!--
state = ScannerState.WithinComment;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.StartCommentTag);
if (stream.advanceIfRegExp(/^!doctype/i)) {
state = ScannerState.WithinDoctype;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.StartDoctypeTag);
if (stream.advanceIfChar(_FSL)) { // /
state = ScannerState.AfterOpeningEndTag;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.EndTagOpen);
state = ScannerState.AfterOpeningStartTag;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.StartTagOpen);
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Content);
case ScannerState.AfterOpeningEndTag:
const tagName = nextElementName();
if (tagName.length > 0) {
state = ScannerState.WithinEndTag;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.EndTag);
if (stream.skipWhitespace()) { // white space is not valid here
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Whitespace, l10n.t('Tag name must directly follow the open bracket.'));
state = ScannerState.WithinEndTag;
if (offset < stream.pos()) {
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Unknown, l10n.t('End tag name expected.'));
return internalScan();
case ScannerState.WithinEndTag:
if (stream.skipWhitespace()) { // white space is valid here
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Whitespace);
if (stream.advanceIfChar(_RAN)) { // >
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.EndTagClose);
if (emitPseudoCloseTags && stream.peekChar() === _LAN) { // <
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.EndTagClose, l10n.t('Closing bracket missing.'));
errorMessage = l10n.t('Closing bracket expected.');
case ScannerState.AfterOpeningStartTag:
lastTag = nextElementName();
lastTypeValue = void 0;
lastAttributeName = void 0;
if (lastTag.length > 0) {
hasSpaceAfterTag = false;
state = ScannerState.WithinTag;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.StartTag);
if (stream.skipWhitespace()) { // white space is not valid here
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Whitespace, l10n.t('Tag name must directly follow the open bracket.'));
state = ScannerState.WithinTag;
if (offset < stream.pos()) {
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Unknown, l10n.t('Start tag name expected.'));
return internalScan();
case ScannerState.WithinTag:
if (stream.skipWhitespace()) {
hasSpaceAfterTag = true; // remember that we have seen a whitespace
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Whitespace);
if (hasSpaceAfterTag) {
lastAttributeName = nextAttributeName();
if (lastAttributeName.length > 0) {
state = ScannerState.AfterAttributeName;
hasSpaceAfterTag = false;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.AttributeName);
if (stream.advanceIfChars([_FSL, _RAN])) { // />
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.StartTagSelfClose);
if (stream.advanceIfChar(_RAN)) { // >
if (lastTag === 'script') {
if (lastTypeValue && htmlScriptContents[lastTypeValue]) {
// stay in html
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
else {
state = ScannerState.WithinScriptContent;
else if (lastTag === 'style') {
state = ScannerState.WithinStyleContent;
else {
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.StartTagClose);
if (emitPseudoCloseTags && stream.peekChar() === _LAN) { // <
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.StartTagClose, l10n.t('Closing bracket missing.'));
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Unknown, l10n.t('Unexpected character in tag.'));
case ScannerState.AfterAttributeName:
if (stream.skipWhitespace()) {
hasSpaceAfterTag = true;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Whitespace);
if (stream.advanceIfChar(_EQS)) {
state = ScannerState.BeforeAttributeValue;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.DelimiterAssign);
state = ScannerState.WithinTag;
return internalScan(); // no advance yet - jump to WithinTag
case ScannerState.BeforeAttributeValue:
if (stream.skipWhitespace()) {
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Whitespace);
let attributeValue = stream.advanceIfRegExp(/^[^\s"'`=<>]+/);
if (attributeValue.length > 0) {
if (stream.peekChar() === _RAN && stream.peekChar(-1) === _FSL) { // <foo bar=http://foo/>
attributeValue = attributeValue.substring(0, attributeValue.length - 1);
if (lastAttributeName === 'type') {
lastTypeValue = attributeValue;
if (attributeValue.length > 0) {
state = ScannerState.WithinTag;
hasSpaceAfterTag = false;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.AttributeValue);
const ch = stream.peekChar();
if (ch === _SQO || ch === _DQO) {
stream.advance(1); // consume quote
if (stream.advanceUntilChar(ch)) {
stream.advance(1); // consume quote
if (lastAttributeName === 'type') {
lastTypeValue = stream.getSource().substring(offset + 1, stream.pos() - 1);
state = ScannerState.WithinTag;
hasSpaceAfterTag = false;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.AttributeValue);
state = ScannerState.WithinTag;
hasSpaceAfterTag = false;
return internalScan(); // no advance yet - jump to WithinTag
case ScannerState.WithinScriptContent:
// see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14574471/how-do-browsers-parse-a-script-tag-exactly
let sciptState = 1;
while (!stream.eos()) {
const match = stream.advanceIfRegExp(/<!--|-->|<\/?script\s*\/?>?/i);
if (match.length === 0) {
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Script);
else if (match === '<!--') {
if (sciptState === 1) {
sciptState = 2;
else if (match === '-->') {
sciptState = 1;
else if (match[1] !== '/') { // <script
if (sciptState === 2) {
sciptState = 3;
else { // </script
if (sciptState === 3) {
sciptState = 2;
else {
stream.goBack(match.length); // to the beginning of the closing tag
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
if (offset < stream.pos()) {
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Script);
return internalScan(); // no advance yet - jump to content
case ScannerState.WithinStyleContent:
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
if (offset < stream.pos()) {
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Styles);
return internalScan(); // no advance yet - jump to content
state = ScannerState.WithinContent;
return finishToken(offset, TokenType.Unknown, errorMessage);
return {
getTokenType: () => tokenType,
getTokenOffset: () => tokenOffset,
getTokenLength: () => stream.pos() - tokenOffset,
getTokenEnd: () => stream.pos(),
getTokenText: () => stream.getSource().substring(tokenOffset, stream.pos()),
getScannerState: () => state,
getTokenError: () => tokenError