import { escape } from 'html-escaper'; export declare const escapeHTML: typeof escape; export declare class HTMLBytes extends Uint8Array { } /** * A "blessed" extension of String that tells Astro that the string * has already been escaped. This helps prevent double-escaping of HTML. */ export declare class HTMLString extends String { get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; } type BlessedType = string | HTMLBytes; /** * markHTMLString marks a string as raw or "already escaped" by returning * a `HTMLString` instance. This is meant for internal use, and should not * be returned through any public JS API. */ export declare const markHTMLString: (value: any) => any; export declare function isHTMLString(value: any): value is HTMLString; export declare function isHTMLBytes(value: any): value is HTMLBytes; export declare function unescapeHTML(str: any): BlessedType | Promise> | AsyncGenerator; export {};