import { IGrammar, IRawTheme } from 'vscode-textmate'; type Theme = 'css-variables' | 'dark-plus' | 'dracula-soft' | 'dracula' | 'github-dark-dimmed' | 'github-dark' | 'github-light' | 'hc_light' | 'light-plus' | 'material-theme-darker' | 'material-theme-lighter' | 'material-theme-ocean' | 'material-theme-palenight' | 'material-theme' | 'min-dark' | 'min-light' | 'monokai' | 'nord' | 'one-dark-pro' | 'poimandres' | 'rose-pine-dawn' | 'rose-pine-moon' | 'rose-pine' | 'slack-dark' | 'slack-ochin' | 'solarized-dark' | 'solarized-light' | 'vitesse-dark' | 'vitesse-light'; declare const themes: Theme[]; declare enum FontStyle { NotSet = -1, None = 0, Italic = 1, Bold = 2, Underline = 4 } interface IThemedTokenScopeExplanation { scopeName: string; themeMatches: any[]; } interface IThemedTokenExplanation { content: string; scopes: IThemedTokenScopeExplanation[]; } /** * A single token with color, and optionally with explanation. * * For example: * * { * "content": "shiki", * "color": "#D8DEE9", * "explanation": [ * { * "content": "shiki", * "scopes": [ * { * "scopeName": "source.js", * "themeMatches": [] * }, * { * "scopeName": "meta.objectliteral.js", * "themeMatches": [] * }, * { * "scopeName": "meta.object.member.js", * "themeMatches": [] * }, * { * "scopeName": "meta.array.literal.js", * "themeMatches": [] * }, * { * "scopeName": "variable.other.object.js", * "themeMatches": [ * { * "name": "Variable", * "scope": "variable.other", * "settings": { * "foreground": "#D8DEE9" * } * }, * { * "name": "[JavaScript] Variable Other Object", * "scope": "source.js variable.other.object", * "settings": { * "foreground": "#D8DEE9" * } * } * ] * } * ] * } * ] * } * */ interface IThemedToken { /** * The content of the token */ content: string; /** * 6 or 8 digit hex code representation of the token's color */ color?: string; /** * Font style of token. Can be None/Italic/Bold/Underline */ fontStyle?: FontStyle; /** * Explanation of * * - token text's matching scopes * - reason that token text is given a color (one matching scope matches a rule (scope -> color) in the theme) */ explanation?: IThemedTokenExplanation[]; } interface HighlighterOptions { /** * The theme to load upfront. * * Default to: 'nord' */ theme?: IThemeRegistration; /** * A list of themes to load upfront. */ themes?: IThemeRegistration[]; /** * A list of languages to load upfront. * * Default to all the bundled languages. */ langs?: (Lang | ILanguageRegistration)[]; /** * Paths for loading themes and langs. Relative to the package's root. */ paths?: IHighlighterPaths; } interface Highlighter { /** * Convert code to HTML tokens. * `lang` and `theme` must have been loaded. * @deprecated Please use the `codeToHtml(code, options?)` overload instead. */ codeToHtml(code: string, lang?: StringLiteralUnion, theme?: StringLiteralUnion, options?: CodeToHtmlOptions): string; /** * Convert code to HTML tokens. * `lang` and `theme` must have been loaded. */ codeToHtml(code: string, options?: CodeToHtmlOptions): string; /** * Convert code to themed tokens for custom processing. * `lang` and `theme` must have been loaded. * You may customize the bundled HTML / SVG renderer or write your own * renderer for another render target. */ codeToThemedTokens(code: string, lang?: StringLiteralUnion, theme?: StringLiteralUnion, options?: ThemedTokenizerOptions): IThemedToken[][]; /** * Convert ansi-escaped text to HTML tokens. * `theme` must have been loaded. */ ansiToHtml(ansi: string, options?: AnsiToHtmlOptions): string; /** * Convert ansi-escaped