"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.CSSDocument = void 0; const documents_1 = require("../../core/documents"); const language_service_1 = require("./language-service"); class CSSDocument extends documents_1.ReadableDocument { constructor(parent, styleInfo) { super(); this.parent = parent; this.styleInfo = styleInfo; this.version = this.parent.version; this.languageId = this.language; this.stylesheet = (0, language_service_1.getLanguageService)(this.language).parseStylesheet(this); } /** * Get the fragment position relative to the parent * @param pos Position in fragment */ getOriginalPosition(pos) { const parentOffset = this.styleInfo.start + this.offsetAt(pos); return this.parent.positionAt(parentOffset); } /** * Get the position relative to the start of the fragment * @param pos Position in parent */ getGeneratedPosition(pos) { const fragmentOffset = this.parent.offsetAt(pos) - this.styleInfo.start; return this.positionAt(fragmentOffset); } /** * Returns true if the given parent position is inside of this fragment * @param pos Position in parent */ isInGenerated(pos) { const offset = this.parent.offsetAt(pos); return offset >= this.styleInfo.start && offset <= this.styleInfo.end; } /** * Get the fragment text from the parent */ getText() { return this.parent.getText().slice(this.styleInfo.start, this.styleInfo.end); } /** * Returns the length of the fragment as calculated from the start and end position */ getTextLength() { return this.styleInfo.end - this.styleInfo.start; } /** * Return the parent file path */ getFilePath() { return this.parent.getFilePath(); } getURL() { return this.parent.getURL(); } getAttributes() { return this.styleInfo.attributes; } get language() { const attrs = this.getAttributes(); return attrs.lang || attrs.type || 'css'; } } exports.CSSDocument = CSSDocument;