import boxen from "boxen"; import { bgCyan, bgGreen, bgRed, bgWhite, bgYellow, black, bold, cyan, dim, green, red, underline, yellow } from "kleur/colors"; import { renderErrorMarkdown } from "./errors/dev/utils.js"; import { AstroError, CompilerError } from "./errors/index.js"; import { emoji, padMultilineString } from "./util.js"; const PREFIX_PADDING = 6; function req({ url, statusCode, reqTime }) { let color = dim; if (statusCode >= 500) color = red; else if (statusCode >= 400) color = yellow; else if (statusCode >= 300) color = dim; else if (statusCode >= 200) color = green; return `${bold(color(`${statusCode}`.padStart(PREFIX_PADDING)))} ${url.padStart(40)} ${reqTime ? dim(Math.round(reqTime) + "ms") : ""}`.trim(); } function reload({ file }) { return `${green("reload".padStart(PREFIX_PADDING))} ${file}`; } function hmr({ file, style = false }) { return `${green("update".padStart(PREFIX_PADDING))} ${file}${style ? ` ${dim("style")}` : ""}`; } function serverStart({ startupTime, resolvedUrls, host, base, isRestart = false }) { const version = "2.8.5"; const localPrefix = `${dim("\u2503")} Local `; const networkPrefix = `${dim("\u2503")} Network `; const emptyPrefix = " ".repeat(11); const localUrlMessages =, i) => { return `${i === 0 ? localPrefix : emptyPrefix}${bold(cyan(new URL(url).origin + base))}`; }); const networkUrlMessages =, i) => { return `${i === 0 ? networkPrefix : emptyPrefix}${bold(cyan(new URL(url).origin + base))}`; }); if (networkUrlMessages.length === 0) { const networkLogging = getNetworkLogging(host); if (networkLogging === "host-to-expose") { networkUrlMessages.push(`${networkPrefix}${dim("use --host to expose")}`); } else if (networkLogging === "visible") { networkUrlMessages.push(`${networkPrefix}${dim("unable to find network to expose")}`); } } const messages = [ `${emoji("\u{1F680} ", "")}${bgGreen(black(` astro `))} ${green(`v${version}`)} ${dim( `${isRestart ? "re" : ""}started in ${Math.round(startupTime)}ms` )}`, "", ...localUrlMessages, ...networkUrlMessages, "" ]; return messages.filter((msg) => typeof msg === "string").map((msg) => ` ${msg}`).join("\n"); } function telemetryNotice() { const headline = yellow(`Astro now collects ${bold("anonymous")} usage data.`); const why = `This ${bold("optional program")} will help shape our roadmap.`; const more = `For more info, visit ${underline("")}`; const box = boxen([headline, why, "", more].join("\n"), { margin: 0, padding: 1, borderStyle: "round", borderColor: "yellow" }); return box; } function telemetryEnabled() { return ` ${green("\u25C9")} Anonymous telemetry is ${bgGreen( black(" enabled ") )}. Thank you for improving Astro! `; } function telemetryDisabled() { return ` ${yellow("\u25EF")} Anonymous telemetry is ${bgYellow( black(" disabled ") )}. We won't share any usage data. `; } function telemetryReset() { return ` ${cyan("\u25C6")} Anonymous telemetry has been ${bgCyan( black(" reset ") )}. You may be prompted again. `; } function fsStrictWarning() { return yellow( "\u26A0\uFE0F Serving with vite.server.fs.strict: false. Note that all files on your machine will be accessible to anyone on your network!" ); } function prerelease({ currentVersion }) { const tag = currentVersion.split("-").slice(1).join("-").replace(/\..*$/, ""); const badge = bgYellow(black(` ${tag} `)); const headline = yellow(`\u25B6 This is a ${badge} prerelease build`); const warning = ` Feedback? ${underline("")}`; return [headline, warning, ""].map((msg) => ` ${msg}`).join("\n"); } function success(message, tip) { const badge = bgGreen(black(` success `)); const headline = green(message); const footer = tip ? ` \u25B6 ${tip}` : void 0; return ["", `${badge} ${headline}`, footer].filter((v) => v !