import * as colors from "kleur/colors"; import yargs from "yargs-parser"; import { ASTRO_VERSION } from "../core/constants.js"; async function printAstroHelp() { const { printHelp } = await import("../core/messages.js"); printHelp({ commandName: "astro", usage: "[command] [...flags]", headline: "Build faster websites.", tables: { Commands: [ ["add", "Add an integration."], ["build", "Build your project and write it to disk."], ["check", "Check your project for errors."], ["dev", "Start the development server."], ["docs", "Open documentation in your web browser."], ["info", "List info about your current Astro setup."], ["preview", "Preview your build locally."], ["sync", "Generate content collection types."], ["telemetry", "Configure telemetry settings."] ], "Global Flags": [ ["--config ", "Specify your config file."], ["--root ", "Specify your project root folder."], ["--site ", "Specify your project site."], ["--base ", "Specify your project base."], ["--verbose", "Enable verbose logging."], ["--silent", "Disable all logging."], ["--version", "Show the version number and exit."], ["--help", "Show this help message."] ] } }); } function printVersion() { console.log(); console.log(` ${colors.bgGreen(` astro `))} ${`v${ASTRO_VERSION}`)}`); } function resolveCommand(flags) { const cmd = flags._[2]; if (flags.version) return "version"; const supportedCommands = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "add", "sync", "telemetry", "dev", "build", "preview", "check", "docs", "info" ]); if (supportedCommands.has(cmd)) { return cmd; } return "help"; } async function runCommand(cmd, flags) { var _a; switch (cmd) { case "help": await printAstroHelp(); return; case "version": printVersion(); return; case "info": { const { printInfo } = await import("./info/index.js"); await printInfo({ flags }); return; } case "docs": { const { docs } = await import("./docs/index.js"); await docs({ flags }); return; } case "telemetry": { const { update } = await import("./telemetry/index.js"); const subcommand = (_a = flags._[3]) == null ? void 0 : _a.toString(); await update(subcommand, { flags }); return; } } const { enableVerboseLogging, nodeLogDestination } = await import("../core/logger/node.js"); const logging = { dest: nodeLogDestination, level: "info" }; if (flags.verbose) { logging.level = "debug"; enableVerboseLogging(); } else if (flags.silent) { logging.level = "silent"; } if (!process.env.NODE_ENV) { process.env.NODE_ENV = cmd === "dev" ? "development" : "production"; } switch (cmd) { case "add": { const { add } = await import("./add/index.js"); const packages = flags._.slice(3); await add(packages, { flags, logging }); return; } case "dev": { const { dev } = await import("./dev/index.js"); const server = await dev({ flags, logging }); if (server) { return await new Promise(() => { }); } return; } case "build": { const { build } = await import("./build/index.js"); await build({ flags, logging }); return; } case "preview": { const { preview } = await import("./preview/index.js"); const server = await preview({ flags, logging }); if (server) { return await server.closed(); } return; } case "check": { const { check } = await import("./check/index.js"); const checkServer = await check({ flags, logging }); if (checkServer) { if (checkServer.isWatchMode) { await; return await new Promise(() => { }); } else { const checkResult = await checkServer.check(); return process.exit(checkResult); } } return; } case "sync": { const { sync } = await import("./sync/index.js"); const exitCode = await sync({ flags, logging }); return process.exit(exitCode); } } throw new Error(`Error running ${cmd} -- no command found.`); } async function cli(args) { const flags = yargs(args); const cmd = resolveCommand(flags); try { await runCommand(cmd, flags); } catch (err) { const { throwAndExit } = await import("./throw-and-exit.js"); await throwAndExit(cmd, err); } } export { cli };