/** * @typedef {import('../types.js').FlowContent} FlowContent * @typedef {import('../types.js').Node} Node * @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent * @typedef {import('../types.js').State} State * @typedef {import('../types.js').TrackFields} TrackFields */ /** * @param {Parent & {children: Array}} parent * Parent of flow nodes. * @param {State} state * Info passed around about the current state. * @param {TrackFields} info * Info on where we are in the document we are generating. * @returns {string} * Serialized children, joined by (blank) lines. */ export function containerFlow( parent: import('../types.js').Parent & { children: Array }, state: State, info: TrackFields ): string export type FlowContent = import('../types.js').FlowContent export type Node = import('../types.js').Node export type Parent = import('../types.js').Parent export type State = import('../types.js').State export type TrackFields = import('../types.js').TrackFields