import {blockquote} from './blockquote.js' import {hardBreak} from './break.js' import {code} from './code.js' import {strikethrough} from './delete.js' import {emphasis} from './emphasis.js' import {footnoteReference} from './footnote-reference.js' import {footnote} from './footnote.js' import {heading} from './heading.js' import {html} from './html.js' import {imageReference} from './image-reference.js' import {image} from './image.js' import {inlineCode} from './inline-code.js' import {linkReference} from './link-reference.js' import {link} from './link.js' import {listItem} from './list-item.js' import {list} from './list.js' import {paragraph} from './paragraph.js' import {root} from './root.js' import {strong} from './strong.js' import {table} from './table.js' import {tableRow} from './table-row.js' import {tableCell} from './table-cell.js' import {text} from './text.js' import {thematicBreak} from './thematic-break.js' /** * Default handlers for nodes. */ export const handlers = { blockquote, break: hardBreak, code, delete: strikethrough, emphasis, footnoteReference, footnote, heading, html, imageReference, image, inlineCode, linkReference, link, listItem, list, paragraph, root, strong, table, tableCell, tableRow, text, thematicBreak, toml: ignore, yaml: ignore, definition: ignore, footnoteDefinition: ignore } // Return nothing for nodes that are ignored. function ignore() { // To do: next major: return `undefined`. return null }