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``` ##### HSVToRGB ```typescript /** * Takes an `HSVColor` and converts it to `RGBColor` */ function HSVToRGB(hsv: HSVColor, is100?: boolean): RGBColor; ``` ##### StringToRGB ```typescript /** * Takes an `StringColor` and converts it to `RGBColor`, * If input string is invalid `null` will be returned. */ function StringToRGB(input: string, return255?: boolean, alpha255?: boolean): RGBColor; ``` ##### StringToHVS ```typescript /** * Takes an `StringColor` and converts it to `HSVColor`, * If input string is invalid `null` will be returned. */ function StringToHVS(input: string, return255?: boolean, alpha255?: boolean): HSVColor; ``` ##### HSVToHEX ```typescript /** * Takes an `HSVColor` and converts it to `String` (HEX Format) */ function HSVToHEX(hsv: HSVColor, options?: { type?: GetColorTypeHex; isLong?: boolean; } ``` ##### RGBToHEX ```typescript /** * Takes an `RGBColor` and converts it to `String` (HEX Format) */ function RGBToHEX(color: RGBColor, type?: GetColorTypeHex): string; ``` ### ColorTypes ##### RGBColor ```typescript /** * Represents a color in the rgb(a) format. * * * Range `[0 - 1]` */ class RGBColor { /** * Range [0-1] */ r: number; /** * Range [0-1] */ g: number; /** * Range [0-1] */ b: number; /** * Range [0-1] */ a: number; constructor(r: number, g: number, b: number, a?: number); } ``` ##### HSVColor ```typescript /** * Represents a color in the hsv(a) format. * * * Range `[h 0 - 360, v/s/a 0 - 1]` */ class HSVColor { /** * Range [0-360] */ h: number; /** * Range [0-100] */ s: number; /** * Range [0-100] */ v: number; /** * Range [0-1] */ a: number; constructor(h: number, s: number, v: number, a?: number); } ``` ##### StringColor ```typescript /** * Represents a color in a string format. * Valid strings are `#000 | #0000 | #000000 | #00000000` * Or `rgb(0, 0, 0, 0) | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)` Range [rgb 0-255, a: 0-1] * */ class StringColor { color: string; constructor(color: string); } ``` ### HandleGet ##### HandleGetHex ```typescript function HandleGetHex(type: GetColorType, color: RGBColor, options?: GetColorOptions): string; ``` ### HandleSet ##### ConvertString ```typescript function ConvertString(input: string, return255?: boolean, alpha255?: boolean): RGBColor; ``` ##### HandleConvertHexString ```typescript /** * **assumes that the input is valid** */ function HandleConvertHexString(text: string, return255?: boolean, alpha255?: boolean): RGBColor; ``` ### UtilityFunction ##### GetReadableTextColor ```typescript function GetReadableTextColor(color: RGBColor | HSVColor | StringColor | string): RGBColor | HSVColor | "#000" | "#fff"; ``` ##### ShiftHue ```typescript /** * Shifts the hue of the `HSVColor` by the Value */ function ShiftHue(hsv: HSVColor, value: number): HSVColor; ``` ### index ### interfaces ##### GetColorTypeHex ```typescript type GetColorTypeHex = 'hex' | 'hex-short' | 'hex-without-alpha' | 'hex-without-alpha-short'; ``` ##### GetColorType ```typescript type GetColorType = 'rgb' | GetColorTypeHex | 'rgba' | 'object' | 'hsv'; ``` ##### GetColorOptions ```typescript interface GetColorOptions { /** * if true `#fff` will be output as `#FFF` */ UpperCaseHex: boolean; } ``` ### regex ##### isValidHex ```typescript function isValidHex(text: string): boolean; ``` ##### isValidRGB ```typescript function isValidRGB(text: string): boolean; ``` ### utils ##### GetReadableTextColor ```typescript function GetReadableTextColor(color: RGBColor | HSVColor | StringColor | string): RGBColor | HSVColor | "#000" | "#fff"; ``` ##### ShiftHue ```typescript /** * Shifts the hue of the `HSVColor` by the Value */ function ShiftHue(hsv: HSVColor, value: number): HSVColor; ``` ##### convertCssColorToHex ```typescript /**Returns the hex value of the color string or the input string */ function convertCssColorToHex(color: string): string; ``` ### validators ##### isValidStringColor ```typescript function isValidStringColor(input: string): string; ``` _Generated with_ **[suf-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/suf-cli)** # License Copyright (c) 2020 Leonard Grosoli Licensed under the MIT license.