import { AstroCheck, DiagnosticSeverity } from "@astrojs/language-server"; import glob from "fast-glob"; import { bold, dim, red, yellow } from "kleur/colors"; import { createRequire } from "module"; import fs from "node:fs"; import { join } from "node:path"; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from "node:url"; import ora from "ora"; import { debug, info } from "../../core/logger/core.js"; import { printHelp } from "../../core/messages.js"; import { loadSettings } from "../load-settings.js"; import { printDiagnostic } from "./print.js"; var CheckResult = /* @__PURE__ */ ((CheckResult2) => { CheckResult2[CheckResult2["ExitWithSuccess"] = 0] = "ExitWithSuccess"; CheckResult2[CheckResult2["ExitWithError"] = 1] = "ExitWithError"; CheckResult2[CheckResult2["Listen"] = 2] = "Listen"; return CheckResult2; })(CheckResult || {}); const ASTRO_GLOB_PATTERN = "**/*.astro"; async function check({ logging, flags }) { if ( || flags.h) { printHelp({ commandName: "astro check", usage: "[...flags]", tables: { Flags: [ ["--watch", "Watch Astro files for changes and re-run checks."], ["--help (-h)", "See all available flags."] ] }, description: `Runs diagnostics against your project and reports errors to the console.` }); return; } const settings = await loadSettings({ cmd: "check", flags, logging }); if (!settings) return; const checkFlags = parseFlags(flags); if ( { info(logging, "check", "Checking files in watch mode"); } else { info(logging, "check", "Checking files"); } const { syncCli } = await import("../../core/sync/index.js"); const root = settings.config.root; const require2 = createRequire(import.meta.url); const diagnosticChecker = new AstroCheck( root.toString(), require2.resolve("typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary.js", { paths: [root.toString()] }) ); return new AstroChecker({ syncCli, settings, fileSystem: fs, logging, diagnosticChecker, isWatchMode: }); } class AstroChecker { #diagnosticsChecker; #shouldWatch; #syncCli; #settings; #logging; #fs; #watcher; #filesCount; #updateDiagnostics; constructor({ diagnosticChecker, isWatchMode, syncCli, settings, fileSystem, logging }) { this.#diagnosticsChecker = diagnosticChecker; this.#shouldWatch = isWatchMode; this.#syncCli = syncCli; this.#logging = logging; this.#settings = settings; this.#fs = fileSystem; this.#filesCount = 0; } /** * Check all `.astro` files once and then finishes the operation. */ async check() { return await this.#checkAllFiles(true); } /** * Check all `.astro` files and then start watching for changes. */ async watch() { await this.#checkAllFiles(true); await this.#watch(); return 2 /* Listen */; } /** * Stops the watch. It terminates the inner server. */ async stop() { var _a; await ((_a = this.#watcher) == null ? void 0 : _a.close()); } /** * Whether the checker should run in watch mode */ get isWatchMode() { return this.#shouldWatch; } async #openDocuments() { this.#filesCount = await openAllDocuments( this.#settings.config.root, [], this.#diagnosticsChecker ); } /** * Lint all `.astro` files, and report the result in console. Operations executed, in order: * 1. Compile content collections. * 2. Optionally, traverse the file system for `.astro` files and saves their paths. * 3. Get diagnostics for said files and print the result in console. * * @param openDocuments Whether the operation should open all `.astro` files */ async #checkAllFiles(openDocuments) { const processExit = await this.#syncCli(this.#settings, { logging: this.#logging, fs: this.#fs }); if (processExit === 1) return processExit; let spinner = ora( ` Getting diagnostics for Astro files in ${fileURLToPath(this.#settings.config.root)}\u2026` ).start(); if (openDocuments) { await this.#openDocuments(); } let diagnostics = await this.#diagnosticsChecker.getDiagnostics(); spinner.succeed(); let brokenDownDiagnostics = this.#breakDownDiagnostics(diagnostics); this.#logDiagnosticsSeverity(brokenDownDiagnostics); return brokenDownDiagnostics.errors > 0 ? 1 /* ExitWithError */ : 0 /* ExitWithSuccess */; } #checkForDiagnostics() { clearTimeout(this.#updateDiagnostics); this.#updateDiagnostics = setTimeout(async () => await this.#checkAllFiles(false), 500); } /** * This function is responsible to attach events to the server watcher */ async #watch() { const { default: chokidar } = await import("chokidar"); this.#watcher = join(fileURLToPath(this.#settings.config.root), ASTRO_GLOB_PATTERN), { ignored: ["**/node_modules/**"], ignoreInitial: true } ); this.#watcher.on("add", (file) => { this.#addDocument(file); this.#filesCount += 1; this.#checkForDiagnostics(); }); this.#watcher.on("change", (file) => { this.#addDocument(file); this.#checkForDiagnostics(); }); this.#watcher.on("unlink", (file) => { this.#diagnosticsChecker.removeDocument(file); this.#filesCount -= 1; this.#checkForDiagnostics(); }); } /** * Add a document to the diagnostics checker * @param filePath Path to the file */ #addDocument(filePath) { const text = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8"); this.#diagnosticsChecker.upsertDocument({ uri: pathToFileURL(filePath).toString(), text }); } /** * Logs the result of the various diagnostics * * @param result Result emitted by AstroChecker.#breakDownDiagnostics */ #logDiagnosticsSeverity(result) { info( this.#logging, "diagnostics", [ bold(`Result (${this.#filesCount} file${this.#filesCount === 1 ? "" : "s"}): `), bold(red(`${result.errors} ${result.errors === 1 ? "error" : "errors"}`)), bold(yellow(`${result.warnings} ${result.warnings === 1 ? "warning" : "warnings"}`)), dim(`${result.hints} ${result.hints === 1 ? "hint" : "hints"} `) ].join(` ${dim("-")} `) ); } /** * It loops through all diagnostics and break down diagnostics that are errors, warnings or hints. */ #breakDownDiagnostics(diagnostics) { let result = { errors: 0, warnings: 0, hints: 0 }; diagnostics.forEach((diag) => { diag.diagnostics.forEach((d) => { info(this.#logging, "diagnostics", ` ${printDiagnostic(diag.fileUri, diag.text, d)}`); switch (d.severity) { case DiagnosticSeverity.Error: { result.errors++; break; } case DiagnosticSeverity.Warning: { result.warnings++; break; } case DiagnosticSeverity.Hint: { result.hints++; break; } } }); }); return result; } } async function openAllDocuments(workspaceUri, filePathsToIgnore, checker) { const files = await glob(ASTRO_GLOB_PATTERN, { cwd: fileURLToPath(workspaceUri), ignore: ["node_modules/**"].concat( => `${ignore}/**`)), absolute: true }); for (const file of files) { debug("check", `Adding file ${file} to the list of files to check.`); const text = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf-8"); checker.upsertDocument({ uri: pathToFileURL(file).toString(), text }); } return files.length; } function parseFlags(flags) { return { watch: ?? false }; } export { AstroChecker, CheckResult, check };