text to themed tokens for custom processing. * `theme` must have been loaded. * You may customize the bundled HTML / SVG renderer or write your own * renderer for another render target. */ ansiToThemedTokens(ansi: string, theme?: StringLiteralUnion): IThemedToken[][]; /** * Get the loaded theme */ getTheme(theme?: IThemeRegistration): IShikiTheme; /** * Load a theme */ loadTheme(theme: IThemeRegistration): Promise; /** * Load a language */ loadLanguage(lang: ILanguageRegistration | Lang): Promise; /** * Get all loaded themes */ getLoadedThemes(): Theme[]; /** * Get all loaded languages */ getLoadedLanguages(): Lang[]; /** * Get the foreground color for theme. Can be used for CSS `color`. */ getForegroundColor(theme?: StringLiteralUnion): string; /** * Get the background color for theme. Can be used for CSS `background-color`. */ getBackgroundColor(theme?: StringLiteralUnion): string; setColorReplacements(map: Record): void; } interface IHighlighterPaths { /** * @default 'themes/' */ themes?: string; /** * @default 'languages/' */ languages?: string; /** * @default 'dist/' */ wasm?: string; } type ILanguageRegistration = { id: string; scopeName: string; displayName?: string; aliases?: string[]; samplePath?: string; /** * A list of languages the current language embeds. * If manually specifying languages to load, make sure to load the embedded * languages for each parent language. */ embeddedLangs?: Lang[]; balancedBracketSelectors?: string[]; unbalancedBracketSelectors?: string[]; } & { path: string; grammar?: IGrammar; }; type IThemeRegistration = IShikiTheme | StringLiteralUnion; interface IShikiTheme extends IRawTheme { /** * @description theme name */ name: string; /** * @description light/dark theme */ type: 'light' | 'dark' | 'css'; /** * @description tokenColors of the theme file */ settings: any[]; /** * @description text default foreground color */ fg: string; /** * @description text default background color */ bg: string; /** * @description relative path of included theme */ include?: string; /** * * @description color map of the theme file */ colors?: Record; } interface Nothing { } /** * type StringLiteralUnion<'foo'> = 'foo' | string * This has auto completion whereas `'foo' | string` doesn't * Adapted from */ type StringLiteralUnion = T | (U & Nothing); interface CodeToHtmlOptions { lang?: StringLiteralUnion; theme?: StringLiteralUnion; lineOptions?: LineOption[]; } interface AnsiToHtmlOptions { theme?: StringLiteralUnion; lineOptions?: LineOption[]; } interface HtmlRendererOptions { langId?: string; fg?: string; bg?: string; lineOptions?: LineOption[]; elements?: ElementsOptions; themeName?: string; } interface LineOption { /** * 1-based line number. */ line: number; classes?: string[]; } interface ElementProps { children: string; [key: string]: unknown; } interface PreElementProps extends ElementProps { className: string; style: string; } interface CodeElementProps extends ElementProps { } interface LineElementProps extends ElementProps { className: string; lines: IThemedToken[][]; line: IThemedToken[]; index: number; } interface TokenElementProps extends ElementProps { style: string; tokens: IThemedToken[]; token: IThemedToken; index: number; } interface ElementsOptions { pre?: (props: PreElementProps) => string; code?: (props: CodeElementProps) => string; line?: (props: LineElementProps) => string; token?: (props: TokenElementProps) => string; } interface ThemedTokenizerOptions { /** * Whether to include explanation of each token's matching scopes and * why it's