import * as fs from "node:fs"; import { warn } from "../core/logger/core.js"; import notFoundTemplate, { subpathNotUsedTemplate } from "../template/4xx.js"; import { log404 } from "./common.js"; import { writeHtmlResponse } from "./response.js"; function baseMiddleware(settings, logging) { const { config } = settings; const site = ? new URL(config.base, : void 0; const devRootURL = new URL(config.base, "http://localhost"); const devRoot = site ? site.pathname : devRootURL.pathname; const devRootReplacement = devRoot.endsWith("/") ? "/" : ""; return function devBaseMiddleware(req, res, next) { var _a; const url = req.url; const pathname = decodeURI(new URL(url, "http://localhost").pathname); if (pathname.startsWith(devRoot)) { req.url = url.replace(devRoot, devRootReplacement); return next(); } if (pathname === "/" || pathname === "/index.html") { log404(logging, pathname); const html = subpathNotUsedTemplate(devRoot, pathname); return writeHtmlResponse(res, 404, html); } if ((_a = req.headers.accept) == null ? void 0 : _a.includes("text/html")) { log404(logging, pathname); const html = notFoundTemplate({ statusCode: 404, title: "Not found", tabTitle: "404: Not Found", pathname }); return writeHtmlResponse(res, 404, html); } const publicPath = new URL("." + req.url, config.publicDir); fs.stat(publicPath, (_err, stats) => { if (stats) { const expectedLocation = new URL("." + url, devRootURL).pathname; warn( logging, "dev", `Requests for items in your public folder must also include your base. ${url} should be ${expectedLocation}. Omitting the base will break in production.` ); res.writeHead(301, { Location: expectedLocation }); res.end(); } else { next(); } }); }; } export { baseMiddleware };