import { LogTableInput } from './interfaces'; export declare let isBrowser: boolean; export declare const defaultLogTableOptions: { padding: number; spacing: number; }; /** * Can be used to change the assumed environment */ export declare function SetLoggerEnvironment(env: 'node' | 'browser'): void; export declare function stringColorToAnsiColor(type: 'background' | 'color', color?: string): string | undefined; export declare function ANSICodes(type: 'background' | 'color' | 'bold' | 'reset'): "0" | "1" | "38" | "48"; export declare function maxTableColumnLength(column: LogTableInput[0]): number; export declare function removeNodeStyles(item: string | number): string; export declare function pad(text: string, start: number, end: number): string; export declare function getColumn(matrix: LogTableInput, col: number): (string | number | import("./interfaces").LogMessage)[]; export declare function addReset(input: number | string): string;