given its color. Default to false to reduce output verbosity. */ includeExplanation?: boolean; } type Lang = 'abap' | 'actionscript-3' | 'ada' | 'apache' | 'apex' | 'apl' | 'applescript' | 'ara' | 'asm' | 'astro' | 'awk' | 'ballerina' | 'bat' | 'batch' | 'beancount' | 'berry' | 'be' | 'bibtex' | 'bicep' | 'blade' | 'c' | 'cadence' | 'cdc' | 'clarity' | 'clojure' | 'clj' | 'cmake' | 'cobol' | 'codeql' | 'ql' | 'coffee' | 'cpp' | 'crystal' | 'csharp' | 'c#' | 'cs' | 'css' | 'cue' | 'cypher' | 'cql' | 'd' | 'dart' | 'dax' | 'diff' | 'docker' | 'dockerfile' | 'dream-maker' | 'elixir' | 'elm' | 'erb' | 'erlang' | 'erl' | 'fish' | 'fsharp' | 'f#' | 'fs' | 'gdresource' | 'gdscript' | 'gdshader' | 'gherkin' | 'git-commit' | 'git-rebase' | 'glimmer-js' | 'gjs' | 'glimmer-ts' | 'gts' | 'glsl' | 'gnuplot' | 'go' | 'graphql' | 'groovy' | 'hack' | 'haml' | 'handlebars' | 'hbs' | 'haskell' | 'hs' | 'hcl' | 'hjson' | 'hlsl' | 'html' | 'http' | 'imba' | 'ini' | 'properties' | 'java' | 'javascript' | 'js' | 'jinja-html' | 'jison' | 'json' | 'json5' | 'jsonc' | 'jsonl' | 'jsonnet' | 'jssm' | 'fsl' | 'jsx' | 'julia' | 'kotlin' | 'kusto' | 'kql' | 'latex' | 'less' | 'liquid' | 'lisp' | 'logo' | 'lua' | 'make' | 'makefile' | 'markdown' | 'md' | 'marko' | 'matlab' | 'mdx' | 'mermaid' | 'narrat' | 'nar' | 'nextflow' | 'nf' | 'nginx' | 'nim' | 'nix' | 'objective-c' | 'objc' | 'objective-cpp' | 'ocaml' | 'pascal' | 'perl' | 'php' | 'plsql' | 'postcss' | 'powerquery' | 'powershell' | 'ps' | 'ps1' | 'prisma' | 'prolog' | 'proto' | 'pug' | 'jade' | 'puppet' | 'purescript' | 'python' | 'py' | 'r' | 'raku' | 'perl6' | 'razor' | 'reg' | 'rel' | 'riscv' | 'rst' | 'ruby' | 'rb' | 'rust' | 'rs' | 'sas' | 'sass' | 'scala' | 'scheme' | 'scss' | 'shaderlab' | 'shader' | 'shellscript' | 'bash' | 'console' | 'sh' | 'shell' | 'zsh' | 'smalltalk' | 'solidity' | 'sparql' | 'sql' | 'ssh-config' | 'stata' | 'stylus' | 'styl' | 'svelte' | 'swift' | 'system-verilog' | 'tasl' | 'tcl' | 'tex' | 'toml' | 'tsx' | 'turtle' | 'twig' | 'typescript' | 'ts' | 'v' | 'vb' | 'cmd' | 'verilog' | 'vhdl' | 'viml' | 'vim' | 'vimscript' | 'vue-html' | 'vue' | 'vyper' | 'vy' | 'wasm' | 'wenyan' | '文言' | 'wgsl' | 'wolfram' | 'xml' | 'xsl' | 'yaml' | 'yml' | 'zenscript'; declare const languages: ILanguageRegistration[]; declare function getHighlighter(options: HighlighterOptions): Promise; declare function renderToHtml(lines: IThemedToken[][], options?: HtmlRendererOptions): string; /** * Set the route for loading the assets * URL should end with `/` * * For example: * ```ts * setCDN('') // use unpkg * setCDN('/assets/shiki/') // serve by yourself * ``` */ declare function setCDN(root: string): void; /** * Explicitly set the source for loading the oniguruma web assembly module. * * * Accepts ArrayBuffer or Response (usage of string is deprecated) */ declare function setWasm(data: string | ArrayBuffer | Response): void; /** * @param themePath related path to theme.json */ declare function fetchTheme(themePath: string): Promise; declare function toShikiTheme(rawTheme: IRawTheme): IShikiTheme; /** @deprecated use setWasm instead, will be removed in a future version */ declare function setOnigasmWASM(path: string | ArrayBuffer): void; export { languages as BUNDLED_LANGUAGES, themes as BUNDLED_THEMES, FontStyle, Highlighter, HighlighterOptions, HtmlRendererOptions, ILanguageRegistration, IShikiTheme, IThemeRegistration, IThemedToken, Lang, Theme, getHighlighter, fetchTheme as loadTheme, renderToHtml, setCDN, setOnigasmWASM, setWasm, toShikiTheme };