import { streamAsyncIterator } from "./util.js"; const isNodeJS = typeof process === "object" && === "[object process]"; let StreamingCompatibleResponse; function createResponseClass() { StreamingCompatibleResponse = class extends Response { #isStream; #body; constructor(body, init) { let isStream = body instanceof ReadableStream; super(isStream ? null : body, init); this.#isStream = isStream; this.#body = body; } get body() { return this.#body; } async text() { if (this.#isStream && isNodeJS) { let decoder = new TextDecoder(); let body = this.#body; let out = ""; for await (let chunk of streamAsyncIterator(body)) { out += decoder.decode(chunk); } return out; } return super.text(); } async arrayBuffer() { if (this.#isStream && isNodeJS) { let body = this.#body; let chunks = []; let len = 0; for await (let chunk of streamAsyncIterator(body)) { chunks.push(chunk); len += chunk.length; } let ab = new Uint8Array(len); let offset = 0; for (const chunk of chunks) { ab.set(chunk, offset); offset += chunk.length; } return ab; } return super.arrayBuffer(); } clone() { return new StreamingCompatibleResponse(this.#body, { status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: this.headers }); } }; return StreamingCompatibleResponse; } const createResponse = isNodeJS ? (body, init) => { if (typeof body === "string" || ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { return new Response(body, init); } if (typeof StreamingCompatibleResponse === "undefined") { return new (createResponseClass())(body, init); } return new StreamingCompatibleResponse(body, init); } : (body, init) => new Response(body, init); export { createResponse };