# remark-smartypants [remark] plugin to implement [SmartyPants]. Now with 100% more ESM! ```sh npm install remark-smartypants ``` ```js import remark from 'remark' import smartypants from 'remakr-smartypants' const result = await remark() .use(smartypants) .process('# <>') console.log(String(result)) // # «Hello World!» ``` I created this plugin because I wanted to add SmartyPants to [MDX]: ```js import mdx from '@mdx-js/mdx' import smartypants from 'remark-smartypants' const result = await mdx('# <>', { remarkPlugins: [ smartypants, ], }) ``` This plugin uses [retext-smartypants](https://github.com/retextjs/retext-smartypants) under the hood, so it takes the same options: ```js const result = await remark() .use(smartypants, { dashes: 'oldschool' }) .process('en dash (--), em dash (---)') ``` [remark]: https://remark.js.org [SmartyPants]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants [MDX]: https://mdxjs.com