export const errors = { abandonedHeadElementChild: { reason: 'Unexpected metadata element after head', description: 'Unexpected element after head. Expected the element before ``', url: false }, abruptClosingOfEmptyComment: { reason: 'Unexpected abruptly closed empty comment', description: 'Unexpected `>` or `->`. Expected `-->` to close comments' }, abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier: { reason: 'Unexpected abruptly closed public identifier', description: 'Unexpected `>`. Expected a closing `"` or `\'` after the public identifier' }, abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier: { reason: 'Unexpected abruptly closed system identifier', description: 'Unexpected `>`. Expected a closing `"` or `\'` after the identifier identifier' }, absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference: { reason: 'Unexpected non-digit at start of numeric character reference', description: 'Unexpected `%c`. Expected `[0-9]` for decimal references or `[0-9a-fA-F]` for hexadecimal references' }, cdataInHtmlContent: { reason: 'Unexpected CDATA section in HTML', description: 'Unexpected `` in ``', description: 'Unexpected text character `%c`. Only use text in `