import { string as zodString, ZodIssueCode } from "zod"; import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from "../core/errors/index.js"; import { prependForwardSlash } from "../core/path.js"; import { createComponent, createHeadAndContent, renderComponent, renderScriptElement, renderTemplate, renderUniqueStylesheet, unescapeHTML } from "../runtime/server/index.js"; function createCollectionToGlobResultMap({ globResult, contentDir }) { const collectionToGlobResultMap = {}; for (const key in globResult) { const keyRelativeToContentDir = key.replace(new RegExp(`^${contentDir}`), ""); const segments = keyRelativeToContentDir.split("/"); if (segments.length <= 1) continue; const collection = segments[0]; collectionToGlobResultMap[collection] ??= {}; collectionToGlobResultMap[collection][key] = globResult[key]; } return collectionToGlobResultMap; } const cacheEntriesByCollection = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function createGetCollection({ contentCollectionToEntryMap, dataCollectionToEntryMap, getRenderEntryImport }) { return async function getCollection(collection, filter) { let type; if (collection in contentCollectionToEntryMap) { type = "content"; } else if (collection in dataCollectionToEntryMap) { type = "data"; } else { throw new AstroError({ ...AstroErrorData.CollectionDoesNotExistError, message: AstroErrorData.CollectionDoesNotExistError.message(collection) }); } const lazyImports = Object.values( type === "content" ? contentCollectionToEntryMap[collection] : dataCollectionToEntryMap[collection] ); let entries = []; if (import.meta.env.PROD && cacheEntriesByCollection.has(collection)) { entries = cacheEntriesByCollection.get(collection); } else { entries = await Promise.all( (lazyImport) => { const entry = await lazyImport(); return type === "content" ? { id:, slug: entry.slug, body: entry.body, collection: entry.collection, data:, async render() { return render({ collection: entry.collection, id:, renderEntryImport: await getRenderEntryImport(collection, entry.slug) }); } } : { id:, collection: entry.collection, data: }; }) ); cacheEntriesByCollection.set(collection, entries); } if (typeof filter === "function") { return entries.filter(filter); } else { return entries; } }; } function createGetEntryBySlug({ getEntryImport, getRenderEntryImport }) { return async function getEntryBySlug(collection, slug) { const entryImport = await getEntryImport(collection, slug); if (typeof entryImport !== "function") return void 0; const entry = await entryImport(); return { id:, slug: entry.slug, body: entry.body, collection: entry.collection, data:, async render() { return render({ collection: entry.collection, id:, renderEntryImport: await getRenderEntryImport(collection, slug) }); } }; }; } function createGetDataEntryById({ dataCollectionToEntryMap }) { return async function getDataEntryById(collection, id) { var _a; const lazyImport = (_a = dataCollectionToEntryMap[collection]) == null ? void 0 : _a[ /*TODO: filePathToIdMap*/ id + ".json" ]; if (!lazyImport) throw new Error(`Entry ${collection} \u2192 ${id} was not found.`); const entry = await lazyImport(); return { id:, collection: entry.collection, data: }; }; } function createGetEntry({ getEntryImport, getRenderEntryImport }) { return async function getEntry(collectionOrLookupObject, _lookupId) { let collection, lookupId; if (typeof collectionOrLookupObject === "string") { collection = collectionOrLookupObject; if (!_lookupId) throw new AstroError({ ...AstroErrorData.UnknownContentCollectionError, message: "`getEntry()` requires an entry identifier as the second argument." }); lookupId = _lookupId; } else { collection = collectionOrLookupObject.collection; lookupId = "id" in collectionOrLookupObject ? : collectionOrLookupObject.slug; } const entryImport = await getEntryImport(collection, lookupId); if (typeof entryImport !== "function") return void 0; const entry = await entryImport(); if (entry._internal.type === "content") { return { id:, slug: entry.slug, body: entry.body, collection: entry.collection, data:, async render() { return render({ collection: entry.collection, id:, renderEntryImport: await getRenderEntryImport(collection, lookupId) }); } }; } else if (entry._internal.type === "data") { return { id:, collection: entry.collection, data: }; } return void 0; }; } function createGetEntries(getEntry) { return async function getEntries(entries) { return Promise.all( => getEntry(e))); }; } async function render({ collection, id, renderEntryImport }) { var _a, _b; const UnexpectedRenderError = new AstroError({ ...AstroErrorData.UnknownContentCollectionError, message: `Unexpected error while rendering ${String(collection)} \u2192 ${String(id)}.` }); if (typeof renderEntryImport !== "function") throw UnexpectedRenderError; const baseMod = await renderEntryImport(); if (baseMod == null || typeof baseMod !== "object") throw UnexpectedRenderError; const { default: defaultMod } = baseMod; if (isPropagatedAssetsModule(defaultMod)) { const { collectedStyles, collectedLinks, collectedScripts, getMod } = defaultMod; if (typeof getMod !== "function") throw UnexpectedRenderError; const propagationMod = await getMod(); if (propagationMod == null || typeof propagationMod !== "object") throw UnexpectedRenderError; const Content = createComponent({ factory(result, baseProps, slots) { let styles = "", links = "", scripts = ""; if (Array.isArray(collectedStyles)) { styles = => { return renderUniqueStylesheet(result, { type: "inline", content: style }); }).join(""); } if (Array.isArray(collectedLinks)) { links = => { return renderUniqueStylesheet(result, { type: "external", src: prependForwardSlash(link) }); }).join(""); } if (Array.isArray(collectedScripts)) { scripts = => renderScriptElement(script)).join(""); } let props = baseProps; if (id.endsWith("mdx")) { props = { components: propagationMod.components ?? {}, ...baseProps }; } return createHeadAndContent( unescapeHTML(styles + links + scripts), renderTemplate`${renderComponent( result, "Content", propagationMod.Content, props, slots )}` ); }, propagation: "self" }); return { Content, headings: ((_a = propagationMod.getHeadings) == null ? void 0 : ?? [], remarkPluginFrontmatter: propagationMod.frontmatter ?? {} }; } else if (baseMod.Content && typeof baseMod.Content === "function") { return { Content: baseMod.Content, headings: ((_b = baseMod.getHeadings) == null ? void 0 : ?? [], remarkPluginFrontmatter: baseMod.frontmatter ?? {} }; } else { throw UnexpectedRenderError; } } function createReference({ lookupMap }) { return function reference(collection) { return zodString().transform((lookupId, ctx) => { const flattenedErrorPath = ctx.path.join("."); if (!lookupMap[collection]) { ctx.addIssue({ code: ZodIssueCode.custom, message: `**${flattenedErrorPath}:** Reference to ${collection} invalid. Collection does not exist or is empty.` }); return; } const { type, entries } = lookupMap[collection]; const entry = entries[lookupId]; if (!entry) { ctx.addIssue({ code: ZodIssueCode.custom, message: `**${flattenedErrorPath}**: Reference to ${collection} invalid. Expected ${Object.keys( entries ).map((c) => JSON.stringify(c)).join(" | ")}. Received ${JSON.stringify(lookupId)}.` }); return; } if (type === "content") { return { slug: lookupId, collection }; } return { id: lookupId, collection }; }); }; } function isPropagatedAssetsModule(module) { return typeof module === "object" && module != null && "__astroPropagation" in module; } export { createCollectionToGlobResultMap, createGetCollection, createGetDataEntryById, createGetEntries, createGetEntry, createGetEntryBySlug, createReference };