# v.3 of my personal website ![Alt Text](https://media4.giphy.com/media/vvbGMpbhZMcHSsD50w/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47qcz9h0plmj7zmn71kelzs4h6nj47bb1qmu0r1uvm&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) ## Info ### What I've learned from the project so far - Basic usage of html and css - Some understanding of Github Actions + Pages - How to use some of the most popular open-source static site generators - How to create websites that are faster, more secure, and easier to maintain - How to use templates to generate static websites ### Updates - v.1 - basic html/css - v.2 - same site as this repo, just bad github repo - v.3 - couldn't fix repo, still learning Git, site works - I'm happy lol ### Future plans: - [ ] Add logs (tvtime, reading, etc) - [ ] Add v.1 of website into its own branch just for storage ## Quick guide ### New blog-post: 1. `hugo new blog-posts/{Name-Of-Post}.md` 2. Edit basic settings 3. Write markdown 4. `hugo server` 5. Commit and push -> Success ## Misc ### Useful links - Hugo functions - https://gohugo.io/functions/ ### Powered by: 1. Hugo - https://gohugo.io/ 2. PaperMod - https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod