'use strict'; var vscodeOniguruma = require('vscode-oniguruma'); var vscodeTextmate = require('vscode-textmate'); const themes = [ "css-variables", "dark-plus", "dracula-soft", "dracula", "github-dark-dimmed", "github-dark", "github-light", "hc_light", "light-plus", "material-theme-darker", "material-theme-lighter", "material-theme-ocean", "material-theme-palenight", "material-theme", "min-dark", "min-light", "monokai", "nord", "one-dark-pro", "poimandres", "rose-pine-dawn", "rose-pine-moon", "rose-pine", "slack-dark", "slack-ochin", "solarized-dark", "solarized-light", "vitesse-dark", "vitesse-light" ]; const languages = [ { id: "abap", scopeName: "source.abap", path: "abap.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "ABAP", samplePath: "abap.sample" }, { id: "actionscript-3", scopeName: "source.actionscript.3", path: "actionscript-3.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "ActionScript", samplePath: "actionscript-3.sample" }, { id: "ada", scopeName: "source.ada", path: "ada.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Ada", samplePath: "ada.sample" }, { id: "apache", scopeName: "source.apacheconf", path: "apache.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Apache Conf" }, { id: "apex", scopeName: "source.apex", path: "apex.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Apex", samplePath: "apex.sample" }, { id: "apl", scopeName: "source.apl", path: "apl.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "APL", embeddedLangs: ["html", "xml", "css", "javascript", "json"] }, { id: "applescript", scopeName: "source.applescript", path: "applescript.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "AppleScript", samplePath: "applescript.sample" }, { id: "ara", scopeName: "source.ara", path: "ara.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Ara", samplePath: "ara.sample" }, { id: "asm", scopeName: "source.asm.x86_64", path: "asm.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Assembly", samplePath: "asm.sample" }, { id: "astro", scopeName: "source.astro", path: "astro.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Astro", samplePath: "astro.sample", embeddedLangs: ["json", "javascript", "typescript", "stylus", "sass", "css", "scss", "less", "postcss", "tsx"] }, { id: "awk", scopeName: "source.awk", path: "awk.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "AWK", samplePath: "awk.sample" }, { id: "ballerina", scopeName: "source.ballerina", path: "ballerina.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Ballerina", samplePath: "ballerina.sample" }, { id: "bat", scopeName: "source.batchfile", path: "bat.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Batch", samplePath: "bat.sample", aliases: ["batch"] }, { id: "beancount", scopeName: "text.beancount", path: "beancount.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Beancount", samplePath: "beancount.sample" }, { id: "berry", scopeName: "source.berry", path: "berry.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Berry", samplePath: "berry.sample", aliases: ["be"] }, { id: "bibtex", scopeName: "text.bibtex", path: "bibtex.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "BibTeX" }, { id: "bicep", scopeName: "source.bicep", path: "bicep.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Bicep", samplePath: "bicep.sample" }, { id: "blade", scopeName: "text.html.php.blade", path: "blade.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Blade", samplePath: "blade.sample", embeddedLangs: ["html", "xml", "sql", "javascript", "json", "css"] }, { id: "c", scopeName: "source.c", path: "c.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "C", samplePath: "c.sample" }, { id: "cadence", scopeName: "source.cadence", path: "cadence.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Cadence", samplePath: "cadence.sample", aliases: ["cdc"] }, { id: "clarity", scopeName: "source.clar", path: "clarity.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Clarity", samplePath: "clarity.sample" }, { id: "clojure", scopeName: "source.clojure", path: "clojure.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Clojure", samplePath: "clojure.sample", aliases: ["clj"] }, { id: "cmake", scopeName: "source.cmake", path: "cmake.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "CMake", samplePath: "cmake.sample" }, { id: "cobol", scopeName: "source.cobol", path: "cobol.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "COBOL", samplePath: "cobol.sample", embeddedLangs: ["sql", "html", "java"] }, { id: "codeql", scopeName: "source.ql", path: "codeql.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "CodeQL", samplePath: "codeql.sample", aliases: ["ql"], embeddedLangs: ["markdown"] }, { id: "coffee", scopeName: "source.coffee", path: "coffee.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "CoffeeScript", samplePath: "coffee.sample", embeddedLangs: ["javascript"] }, { id: "cpp", scopeName: "source.cpp", path: "cpp.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "C++", samplePath: "cpp.sample", embeddedLangs: ["glsl", "sql"] }, { id: "crystal", scopeName: "source.crystal", path: "crystal.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Crystal", samplePath: "crystal.sample", embeddedLangs: ["html", "sql", "css", "c", "javascript", "shellscript"] }, { id: "csharp", scopeName: "source.cs", path: "csharp.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "C#", samplePath: "csharp.sample", aliases: ["c#", "cs"] }, { id: "css", scopeName: "source.css", path: "css.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "CSS", samplePath: "css.sample" }, { id: "cue", scopeName: "source.cue", path: "cue.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "CUE", samplePath: "cue.sample" }, { id: "cypher", scopeName: "source.cypher", path: "cypher.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Cypher", samplePath: "cypher.sample", aliases: ["cql"] }, { id: "d", scopeName: "source.d", path: "d.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "D", samplePath: "d.sample" }, { id: "dart", scopeName: "source.dart", path: "dart.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Dart", samplePath: "dart.sample" }, { id: "dax", scopeName: "source.dax", path: "dax.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "DAX", samplePath: "dax.sample" }, { id: "diff", scopeName: "source.diff", path: "diff.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Diff", samplePath: "diff.sample" }, { id: "docker", scopeName: "source.dockerfile", path: "docker.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Docker", samplePath: "docker.sample", aliases: ["dockerfile"] }, { id: "dream-maker", scopeName: "source.dm", path: "dream-maker.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Dream Maker" }, { id: "elixir", scopeName: "source.elixir", path: "elixir.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Elixir", samplePath: "elixir.sample", embeddedLangs: ["html"] }, { id: "elm", scopeName: "source.elm", path: "elm.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Elm", samplePath: "elm.sample", embeddedLangs: ["glsl"] }, { id: "erb", scopeName: "text.html.erb", path: "erb.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "ERB", samplePath: "erb.sample", embeddedLangs: ["html", "ruby"] }, { id: "erlang", scopeName: "source.erlang", path: "erlang.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Erlang", samplePath: "erlang.sample", aliases: ["erl"] }, { id: "fish", scopeName: "source.fish", path: "fish.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Fish", samplePath: "fish.sample" }, { id: "fsharp", scopeName: "source.fsharp", path: "fsharp.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "F#", samplePath: "fsharp.sample", aliases: ["f#", "fs"], embeddedLangs: ["markdown"] }, { id: "gdresource", scopeName: "source.gdresource", path: "gdresource.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "GDResource", samplePath: "gdresource.sample", embeddedLangs: ["gdshader", "gdscript"] }, { id: "gdscript", scopeName: "source.gdscript", path: "gdscript.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "GDScript", samplePath: "gdscript.sample" }, { id: "gdshader", scopeName: "source.gdshader", path: "gdshader.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "GDShader", samplePath: "gdshader.sample" }, { id: "gherkin", scopeName: "text.gherkin.feature", path: "gherkin.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Gherkin" }, { id: "git-commit", scopeName: "text.git-commit", path: "git-commit.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Git Commit Message", embeddedLangs: ["diff"] }, { id: "git-rebase", scopeName: "text.git-rebase", path: "git-rebase.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Git Rebase Message", embeddedLangs: ["shellscript"] }, { id: "glimmer-js", scopeName: "source.gjs", path: "glimmer-js.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Glimmer JS", aliases: ["gjs"], embeddedLangs: ["javascript", "handlebars"] }, { id: "glimmer-ts", scopeName: "source.gts", path: "glimmer-ts.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Glimmer TS", aliases: ["gts"], embeddedLangs: ["typescript", "handlebars"] }, { id: "glsl", scopeName: "source.glsl", path: "glsl.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "GLSL", samplePath: "glsl.sample", embeddedLangs: ["c"] }, { id: "gnuplot", scopeName: "source.gnuplot", path: "gnuplot.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Gnuplot" }, { id: "go", scopeName: "source.go", path: "go.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Go", samplePath: "go.sample" }, { id: "graphql", scopeName: "source.graphql", path: "graphql.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "GraphQL", embeddedLangs: ["javascript", "typescript", "jsx", "tsx"] }, { id: "groovy", scopeName: "source.groovy", path: "groovy.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Groovy" }, { id: "hack", scopeName: "source.hack", path: "hack.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Hack", embeddedLangs: ["html", "sql"] }, { id: "haml", scopeName: "text.haml", path: "haml.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Ruby Haml", embeddedLangs: ["ruby", "javascript", "sass", "coffee", "markdown", "css"] }, { id: "handlebars", scopeName: "text.html.handlebars", path: "handlebars.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Handlebars", aliases: ["hbs"], embeddedLangs: ["html", "css", "javascript", "yaml"] }, { id: "haskell", scopeName: "source.haskell", path: "haskell.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Haskell", aliases: ["hs"] }, { id: "hcl", scopeName: "source.hcl", path: "hcl.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "HashiCorp HCL", samplePath: "hcl.sample" }, { id: "hjson", scopeName: "source.hjson", path: "hjson.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Hjson", samplePath: "hjson.sample" }, { id: "hlsl", scopeName: "source.hlsl", path: "hlsl.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "HLSL" }, { id: "html", scopeName: "text.html.basic", path: "html.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "HTML", samplePath: "html.sample", embeddedLangs: ["javascript", "css"] }, { id: "http", scopeName: "source.http", path: "http.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "HTTP", samplePath: "http.sample", embeddedLangs: ["shellscript", "json", "xml", "graphql"] }, { id: "imba", scopeName: "source.imba", path: "imba.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Imba", samplePath: "imba.sample" }, { id: "ini", scopeName: "source.ini", path: "ini.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "INI", aliases: ["properties"] }, { id: "java", scopeName: "source.java", path: "java.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Java", samplePath: "java.sample" }, { id: "javascript", scopeName: "source.js", path: "javascript.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "JavaScript", samplePath: "javascript.sample", aliases: ["js"] }, { id: "jinja-html", scopeName: "text.html.jinja", path: "jinja-html.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Jinja", embeddedLangs: ["html"] }, { id: "jison", scopeName: "source.jison", path: "jison.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Jison", samplePath: "jison.sample", embeddedLangs: ["javascript"] }, { id: "json", scopeName: "source.json", path: "json.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "JSON" }, { id: "json5", scopeName: "source.json5", path: "json5.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "JSON5", samplePath: "json5.sample" }, { id: "jsonc", scopeName: "source.json.comments", path: "jsonc.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "JSON with Comments" }, { id: "jsonl", scopeName: "source.json.lines", path: "jsonl.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "JSON Lines" }, { id: "jsonnet", scopeName: "source.jsonnet", path: "jsonnet.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Jsonnet" }, { id: "jssm", scopeName: "source.jssm", path: "jssm.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "JSSM", samplePath: "jssm.sample", aliases: ["fsl"] }, { id: "jsx", scopeName: "source.js.jsx", path: "jsx.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "JSX" }, { id: "julia", scopeName: "source.julia", path: "julia.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Julia", embeddedLangs: ["cpp", "python", "javascript", "r", "sql"] }, { id: "kotlin", scopeName: "source.kotlin", path: "kotlin.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Kotlin", samplePath: "kotlin.sample" }, { id: "kusto", scopeName: "source.kusto", path: "kusto.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Kusto", samplePath: "kusto.sample", aliases: ["kql"] }, { id: "latex", scopeName: "text.tex.latex", path: "latex.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "LaTeX", embeddedLangs: ["tex", "css", "haskell", "html", "xml", "java", "lua", "julia", "ruby", "javascript", "typescript", "python", "yaml", "rust", "scala", "gnuplot"] }, { id: "less", scopeName: "source.css.less", path: "less.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Less", embeddedLangs: ["css"] }, { id: "liquid", scopeName: "text.html.liquid", path: "liquid.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Liquid", samplePath: "liquid.sample", embeddedLangs: ["html", "css", "json", "javascript"] }, { id: "lisp", scopeName: "source.lisp", path: "lisp.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Lisp" }, { id: "logo", scopeName: "source.logo", path: "logo.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Logo" }, { id: "lua", scopeName: "source.lua", path: "lua.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Lua", embeddedLangs: ["c"] }, { id: "make", scopeName: "source.makefile", path: "make.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Makefile", aliases: ["makefile"] }, { id: "markdown", scopeName: "text.html.markdown", path: "markdown.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Markdown", aliases: ["md"], embeddedLangs: ["css", "html", "ini", "java", "lua", "make", "perl", "r", "ruby", "php", "sql", "vb", "xml", "xsl", "yaml", "bat", "clojure", "coffee", "c", "cpp", "diff", "docker", "git-commit", "git-rebase", "go", "groovy", "pug", "javascript", "json", "jsonc", "less", "objective-c", "swift", "scss", "raku", "powershell", "python", "julia", "rust", "scala", "shellscript", "typescript", "tsx", "csharp", "fsharp", "dart", "handlebars", "erlang", "elixir", "latex", "bibtex"] }, { id: "marko", scopeName: "text.marko", path: "marko.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Marko", embeddedLangs: ["css", "less", "scss", "javascript"] }, { id: "matlab", scopeName: "source.matlab", path: "matlab.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "MATLAB" }, { id: "mdx", scopeName: "source.mdx", path: "mdx.tmLanguage.json", 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"nim.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Nim", embeddedLangs: ["c", "html", "xml", "javascript", "css", "glsl", "markdown"] }, { id: "nix", scopeName: "source.nix", path: "nix.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Nix" }, { id: "objective-c", scopeName: "source.objc", path: "objective-c.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Objective-C", aliases: ["objc"] }, { id: "objective-cpp", scopeName: "source.objcpp", path: "objective-cpp.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Objective-C++" }, { id: "ocaml", scopeName: "source.ocaml", path: "ocaml.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "OCaml" }, { id: "pascal", scopeName: "source.pascal", path: "pascal.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Pascal" }, { id: "perl", scopeName: "source.perl", path: "perl.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Perl", embeddedLangs: ["html", "xml", "css", "javascript", "sql"] }, { id: "php", scopeName: "source.php", path: "php.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "PHP", embeddedLangs: ["html", "xml", "sql", "javascript", "json", "css"] }, { id: "plsql", scopeName: 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"scss", "stylus", "coffee", "html"] }, { id: "puppet", scopeName: "source.puppet", path: "puppet.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Puppet" }, { id: "purescript", scopeName: "source.purescript", path: "purescript.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "PureScript" }, { id: "python", scopeName: "source.python", path: "python.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Python", samplePath: "python.sample", aliases: ["py"] }, { id: "r", scopeName: "source.r", path: "r.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "R" }, { id: "raku", scopeName: "source.perl.6", path: "raku.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Perl 6", aliases: ["perl6"] }, { id: "razor", scopeName: "text.aspnetcorerazor", path: "razor.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "ASP.NET Razor", embeddedLangs: ["html", "csharp"] }, { id: "reg", scopeName: "source.reg", path: "reg.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Windows Registry Script", samplePath: "reg.sample" }, { id: "rel", scopeName: "source.rel", path: "rel.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Rel", samplePath: "rel.sample" }, { id: "riscv", scopeName: "source.riscv", path: "riscv.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "RISC-V" }, { id: "rst", scopeName: "source.rst", path: "rst.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "reStructuredText", embeddedLangs: ["cpp", "python", "javascript", "shellscript", "yaml", "cmake", "ruby"] }, { id: "ruby", scopeName: "source.ruby", path: "ruby.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Ruby", samplePath: "ruby.sample", aliases: ["rb"], embeddedLangs: ["html", "xml", "sql", "css", "c", "javascript", "shellscript", "lua"] }, { id: "rust", scopeName: "source.rust", path: "rust.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Rust", aliases: ["rs"] }, { id: "sas", scopeName: "source.sas", path: "sas.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "SAS", embeddedLangs: ["sql"] }, { id: "sass", scopeName: "source.sass", path: "sass.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Sass" }, { id: "scala", scopeName: "source.scala", path: "scala.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Scala" }, { id: "scheme", scopeName: "source.scheme", path: "scheme.tmLanguage.json", 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"tex", scopeName: "text.tex", path: "tex.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "TeX", embeddedLangs: ["r"] }, { id: "toml", scopeName: "source.toml", path: "toml.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "TOML" }, { id: "tsx", scopeName: "source.tsx", path: "tsx.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "TSX", samplePath: "tsx.sample" }, { id: "turtle", scopeName: "source.turtle", path: "turtle.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Turtle", samplePath: "turtle.sample" }, { id: "twig", scopeName: "text.html.twig", path: "twig.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Twig", embeddedLangs: ["css", "javascript", "php", "python", "ruby"] }, { id: "typescript", scopeName: "source.ts", path: "typescript.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "TypeScript", aliases: ["ts"] }, { id: "v", scopeName: "source.v", path: "v.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "V", samplePath: "v.sample" }, { id: "vb", scopeName: "source.asp.vb.net", path: "vb.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Visual Basic", aliases: ["cmd"] }, { id: "verilog", scopeName: "source.verilog", path: "verilog.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Verilog" }, { id: "vhdl", scopeName: "source.vhdl", path: "vhdl.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "VHDL" }, { id: "viml", scopeName: "source.viml", path: "viml.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Vim Script", aliases: ["vim", "vimscript"] }, { id: "vue-html", scopeName: "text.html.vue-html", path: "vue-html.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Vue HTML", embeddedLangs: ["vue", "javascript"] }, { id: "vue", scopeName: "source.vue", path: "vue.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Vue", embeddedLangs: ["html", "markdown", "pug", "stylus", "sass", "css", "scss", "less", "javascript", "typescript", "jsx", "tsx", "json", "jsonc", "json5", "yaml", "toml", "graphql"] }, { id: "vyper", scopeName: "source.vyper", path: "vyper.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Vyper", samplePath: "vyper.sample", aliases: ["vy"] }, { id: "wasm", scopeName: "source.wat", path: "wasm.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "WebAssembly" }, { id: "wenyan", scopeName: "source.wenyan", path: "wenyan.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Wenyan", aliases: ["\u6587\u8A00"] }, { id: "wgsl", scopeName: "source.wgsl", path: "wgsl.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "WGSL", samplePath: "wgsl.sample" }, { id: "wolfram", scopeName: "source.wolfram", path: "wolfram.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "Wolfram", samplePath: "wolfram.sample" }, { id: "xml", scopeName: "text.xml", path: "xml.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "XML", embeddedLangs: ["java"] }, { id: "xsl", scopeName: "text.xml.xsl", path: "xsl.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "XSL", embeddedLangs: ["xml"] }, { id: "yaml", scopeName: "source.yaml", path: "yaml.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "YAML", aliases: ["yml"] }, { id: "zenscript", scopeName: "source.zenscript", path: "zenscript.tmLanguage.json", displayName: "ZenScript", samplePath: "zenscript.sample" } ]; var FontStyle = /* @__PURE__ */ ((FontStyle2) => { FontStyle2[FontStyle2["NotSet"] = -1] = "NotSet"; FontStyle2[FontStyle2["None"] = 0] = "None"; FontStyle2[FontStyle2["Italic"] = 1] = "Italic"; FontStyle2[FontStyle2["Bold"] = 2] = "Bold"; FontStyle2[FontStyle2["Underline"] = 4] = "Underline"; return FontStyle2; })(FontStyle || {}); class StackElementMetadata { static toBinaryStr(metadata) { let r = metadata.toString(2); while (r.length < 32) { r = "0" + r; } return r; } static printMetadata(metadata) { let languageId = StackElementMetadata.getLanguageId(metadata); let tokenType = StackElementMetadata.getTokenType(metadata); let fontStyle = StackElementMetadata.getFontStyle(metadata); let foreground = StackElementMetadata.getForeground(metadata); let background = StackElementMetadata.getBackground(metadata); console.log({ languageId, tokenType, fontStyle, foreground, background }); } static getLanguageId(metadata) { return (metadata & 255 /* LANGUAGEID_MASK */) >>> 0 /* LANGUAGEID_OFFSET */; } static getTokenType(metadata) { return (metadata & 768 /* TOKEN_TYPE_MASK */) >>> 8 /* TOKEN_TYPE_OFFSET */; } static getFontStyle(metadata) { return (metadata & 14336 /* FONT_STYLE_MASK */) >>> 11 /* FONT_STYLE_OFFSET */; } static getForeground(metadata) { return (metadata & 8372224 /* FOREGROUND_MASK */) >>> 15 /* FOREGROUND_OFFSET */; } static getBackground(metadata) { return (metadata & 4286578688 /* BACKGROUND_MASK */) >>> 24 /* BACKGROUND_OFFSET */; } static containsBalancedBrackets(metadata) { return (metadata & 1024 /* BALANCED_BRACKETS_MASK */) !== 0; } static set(metadata, languageId, tokenType, fontStyle, foreground, background) { let _languageId = StackElementMetadata.getLanguageId(metadata); let _tokenType = StackElementMetadata.getTokenType(metadata); let _fontStyle = StackElementMetadata.getFontStyle(metadata); let _foreground = StackElementMetadata.getForeground(metadata); let _background = StackElementMetadata.getBackground(metadata); let _containsBalancedBracketsBit = StackElementMetadata.containsBalancedBrackets( metadata ) ? 1 : 0; if (languageId !== 0) { _languageId = languageId; } if (tokenType !== 0 /* Other */) { _tokenType = tokenType === 8 /* MetaEmbedded */ ? 0 /* Other */ : tokenType; } if (fontStyle !== -1 /* NotSet */) { _fontStyle = fontStyle; } if (foreground !== 0) { _foreground = foreground; } if (background !== 0) { _background = background; } return (_languageId << 0 /* LANGUAGEID_OFFSET */ | _tokenType << 8 /* TOKEN_TYPE_OFFSET */ | _fontStyle << 11 /* FONT_STYLE_OFFSET */ | _containsBalancedBracketsBit << 10 /* BALANCED_BRACKETS_OFFSET */ | _foreground << 15 /* FOREGROUND_OFFSET */ | _background << 24 /* BACKGROUND_OFFSET */) >>> 0; } } function trimEndSlash(str) { if (str.endsWith("/") || str.endsWith("\\")) return str.slice(0, -1); return str; } function trimStartDot(str) { if (str.startsWith("./")) return str.slice(2); return str; } function dirpathparts(str) { const parts = str.split(/[\/\\]/g); return parts.slice(0, parts.length - 1); } function join(...parts) { return parts.map(trimEndSlash).map(trimStartDot).join("/"); } function groupBy(elements, keyGetter) { const map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const element of elements) { const key = keyGetter(element); if (map.has(key)) { const group = map.get(key); group.push(element); } else { map.set(key, [element]); } } return map; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates a JSON scanner on the given text. * If ignoreTrivia is set, whitespaces or comments are ignored. */ function createScanner(text, ignoreTrivia = false) { const len = text.length; let pos = 0, value = '', tokenOffset = 0, token = 16 /* SyntaxKind.Unknown */, lineNumber = 0, lineStartOffset = 0, tokenLineStartOffset = 0, prevTokenLineStartOffset = 0, scanError = 0 /* ScanError.None */; function scanHexDigits(count, exact) { let digits = 0; let value = 0; while (digits < count || !exact) { let ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch >= 48 /* CharacterCodes._0 */ && ch <= 57 /* CharacterCodes._9 */) { value = value * 16 + ch - 48 /* CharacterCodes._0 */; } else if (ch >= 65 /* CharacterCodes.A */ && ch <= 70 /* CharacterCodes.F */) { value = value * 16 + ch - 65 /* CharacterCodes.A */ + 10; } else if (ch >= 97 /* CharacterCodes.a */ && ch <= 102 /* CharacterCodes.f */) { value = value * 16 + ch - 97 /* CharacterCodes.a */ + 10; } else { break; } pos++; digits++; } if (digits < count) { value = -1; } return value; } function setPosition(newPosition) { pos = newPosition; value = ''; tokenOffset = 0; token = 16 /* SyntaxKind.Unknown */; scanError = 0 /* ScanError.None */; } function scanNumber() { let start = pos; if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 48 /* CharacterCodes._0 */) { pos++; } else { pos++; while (pos < text.length && isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } } if (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 46 /* CharacterCodes.dot */) { pos++; if (pos < text.length && isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; while (pos < text.length && isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } } else { scanError = 3 /* ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfNumber */; return text.substring(start, pos); } } let end = pos; if (pos < text.length && (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 69 /* CharacterCodes.E */ || text.charCodeAt(pos) === 101 /* CharacterCodes.e */)) { pos++; if (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 43 /* CharacterCodes.plus */ || text.charCodeAt(pos) === 45 /* CharacterCodes.minus */) { pos++; } if (pos < text.length && isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; while (pos < text.length && isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } end = pos; } else { scanError = 3 /* ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfNumber */; } } return text.substring(start, end); } function scanString() { let result = '', start = pos; while (true) { if (pos >= len) { result += text.substring(start, pos); scanError = 2 /* ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfString */; break; } const ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 34 /* CharacterCodes.doubleQuote */) { result += text.substring(start, pos); pos++; break; } if (ch === 92 /* CharacterCodes.backslash */) { result += text.substring(start, pos); pos++; if (pos >= len) { scanError = 2 /* ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfString */; break; } const ch2 = text.charCodeAt(pos++); switch (ch2) { case 34 /* CharacterCodes.doubleQuote */: result += '\"'; break; case 92 /* CharacterCodes.backslash */: result += '\\'; break; case 47 /* CharacterCodes.slash */: result += '/'; break; case 98 /* CharacterCodes.b */: result += '\b'; break; case 102 /* CharacterCodes.f */: result += '\f'; break; case 110 /* CharacterCodes.n */: result += '\n'; break; case 114 /* CharacterCodes.r */: result += '\r'; break; case 116 /* CharacterCodes.t */: result += '\t'; break; case 117 /* CharacterCodes.u */: const ch3 = scanHexDigits(4, true); if (ch3 >= 0) { result += String.fromCharCode(ch3); } else { scanError = 4 /* ScanError.InvalidUnicode */; } break; default: scanError = 5 /* ScanError.InvalidEscapeCharacter */; } start = pos; continue; } if (ch >= 0 && ch <= 0x1f) { if (isLineBreak(ch)) { result += text.substring(start, pos); scanError = 2 /* ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfString */; break; } else { scanError = 6 /* ScanError.InvalidCharacter */; // mark as error but continue with string } } pos++; } return result; } function scanNext() { value = ''; scanError = 0 /* ScanError.None */; tokenOffset = pos; lineStartOffset = lineNumber; prevTokenLineStartOffset = tokenLineStartOffset; if (pos >= len) { // at the end tokenOffset = len; return token = 17 /* SyntaxKind.EOF */; } let code = text.charCodeAt(pos); // trivia: whitespace if (isWhiteSpace(code)) { do { pos++; value += String.fromCharCode(code); code = text.charCodeAt(pos); } while (isWhiteSpace(code)); return token = 15 /* SyntaxKind.Trivia */; } // trivia: newlines if (isLineBreak(code)) { pos++; value += String.fromCharCode(code); if (code === 13 /* CharacterCodes.carriageReturn */ && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 10 /* CharacterCodes.lineFeed */) { pos++; value += '\n'; } lineNumber++; tokenLineStartOffset = pos; return token = 14 /* SyntaxKind.LineBreakTrivia */; } switch (code) { // tokens: []{}:, case 123 /* CharacterCodes.openBrace */: pos++; return token = 1 /* SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken */; case 125 /* CharacterCodes.closeBrace */: pos++; return token = 2 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken */; case 91 /* CharacterCodes.openBracket */: pos++; return token = 3 /* SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken */; case 93 /* CharacterCodes.closeBracket */: pos++; return token = 4 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken */; case 58 /* CharacterCodes.colon */: pos++; return token = 6 /* SyntaxKind.ColonToken */; case 44 /* CharacterCodes.comma */: pos++; return token = 5 /* SyntaxKind.CommaToken */; // strings case 34 /* CharacterCodes.doubleQuote */: pos++; value = scanString(); return token = 10 /* SyntaxKind.StringLiteral */; // comments case 47 /* CharacterCodes.slash */: const start = pos - 1; // Single-line comment if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47 /* CharacterCodes.slash */) { pos += 2; while (pos < len) { if (isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { break; } pos++; } value = text.substring(start, pos); return token = 12 /* SyntaxKind.LineCommentTrivia */; } // Multi-line comment if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 42 /* CharacterCodes.asterisk */) { pos += 2; const safeLength = len - 1; // For lookahead. let commentClosed = false; while (pos < safeLength) { const ch = text.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 42 /* CharacterCodes.asterisk */ && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47 /* CharacterCodes.slash */) { pos += 2; commentClosed = true; break; } pos++; if (isLineBreak(ch)) { if (ch === 13 /* CharacterCodes.carriageReturn */ && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 10 /* CharacterCodes.lineFeed */) { pos++; } lineNumber++; tokenLineStartOffset = pos; } } if (!commentClosed) { pos++; scanError = 1 /* ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfComment */; } value = text.substring(start, pos); return token = 13 /* SyntaxKind.BlockCommentTrivia */; } // just a single slash value += String.fromCharCode(code); pos++; return token = 16 /* SyntaxKind.Unknown */; // numbers case 45 /* CharacterCodes.minus */: value += String.fromCharCode(code); pos++; if (pos === len || !isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) { return token = 16 /* SyntaxKind.Unknown */; } // found a minus, followed by a number so // we fall through to proceed with scanning // numbers case 48 /* CharacterCodes._0 */: case 49 /* CharacterCodes._1 */: case 50 /* CharacterCodes._2 */: case 51 /* CharacterCodes._3 */: case 52 /* CharacterCodes._4 */: case 53 /* CharacterCodes._5 */: case 54 /* CharacterCodes._6 */: case 55 /* CharacterCodes._7 */: case 56 /* CharacterCodes._8 */: case 57 /* CharacterCodes._9 */: value += scanNumber(); return token = 11 /* SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral */; // literals and unknown symbols default: // is a literal? Read the full word. while (pos < len && isUnknownContentCharacter(code)) { pos++; code = text.charCodeAt(pos); } if (tokenOffset !== pos) { value = text.substring(tokenOffset, pos); // keywords: true, false, null switch (value) { case 'true': return token = 8 /* SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword */; case 'false': return token = 9 /* SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword */; case 'null': return token = 7 /* SyntaxKind.NullKeyword */; } return token = 16 /* SyntaxKind.Unknown */; } // some value += String.fromCharCode(code); pos++; return token = 16 /* SyntaxKind.Unknown */; } } function isUnknownContentCharacter(code) { if (isWhiteSpace(code) || isLineBreak(code)) { return false; } switch (code) { case 125 /* CharacterCodes.closeBrace */: case 93 /* CharacterCodes.closeBracket */: case 123 /* CharacterCodes.openBrace */: case 91 /* CharacterCodes.openBracket */: case 34 /* CharacterCodes.doubleQuote */: case 58 /* CharacterCodes.colon */: case 44 /* CharacterCodes.comma */: case 47 /* CharacterCodes.slash */: return false; } return true; } function scanNextNonTrivia() { let result; do { result = scanNext(); } while (result >= 12 /* SyntaxKind.LineCommentTrivia */ && result <= 15 /* SyntaxKind.Trivia */); return result; } return { setPosition: setPosition, getPosition: () => pos, scan: ignoreTrivia ? scanNextNonTrivia : scanNext, getToken: () => token, getTokenValue: () => value, getTokenOffset: () => tokenOffset, getTokenLength: () => pos - tokenOffset, getTokenStartLine: () => lineStartOffset, getTokenStartCharacter: () => tokenOffset - prevTokenLineStartOffset, getTokenError: () => scanError, }; } function isWhiteSpace(ch) { return ch === 32 /* CharacterCodes.space */ || ch === 9 /* CharacterCodes.tab */; } function isLineBreak(ch) { return ch === 10 /* CharacterCodes.lineFeed */ || ch === 13 /* CharacterCodes.carriageReturn */; } function isDigit(ch) { return ch >= 48 /* CharacterCodes._0 */ && ch <= 57 /* CharacterCodes._9 */; } var CharacterCodes; (function (CharacterCodes) { CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["lineFeed"] = 10] = "lineFeed"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["carriageReturn"] = 13] = "carriageReturn"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["space"] = 32] = "space"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_0"] = 48] = "_0"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_1"] = 49] = "_1"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_2"] = 50] = "_2"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_3"] = 51] = "_3"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_4"] = 52] = "_4"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_5"] = 53] = "_5"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_6"] = 54] = "_6"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_7"] = 55] = "_7"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_8"] = 56] = "_8"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["_9"] = 57] = "_9"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["a"] = 97] = "a"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["b"] = 98] = "b"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["c"] = 99] = "c"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["d"] = 100] = "d"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["e"] = 101] = "e"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["f"] = 102] = "f"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["g"] = 103] = "g"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["h"] = 104] = "h"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["i"] = 105] = "i"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["j"] = 106] = "j"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["k"] = 107] = "k"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["l"] = 108] = "l"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["m"] = 109] = "m"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["n"] = 110] = "n"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["o"] = 111] = "o"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["p"] = 112] = "p"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["q"] = 113] = "q"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["r"] = 114] = "r"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["s"] = 115] = "s"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["t"] = 116] = "t"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["u"] = 117] = "u"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["v"] = 118] = "v"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["w"] = 119] = "w"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["x"] = 120] = "x"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["y"] = 121] = "y"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["z"] = 122] = "z"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["A"] = 65] = "A"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["B"] = 66] = "B"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["C"] = 67] = "C"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["D"] = 68] = "D"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["E"] = 69] = "E"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["F"] = 70] = "F"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["G"] = 71] = "G"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["H"] = 72] = "H"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["I"] = 73] = "I"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["J"] = 74] = "J"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["K"] = 75] = "K"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["L"] = 76] = "L"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["M"] = 77] = "M"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["N"] = 78] = "N"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["O"] = 79] = "O"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["P"] = 80] = "P"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["Q"] = 81] = "Q"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["R"] = 82] = "R"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["S"] = 83] = "S"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["T"] = 84] = "T"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["U"] = 85] = "U"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["V"] = 86] = "V"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["W"] = 87] = "W"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["X"] = 88] = "X"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["Y"] = 89] = "Y"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["Z"] = 90] = "Z"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["asterisk"] = 42] = "asterisk"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["backslash"] = 92] = "backslash"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["closeBrace"] = 125] = "closeBrace"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["closeBracket"] = 93] = "closeBracket"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["colon"] = 58] = "colon"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["comma"] = 44] = "comma"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["dot"] = 46] = "dot"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["doubleQuote"] = 34] = "doubleQuote"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["minus"] = 45] = "minus"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["openBrace"] = 123] = "openBrace"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["openBracket"] = 91] = "openBracket"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["plus"] = 43] = "plus"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["slash"] = 47] = "slash"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["formFeed"] = 12] = "formFeed"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["tab"] = 9] = "tab"; })(CharacterCodes || (CharacterCodes = {})); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var ParseOptions; (function (ParseOptions) { ParseOptions.DEFAULT = { allowTrailingComma: false }; })(ParseOptions || (ParseOptions = {})); /** * Parses the given text and returns the object the JSON content represents. On invalid input, the parser tries to be as fault tolerant as possible, but still return a result. * Therefore always check the errors list to find out if the input was valid. */ function parse$1(text, errors = [], options = ParseOptions.DEFAULT) { let currentProperty = null; let currentParent = []; const previousParents = []; function onValue(value) { if (Array.isArray(currentParent)) { currentParent.push(value); } else if (currentProperty !