"use strict"; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.SemanticTokensBuilder = exports.SemanticTokensDiff = exports.SemanticTokensFeature = void 0; const vscode_languageserver_protocol_1 = require("vscode-languageserver-protocol"); const SemanticTokensFeature = (Base) => { return class extends Base { get semanticTokens() { return { refresh: () => { return this.connection.sendRequest(vscode_languageserver_protocol_1.SemanticTokensRefreshRequest.type); }, on: (handler) => { const type = vscode_languageserver_protocol_1.SemanticTokensRequest.type; return this.connection.onRequest(type, (params, cancel) => { return handler(params, cancel, this.attachWorkDoneProgress(params), this.attachPartialResultProgress(type, params)); }); }, onDelta: (handler) => { const type = vscode_languageserver_protocol_1.SemanticTokensDeltaRequest.type; return this.connection.onRequest(type, (params, cancel) => { return handler(params, cancel, this.attachWorkDoneProgress(params), this.attachPartialResultProgress(type, params)); }); }, onRange: (handler) => { const type = vscode_languageserver_protocol_1.SemanticTokensRangeRequest.type; return this.connection.onRequest(type, (params, cancel) => { return handler(params, cancel, this.attachWorkDoneProgress(params), this.attachPartialResultProgress(type, params)); }); } }; } }; }; exports.SemanticTokensFeature = SemanticTokensFeature; class SemanticTokensDiff { constructor(originalSequence, modifiedSequence) { this.originalSequence = originalSequence; this.modifiedSequence = modifiedSequence; } computeDiff() { const originalLength = this.originalSequence.length; const modifiedLength = this.modifiedSequence.length; let startIndex = 0; while (startIndex < modifiedLength && startIndex < originalLength && this.originalSequence[startIndex] === this.modifiedSequence[startIndex]) { startIndex++; } if (startIndex < modifiedLength && startIndex < originalLength) { let originalEndIndex = originalLength - 1; let modifiedEndIndex = modifiedLength - 1; while (originalEndIndex >= startIndex && modifiedEndIndex >= startIndex && this.originalSequence[originalEndIndex] === this.modifiedSequence[modifiedEndIndex]) { originalEndIndex--; modifiedEndIndex--; } // if one moved behind the start index move them forward again if (originalEndIndex < startIndex || modifiedEndIndex < startIndex) { originalEndIndex++; modifiedEndIndex++; } const deleteCount = originalEndIndex - startIndex + 1; const newData = this.modifiedSequence.slice(startIndex, modifiedEndIndex + 1); // If we moved behind the start index we could have missed a simple delete. if (newData.length === 1 && newData[0] === this.originalSequence[originalEndIndex]) { return [ { start: startIndex, deleteCount: deleteCount - 1 } ]; } else { return [ { start: startIndex, deleteCount, data: newData } ]; } } else if (startIndex < modifiedLength) { return [ { start: startIndex, deleteCount: 0, data: this.modifiedSequence.slice(startIndex) } ]; } else if (startIndex < originalLength) { return [ { start: startIndex, deleteCount: originalLength - startIndex } ]; } else { // The two arrays are the same. return []; } } } exports.SemanticTokensDiff = SemanticTokensDiff; class SemanticTokensBuilder { constructor() { this._prevData = undefined; this.initialize(); } initialize() { this._id = Date.now(); this._prevLine = 0; this._prevChar = 0; this._data = []; this._dataLen = 0; } push(line, char, length, tokenType, tokenModifiers) { let pushLine = line; let pushChar = char; if (this._dataLen > 0) { pushLine -= this._prevLine; if (pushLine === 0) { pushChar -= this._prevChar; } } this._data[this._dataLen++] = pushLine; this._data[this._dataLen++] = pushChar; this._data[this._dataLen++] = length; this._data[this._dataLen++] = tokenType; this._data[this._dataLen++] = tokenModifiers; this._prevLine = line; this._prevChar = char; } get id() { return this._id.toString(); } previousResult(id) { if (this.id === id) { this._prevData = this._data; } this.initialize(); } build() { this._prevData = undefined; return { resultId: this.id, data: this._data }; } canBuildEdits() { return this._prevData !== undefined; } buildEdits() { if (this._prevData !== undefined) { return { resultId: this.id, edits: (new SemanticTokensDiff(this._prevData, this._data)).computeDiff() }; } else { return this.build(); } } } exports.SemanticTokensBuilder = SemanticTokensBuilder;