== void 0).map((msg) => ` ${msg}`).join("\n"); } function failure(message, tip) { const badge = bgRed(black(` error `)); const headline = red(message); const footer = tip ? ` \u25B6 ${tip}` : void 0; return ["", `${badge} ${headline}`, footer].filter((v) => v !== void 0).map((msg) => ` ${msg}`).join("\n"); } function cancelled(message, tip) { const badge = bgYellow(black(` cancelled `)); const headline = yellow(message); const footer = tip ? ` \u25B6 ${tip}` : void 0; return ["", `${badge} ${headline}`, footer].filter((v) => v !== void 0).map((msg) => ` ${msg}`).join("\n"); } const LOCAL_IP_HOSTS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["localhost", ""]); function getNetworkLogging(host) { if (host === false) { return "host-to-expose"; } else if (typeof host === "string" && LOCAL_IP_HOSTS.has(host)) { return "none"; } else { return "visible"; } } function formatConfigErrorMessage(err) { const errorList = (issue) => ` ! ${bold(issue.path.join("."))} ${red(issue.message + ".")}` ); return `${red("[config]")} Astro found issue(s) with your configuration: ${errorList.join( "\n" )}`; } function formatErrorMessage(err, args = []) { var _a, _b, _c; const isOurError = ||; args.push( `${bgRed(black(` error `))}${red( padMultilineString(isOurError ? renderErrorMarkdown(err.message, "cli") : err.message) )}` ); if (err.hint) { args.push(` ${bold("Hint:")}`); args.push( yellow(padMultilineString(isOurError ? renderErrorMarkdown(err.hint, "cli") : err.hint, 4)) ); } if ( || ((_a = err.loc) == null ? void 0 : _a.file)) { args.push(` ${bold("File:")}`); args.push( red( ` ${ ?? ((_b = err.loc) == null ? void 0 : _b.file)}${((_c = err.loc) == null ? void 0 : _c.line) && err.loc.column ? `:${err.loc.line}:${err.loc.column}` : ""}` ) ); } if (err.frame) { args.push(` ${bold("Code:")}`); args.push(red(padMultilineString(err.frame.trim(), 4))); } if (args.length === 1 && err.stack) { args.push(dim(err.stack)); } else if (err.stack) { args.push(` ${bold("Stacktrace:")}`); args.push(dim(err.stack)); args.push(``); } if (err.cause) { args.push(` ${bold("Cause:")}`); if (err.cause instanceof Error) { args.push(dim(err.cause.stack ?? err.cause.toString())); } else { args.push(JSON.stringify(err.cause)); } args.push(``); } return args.join("\n"); } function printHelp({ commandName, headline, usage, tables, description }) { const linebreak = () => ""; const title = (label) => ` ${bgWhite(black(` ${label} `))}`; const table = (rows, { padding }) => { const split = process.stdout.columns < 60; let raw = ""; for (const row of rows) { if (split) { raw += ` ${row[0]} `; } else { raw += `${`${row[0]}`.padStart(padding)}`; } raw += " " + dim(row[1]) + "\n"; } return raw.slice(0, -1); }; let message = []; if (headline) { message.push( linebreak(), ` ${bgGreen(black(` ${commandName} `))} ${green( `v${"2.8.5"}` )} ${headline}` ); } if (usage) { message.push(linebreak(), ` ${green(commandName)} ${bold(usage)}`); } if (tables) { let calculateTablePadding2 = function(rows) { return rows.reduce((val, [first]) => Math.max(val, first.length), 0) + 2; }; var calculateTablePadding = calculateTablePadding2; const tableEntries = Object.entries(tables); const padding = Math.max([, rows]) => calculateTablePadding2(rows))); for (const [tableTitle, tableRows] of tableEntries) { message.push(linebreak(), title(tableTitle), table(tableRows, { padding })); } } if (description) { message.push(linebreak(), `${description}`); } console.log(message.join("\n") + "\n"); } export { cancelled, failure, formatConfigErrorMessage, formatErrorMessage, fsStrictWarning, getNetworkLogging, hmr, prerelease, printHelp, reload, req, serverStart, success, telemetryDisabled, telemetryEnabled, telemetryNotice, telemetryReset };