import type { SSRElement } from '../../../@types/astro'; export declare const voidElementNames: RegExp; export declare const toAttributeString: (value: any, shouldEscape?: boolean) => any; export declare function defineScriptVars(vars: Record): any; export declare function formatList(values: string[]): string; export declare function addAttribute(value: any, key: string, shouldEscape?: boolean): any; export declare function internalSpreadAttributes(values: Record, shouldEscape?: boolean): any; export declare function renderElement(name: string, { props: _props, children }: SSRElement, shouldEscape?: boolean): string; /** * This will take an array of async iterables and start buffering them eagerly. * To avoid useless buffering, it will only start buffering the next tick, so the * first sync iterables won't be buffered. */ export declare function bufferIterators(iterators: AsyncIterable[]): AsyncIterable[]; export declare class EagerAsyncIterableIterator { #private; constructor(iterable: AsyncIterable); /** * Starts to eagerly fetch the inner iterator and cache the results. * Note: This might not be called after next() has been called once, e.g. the iterator is started */ buffer(): Promise; next(): Promise>; isStarted(): boolean; [Symbol.asyncIterator](): this; }