import { getHighlighter } from "shiki"; import { visit } from "unist-util-visit"; const highlighterCacheAsync = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const compatThemes = { "material-darker": "material-theme-darker", "material-default": "material-theme", "material-lighter": "material-theme-lighter", "material-ocean": "material-theme-ocean", "material-palenight": "material-theme-palenight" }; const normalizeTheme = (theme) => { if (typeof theme === "string") { return compatThemes[theme] || theme; } else if (compatThemes[]) { return { ...theme, name: compatThemes[] }; } else { return theme; } }; const remarkShiki = async ({ langs = [], theme = "github-dark", wrap = false }) => { theme = normalizeTheme(theme); const cacheID = typeof theme === "string" ? theme :; let highlighterAsync = highlighterCacheAsync.get(cacheID); if (!highlighterAsync) { highlighterAsync = getHighlighter({ theme }).then((hl) => { hl.setColorReplacements({ "#000001": "var(--astro-code-color-text)", "#000002": "var(--astro-code-color-background)", "#000004": "var(--astro-code-token-constant)", "#000005": "var(--astro-code-token-string)", "#000006": "var(--astro-code-token-comment)", "#000007": "var(--astro-code-token-keyword)", "#000008": "var(--astro-code-token-parameter)", "#000009": "var(--astro-code-token-function)", "#000010": "var(--astro-code-token-string-expression)", "#000011": "var(--astro-code-token-punctuation)", "#000012": "var(--astro-code-token-link)" }); return hl; }); highlighterCacheAsync.set(cacheID, highlighterAsync); } const highlighter = await highlighterAsync; for (const lang of langs) { await highlighter.loadLanguage(lang); } return () => (tree) => { visit(tree, "code", (node) => { let lang; if (typeof node.lang === "string") { const langExists = highlighter.getLoadedLanguages().includes(node.lang); if (langExists) { lang = node.lang; } else { console.warn(`The language "${node.lang}" doesn't exist, falling back to plaintext.`); lang = "plaintext"; } } else { lang = "plaintext"; } let html = highlighter.codeToHtml(node.value, { lang }); html = html.replace(/
if (wrap === false) {
html = html.replace(/style="(.*?)"/, 'style="$1; overflow-x: auto;"');
} else if (wrap === true) {
html = html.replace(
'style="$1; overflow-x: auto; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;"'
node.type = "html";
node.value = html;
node.children = [];
var remark_shiki_default = remarkShiki;
export {
remark_shiki_default as default