/** * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Expression} Expression * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Function} EstreeFunction * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Identifier} Identifier * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').ImportSpecifier} ImportSpecifier * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXElement} JSXElement * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').ModuleDeclaration} ModuleDeclaration * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Node} Node * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').ObjectPattern} ObjectPattern * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Program} Program * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Property} Property * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Statement} Statement * @typedef {import('estree-jsx').VariableDeclarator} VariableDeclarator * * @typedef {import('periscopic').Scope & {node: Node}} Scope */ /** * @typedef RecmaJsxRewriteOptions * Configuration for internal plugin `recma-jsx-rewrite`. * @property {'function-body' | 'program' | null | undefined} [outputFormat='program'] * Whether to use an import statement or `arguments[0]` to get the provider. * @property {string | null | undefined} [providerImportSource] * Place to import a provider from. * @property {boolean | null | undefined} [development=false] * Whether to add extra info to error messages in generated code. * * This also results in the development automatic JSX runtime * (`/jsx-dev-runtime`, `jsxDEV`) being used, which passes positional info to * nodes. * The default can be set to `true` in Node.js through environment variables: * set `NODE_ENV=development`. * * @typedef StackEntry * @property {Array} objects * @property {Array} components * @property {Array} tags * @property {Record} references * @property {Map} idToInvalidComponentName * @property {EstreeFunction} node */ import {stringifyPosition} from 'unist-util-stringify-position' import {positionFromEstree} from 'unist-util-position-from-estree' import {name as isIdentifierName} from 'estree-util-is-identifier-name' import {walk} from 'estree-walker' import {analyze} from 'periscopic' import {specifiersToDeclarations} from '../util/estree-util-specifiers-to-declarations.js' import { toIdOrMemberExpression, toJsxIdOrMemberExpression } from '../util/estree-util-to-id-or-member-expression.js' import {toBinaryAddition} from '../util/estree-util-to-binary-addition.js' const own = {}.hasOwnProperty /** * A plugin that rewrites JSX in functions to accept components as * `props.components` (when the function is called `_createMdxContent`), or from * a provider (if there is one). * It also makes sure that any undefined components are defined: either from * received components or as a function that throws an error. * * @type {import('unified').Plugin<[RecmaJsxRewriteOptions | null | undefined] | [], Program>} */ export function recmaJsxRewrite(options) { // Always given inside `@mdx-js/mdx` /* c8 ignore next */ const {development, providerImportSource, outputFormat} = options || {} return (tree, file) => { // Find everything that’s defined in the top-level scope. const scopeInfo = analyze(tree) /** @type {Array} */ const fnStack = [] let importProvider = false let createErrorHelper = false /** @type {Scope | undefined} */ let currentScope walk(tree, { enter(node) { const newScope = /** @type {Scope | undefined} */ ( scopeInfo.map.get(node) ) if ( node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' || node.type === 'FunctionExpression' || node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' ) { fnStack.push({ objects: [], components: [], tags: [], references: {}, idToInvalidComponentName: new Map(), node }) // MDXContent only ever contains MDXLayout if ( isNamedFunction(node, 'MDXContent') && newScope && !inScope(newScope, 'MDXLayout') ) { fnStack[0].components.push('MDXLayout') } } const fnScope = fnStack[0] if ( !fnScope || (!isNamedFunction(fnScope.node, '_createMdxContent') && !providerImportSource) ) { return } if (newScope) { newScope.node = node currentScope = newScope } if (currentScope && node.type === 'JSXElement') { let name = node.openingElement.name // ``, ``, ``. if (name.type === 'JSXMemberExpression') { /** @type {Array} */ const ids = [] // Find the left-most identifier. while (name.type === 'JSXMemberExpression') { ids.unshift(name.property.name) name = name.object } ids.unshift(name.name) const fullId = ids.join('.') const id = name.name const isInScope = inScope(currentScope, id) if (!own.call(fnScope.references, fullId)) { const parentScope = /** @type {Scope | undefined} */ ( currentScope.parent ) if ( !isInScope || // If the parent scope is `_createMdxContent`, then this // references a component we can add a check statement for. (parentScope && parentScope.node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' && isNamedFunction(parentScope.node, '_createMdxContent')) ) { fnScope.references[fullId] = {node, component: true} } } if (!fnScope.objects.includes(id) && !isInScope) { fnScope.objects.push(id) } } // ``. else if (name.type === 'JSXNamespacedName') { // Ignore namespaces. } // If the name is a valid ES identifier, and it doesn’t start with a // lowercase letter, it’s a component. // For example, `$foo`, `_bar`, `Baz` are all component names. // But `foo` and `b-ar` are tag names. else if (isIdentifierName(name.name) && !