== null) { currentParent[currentProperty] = value; } } const visitor = { onObjectBegin: () => { const object = {}; onValue(object); previousParents.push(currentParent); currentParent = object; currentProperty = null; }, onObjectProperty: (name) => { currentProperty = name; }, onObjectEnd: () => { currentParent = previousParents.pop(); }, onArrayBegin: () => { const array = []; onValue(array); previousParents.push(currentParent); currentParent = array; currentProperty = null; }, onArrayEnd: () => { currentParent = previousParents.pop(); }, onLiteralValue: onValue, onError: (error, offset, length) => { errors.push({ error, offset, length }); } }; visit(text, visitor, options); return currentParent[0]; } /** * Parses the given text and invokes the visitor functions for each object, array and literal reached. */ function visit(text, visitor, options = ParseOptions.DEFAULT) { const _scanner = createScanner(text, false); // Important: Only pass copies of this to visitor functions to prevent accidental modification, and // to not affect visitor functions which stored a reference to a previous JSONPath const _jsonPath = []; function toNoArgVisit(visitFunction) { return visitFunction ? () => visitFunction(_scanner.getTokenOffset(), _scanner.getTokenLength(), _scanner.getTokenStartLine(), _scanner.getTokenStartCharacter()) : () => true; } function toNoArgVisitWithPath(visitFunction) { return visitFunction ? () => visitFunction(_scanner.getTokenOffset(), _scanner.getTokenLength(), _scanner.getTokenStartLine(), _scanner.getTokenStartCharacter(), () => _jsonPath.slice()) : () => true; } function toOneArgVisit(visitFunction) { return visitFunction ? (arg) => visitFunction(arg, _scanner.getTokenOffset(), _scanner.getTokenLength(), _scanner.getTokenStartLine(), _scanner.getTokenStartCharacter()) : () => true; } function toOneArgVisitWithPath(visitFunction) { return visitFunction ? (arg) => visitFunction(arg, _scanner.getTokenOffset(), _scanner.getTokenLength(), _scanner.getTokenStartLine(), _scanner.getTokenStartCharacter(), () => _jsonPath.slice()) : () => true; } const onObjectBegin = toNoArgVisitWithPath(visitor.onObjectBegin), onObjectProperty = toOneArgVisitWithPath(visitor.onObjectProperty), onObjectEnd = toNoArgVisit(visitor.onObjectEnd), onArrayBegin = toNoArgVisitWithPath(visitor.onArrayBegin), onArrayEnd = toNoArgVisit(visitor.onArrayEnd), onLiteralValue = toOneArgVisitWithPath(visitor.onLiteralValue), onSeparator = toOneArgVisit(visitor.onSeparator), onComment = toNoArgVisit(visitor.onComment), onError = toOneArgVisit(visitor.onError); const disallowComments = options && options.disallowComments; const allowTrailingComma = options && options.allowTrailingComma; function scanNext() { while (true) { const token = _scanner.scan(); switch (_scanner.getTokenError()) { case 4 /* ScanError.InvalidUnicode */: handleError(14 /* ParseErrorCode.InvalidUnicode */); break; case 5 /* ScanError.InvalidEscapeCharacter */: handleError(15 /* ParseErrorCode.InvalidEscapeCharacter */); break; case 3 /* ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfNumber */: handleError(13 /* ParseErrorCode.UnexpectedEndOfNumber */); break; case 1 /* ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfComment */: if (!disallowComments) { handleError(11 /* ParseErrorCode.UnexpectedEndOfComment */); } break; case 2 /* ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfString */: handleError(12 /* ParseErrorCode.UnexpectedEndOfString */); break; case 6 /* ScanError.InvalidCharacter */: handleError(16 /* ParseErrorCode.InvalidCharacter */); break; } switch (token) { case 12 /* SyntaxKind.LineCommentTrivia */: case 13 /* SyntaxKind.BlockCommentTrivia */: if (disallowComments) { handleError(10 /* ParseErrorCode.InvalidCommentToken */); } else { onComment(); } break; case 16 /* SyntaxKind.Unknown */: handleError(1 /* ParseErrorCode.InvalidSymbol */); break; case 15 /* SyntaxKind.Trivia */: case 14 /* SyntaxKind.LineBreakTrivia */: break; default: return token; } } } function handleError(error, skipUntilAfter = [], skipUntil = []) { onError(error); if (skipUntilAfter.length + skipUntil.length > 0) { let token = _scanner.getToken(); while (token !== 17 /* SyntaxKind.EOF */) { if (skipUntilAfter.indexOf(token) !== -1) { scanNext(); break; } else if (skipUntil.indexOf(token) !== -1) { break; } token = scanNext(); } } } function parseString(isValue) { const value = _scanner.getTokenValue(); if (isValue) { onLiteralValue(value); } else { onObjectProperty(value); // add property name afterwards _jsonPath.push(value); } scanNext(); return true; } function parseLiteral() { switch (_scanner.getToken()) { case 11 /* SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral */: const tokenValue = _scanner.getTokenValue(); let value = Number(tokenValue); if (isNaN(value)) { handleError(2 /* ParseErrorCode.InvalidNumberFormat */); value = 0; } onLiteralValue(value); break; case 7 /* SyntaxKind.NullKeyword */: onLiteralValue(null); break; case 8 /* SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword */: onLiteralValue(true); break; case 9 /* SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword */: onLiteralValue(false); break; default: return false; } scanNext(); return true; } function parseProperty() { if (_scanner.getToken() !== 10 /* SyntaxKind.StringLiteral */) { handleError(3 /* ParseErrorCode.PropertyNameExpected */, [], [2 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken */, 5 /* SyntaxKind.CommaToken */]); return false; } parseString(false); if (_scanner.getToken() === 6 /* SyntaxKind.ColonToken */) { onSeparator(':'); scanNext(); // consume colon if (!parseValue()) { handleError(4 /* ParseErrorCode.ValueExpected */, [], [2 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken */, 5 /* SyntaxKind.CommaToken */]); } } else { handleError(5 /* ParseErrorCode.ColonExpected */, [], [2 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken */, 5 /* SyntaxKind.CommaToken */]); } _jsonPath.pop(); // remove processed property name return true; } function parseObject() { onObjectBegin(); scanNext(); // consume open brace let needsComma = false; while (_scanner.getToken() !== 2 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken */ && _scanner.getToken() !== 17 /* SyntaxKind.EOF */) { if (_scanner.getToken() === 5 /* SyntaxKind.CommaToken */) { if (!needsComma) { handleError(4 /* ParseErrorCode.ValueExpected */, [], []); } onSeparator(','); scanNext(); // consume comma if (_scanner.getToken() === 2 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken */ && allowTrailingComma) { break; } } else if (needsComma) { handleError(6 /* ParseErrorCode.CommaExpected */, [], []); } if (!parseProperty()) { handleError(4 /* ParseErrorCode.ValueExpected */, [], [2 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken */, 5 /* SyntaxKind.CommaToken */]); } needsComma = true; } onObjectEnd(); if (_scanner.getToken() !