/^[a-z]/.test(name.name)) { const id = name.name if (!inScope(currentScope, id)) { // No need to add an error for an undefined layout — we use an // `if` later. if (id !== 'MDXLayout' && !own.call(fnScope.references, id)) { fnScope.references[id] = {node, component: true} } if (!fnScope.components.includes(id)) { fnScope.components.push(id) } } } // @ts-expect-error Allow fields passed through from mdast through hast to // esast. else if (node.data && node.data._mdxExplicitJsx) { // Do not turn explicit JSX into components from `_components`. // As in, a given `h1` component is used for `# heading` (next case), // but not for `


`. } else { const id = name.name if (!fnScope.tags.includes(id)) { fnScope.tags.push(id) } /** @type {Array} */ let jsxIdExpression = ['_components', id] if (isIdentifierName(id) === false) { let invalidComponentName = fnScope.idToInvalidComponentName.get(id) if (invalidComponentName === undefined) { invalidComponentName = `_component${fnScope.idToInvalidComponentName.size}` fnScope.idToInvalidComponentName.set(id, invalidComponentName) } jsxIdExpression = [invalidComponentName] } node.openingElement.name = toJsxIdOrMemberExpression(jsxIdExpression) if (node.closingElement) { node.closingElement.name = toJsxIdOrMemberExpression(jsxIdExpression) } } } }, leave(node) { /** @type {Array} */ const defaults = [] /** @type {Array} */ const actual = [] /** @type {Array} */ const parameters = [] /** @type {Array} */ const declarations = [] if (currentScope && currentScope.node === node) { // @ts-expect-error: `node`s were patched when entering. currentScope = currentScope.parent } if ( node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' || node.type === 'FunctionExpression' || node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' ) { const fn = node const scope = fnStack[fnStack.length - 1] /** @type {string} */ let name for (name of scope.tags) { defaults.push({ type: 'Property', kind: 'init', key: isIdentifierName(name) ? {type: 'Identifier', name} : {type: 'Literal', value: name}, value: {type: 'Literal', value: name}, method: false, shorthand: false, computed: false }) } actual.push(...scope.components) for (name of scope.objects) { // In some cases, a component is used directly (``) but it’s also // used as an object (``). if (!actual.includes(name)) { actual.push(name) } } /** @type {Array} */ const statements = [] if ( defaults.length > 0 || actual.length > 0 || scope.idToInvalidComponentName.size > 0 ) { if (providerImportSource) { importProvider = true parameters.push({ type: 'CallExpression', callee: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_provideComponents'}, arguments: [], optional: false }) } // Accept `components` as a prop if this is the `MDXContent` or // `_createMdxContent` function. if ( isNamedFunction(scope.node, 'MDXContent') || isNamedFunction(scope.node, '_createMdxContent') ) { parameters.push(toIdOrMemberExpression(['props', 'components'])) } if (defaults.length > 0 || parameters.length > 1) { parameters.unshift({ type: 'ObjectExpression', properties: defaults }) } // If we’re getting components from several sources, merge them. /** @type {Expression} */ let componentsInit = parameters.length > 1 ? { type: 'CallExpression', callee: toIdOrMemberExpression(['Object', 'assign']), arguments: parameters, optional: false } : parameters[0].type === 'MemberExpression' ? // If we’re only getting components from `props.components`, // make sure it’s defined. { type: 'LogicalExpression', operator: '||', left: parameters[0], right: {type: 'ObjectExpression', properties: []} } : parameters[0] /** @type {ObjectPattern | undefined} */ let componentsPattern // Add components to scope. // For `['MyComponent', 'MDXLayout']` this generates: // ```js // const {MyComponent, wrapper: MDXLayout} = _components // ``` // Note that MDXLayout is special as it’s taken from // `_components.wrapper`. if (actual.length > 0) { componentsPattern = { type: 'ObjectPattern', properties: actual.map((name) => ({ type: 'Property', kind: 'init', key: { type: 'Identifier', name: name === 'MDXLayout' ? 'wrapper' : name }, value: {type: 'Identifier', name}, method: false, shorthand: name !== 'MDXLayout', computed: false })) } } if (scope.tags.length > 0) { declarations.push({ type: 'VariableDeclarator', id: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_components'}, init: componentsInit }) componentsInit = {type: 'Identifier', name: '_components'} } if (isNamedFunction(scope.node, '_createMdxContent')) { for (const [ id, componentName ] of scope.idToInvalidComponentName) { // For JSX IDs that can’t be represented as JavaScript IDs (as in, // those with dashes, such as `custom-element`), generate a // separate variable that is a valid JS ID (such as `_component0`), // and takes it from components: // `const _component0 = _components['custom-element']` declarations.push({ type: 'VariableDeclarator', id: {type: 'Identifier', name: componentName}, init: { type: 'MemberExpression', object: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_components'}, property: {type: 'Literal', value: id}, computed: true, optional: false } }) } } if (componentsPattern) { declarations.push({ type: 'VariableDeclarator', id: componentsPattern, init: componentsInit }) } if (declarations.length > 0) { statements.push({ type: 'VariableDeclaration', kind: 'const', declarations }) } } /** @type {string} */ let key // Add partials (so for `x.y.z` it’d generate `x` and `x.y` too). for (key in scope.references) { if (own.call(scope.references, key)) { const parts = key.split('.') let index = 0 while (++index < parts.length) { const partial = parts.slice(0, index).join('.') if (!own.call(scope.references, partial)) { scope.references[partial] = { node: scope.references[key].node, component: false } } } } } const references = Object.keys(scope.references).sort() let index = -1 while (++index < references.length) { const id = references[index] const info = scope.references[id] const place = stringifyPosition(positionFromEstree(info.node)) /** @type {Array} */ const parameters = [ {type: 'Literal', value: id}, {type: 'Literal', value: info.component} ] createErrorHelper = true if (development && place !== '1:1-1:1') { parameters.push({type: 'Literal', value: place}) } statements.push({ type: 'IfStatement', test: { type: 'UnaryExpression', operator: '!', prefix: true, argument: toIdOrMemberExpression(id.split('.')) }, consequent: { type: 'ExpressionStatement', expression: { type: 'CallExpression', callee: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_missingMdxReference'}, arguments: parameters, optional: false } }, alternate: null }) } if (statements.length > 0) { // Arrow functions with an implied return: if (fn.body.type !== 'BlockStatement') { fn.body = { type: 'BlockStatement', body: [{type: 'ReturnStatement', argument: fn.body}] } } fn.body.body.unshift(...statements) } fnStack.pop() } } }) // If a provider is used (and can be used), import it. if (importProvider && providerImportSource) { tree.body.unshift( createImportProvider(providerImportSource, outputFormat) ) } // If potentially missing components are used. if (createErrorHelper) { /** @type {Array} */ const message = [ {type: 'Literal', value: 'Expected '}, { type: 'ConditionalExpression', test: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'component'}, consequent: {type: 'Literal', value: 'component'}, alternate: {type: 'Literal', value: 'object'} }, {type: 'Literal', value: ' `'}, {type: 'Identifier', name: 'id'}, { type: 'Literal', value: '` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.' } ] /** @type {Array} */ const parameters = [ {type: 'Identifier', name: 'id'}, {type: 'Identifier', name: 'component'} ] if (development) { message.push({ type: 'ConditionalExpression', test: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'place'}, consequent: toBinaryAddition([ {type: 'Literal', value: '\nIt’s referenced in your code at `'}, {type: 'Identifier', name: 'place'}, { type: 'Literal', value: (file.path ? '` in `' + file.path : '') + '`' } ]), alternate: {type: 'Literal', value: ''} }) parameters.push({type: 'Identifier', name: 'place'}) } tree.body.push({ type: 'FunctionDeclaration', id: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_missingMdxReference'}, generator: false, async: false, params: parameters, body: { type: 'BlockStatement', body: [ { type: 'ThrowStatement', argument: { type: 'NewExpression', callee: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'Error'}, arguments: [toBinaryAddition(message)] } } ] } }) } } } /** * @param {string} providerImportSource * @param {RecmaJsxRewriteOptions['outputFormat']} outputFormat * @returns {Statement | ModuleDeclaration} */ function createImportProvider(providerImportSource, outputFormat) { /** @type {Array} */ const specifiers = [ { type: 'ImportSpecifier', imported: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'useMDXComponents'}, local: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_provideComponents'} } ] return outputFormat === 'function-body' ? { type: 'VariableDeclaration', kind: 'const', declarations: specifiersToDeclarations( specifiers, toIdOrMemberExpression(['arguments', 0]) ) } : { type: 'ImportDeclaration', specifiers, source: {type: 'Literal', value: providerImportSource} } } /** * @param {EstreeFunction} node * @param {string} name * @returns {boolean} */ function isNamedFunction(node, name) { return Boolean(node && 'id' in node && node.id && node.id.name === name) } /** * @param {Scope} scope * @param {string} id * @returns {boolean} */ function inScope(scope, id) { /** @type {Scope | undefined} */ let currentScope = scope while (currentScope) { if (currentScope.declarations.has(id)) { return true } // @ts-expect-error: `node`s have been added when entering. currentScope = currentScope.parent } return false }