== 2 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken */) { handleError(7 /* ParseErrorCode.CloseBraceExpected */, [2 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken */], []); } else { scanNext(); // consume close brace } return true; } function parseArray() { onArrayBegin(); scanNext(); // consume open bracket let isFirstElement = true; let needsComma = false; while (_scanner.getToken() !== 4 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken */ && _scanner.getToken() !== 17 /* SyntaxKind.EOF */) { if (_scanner.getToken() === 5 /* SyntaxKind.CommaToken */) { if (!needsComma) { handleError(4 /* ParseErrorCode.ValueExpected */, [], []); } onSeparator(','); scanNext(); // consume comma if (_scanner.getToken() === 4 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken */ && allowTrailingComma) { break; } } else if (needsComma) { handleError(6 /* ParseErrorCode.CommaExpected */, [], []); } if (isFirstElement) { _jsonPath.push(0); isFirstElement = false; } else { _jsonPath[_jsonPath.length - 1]++; } if (!parseValue()) { handleError(4 /* ParseErrorCode.ValueExpected */, [], [4 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken */, 5 /* SyntaxKind.CommaToken */]); } needsComma = true; } onArrayEnd(); if (!isFirstElement) { _jsonPath.pop(); // remove array index } if (_scanner.getToken() !== 4 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken */) { handleError(8 /* ParseErrorCode.CloseBracketExpected */, [4 /* SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken */], []); } else { scanNext(); // consume close bracket } return true; } function parseValue() { switch (_scanner.getToken()) { case 3 /* SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken */: return parseArray(); case 1 /* SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken */: return parseObject(); case 10 /* SyntaxKind.StringLiteral */: return parseString(true); default: return parseLiteral(); } } scanNext(); if (_scanner.getToken() === 17 /* SyntaxKind.EOF */) { if (options.allowEmptyContent) { return true; } handleError(4 /* ParseErrorCode.ValueExpected */, [], []); return false; } if (!parseValue()) { handleError(4 /* ParseErrorCode.ValueExpected */, [], []); return false; } if (_scanner.getToken() !== 17 /* SyntaxKind.EOF */) { handleError(9 /* ParseErrorCode.EndOfFileExpected */, [], []); } return true; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var ScanError; (function (ScanError) { ScanError[ScanError["None"] = 0] = "None"; ScanError[ScanError["UnexpectedEndOfComment"] = 1] = "UnexpectedEndOfComment"; ScanError[ScanError["UnexpectedEndOfString"] = 2] = "UnexpectedEndOfString"; ScanError[ScanError["UnexpectedEndOfNumber"] = 3] = "UnexpectedEndOfNumber"; ScanError[ScanError["InvalidUnicode"] = 4] = "InvalidUnicode"; ScanError[ScanError["InvalidEscapeCharacter"] = 5] = "InvalidEscapeCharacter"; ScanError[ScanError["InvalidCharacter"] = 6] = "InvalidCharacter"; })(ScanError || (ScanError = {})); var SyntaxKind; (function (SyntaxKind) { SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["OpenBraceToken"] = 1] = "OpenBraceToken"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["CloseBraceToken"] = 2] = "CloseBraceToken"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["OpenBracketToken"] = 3] = "OpenBracketToken"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["CloseBracketToken"] = 4] = "CloseBracketToken"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["CommaToken"] = 5] = "CommaToken"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["ColonToken"] = 6] = "ColonToken"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["NullKeyword"] = 7] = "NullKeyword"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["TrueKeyword"] = 8] = "TrueKeyword"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["FalseKeyword"] = 9] = "FalseKeyword"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["StringLiteral"] = 10] = "StringLiteral"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["NumericLiteral"] = 11] = "NumericLiteral"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["LineCommentTrivia"] = 12] = "LineCommentTrivia"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["BlockCommentTrivia"] = 13] = "BlockCommentTrivia"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["LineBreakTrivia"] = 14] = "LineBreakTrivia"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["Trivia"] = 15] = "Trivia"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["Unknown"] = 16] = "Unknown"; SyntaxKind[SyntaxKind["EOF"] = 17] = "EOF"; })(SyntaxKind || (SyntaxKind = {})); /** * Parses the given text and returns the object the JSON content represents. On invalid input, the parser tries to be as fault tolerant as possible, but still return a result. * Therefore, always check the errors list to find out if the input was valid. */ const parse = parse$1; var ParseErrorCode; (function (ParseErrorCode) { ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["InvalidSymbol"] = 1] = "InvalidSymbol"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["InvalidNumberFormat"] = 2] = "InvalidNumberFormat"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["PropertyNameExpected"] = 3] = "PropertyNameExpected"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["ValueExpected"] = 4] = "ValueExpected"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["ColonExpected"] = 5] = "ColonExpected"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["CommaExpected"] = 6] = "CommaExpected"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["CloseBraceExpected"] = 7] = "CloseBraceExpected"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["CloseBracketExpected"] = 8] = "CloseBracketExpected"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["EndOfFileExpected"] = 9] = "EndOfFileExpected"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["InvalidCommentToken"] = 10] = "InvalidCommentToken"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["UnexpectedEndOfComment"] = 11] = "UnexpectedEndOfComment"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["UnexpectedEndOfString"] = 12] = "UnexpectedEndOfString"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["UnexpectedEndOfNumber"] = 13] = "UnexpectedEndOfNumber"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["InvalidUnicode"] = 14] = "InvalidUnicode"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["InvalidEscapeCharacter"] = 15] = "InvalidEscapeCharacter"; ParseErrorCode[ParseErrorCode["InvalidCharacter"] = 16] = "InvalidCharacter"; })(ParseErrorCode || (ParseErrorCode = {})); const isWebWorker = typeof self !== "undefined" && typeof self.WorkerGlobalScope !== "undefined"; const isNode = "process" in globalThis && typeof process !== "undefined" && typeof process.release !== "undefined" && process.release.name === "node"; const isBrowser = isWebWorker || !isNode; let CDN_ROOT = ""; let WASM = ""; const WASM_PATH = "dist/"; function setCDN(root) { CDN_ROOT = root.endsWith("/") ? root : root + "/"; } function setWasm(data) { WASM = data; } let _onigurumaPromise = null; async function getOniguruma(wasmPath) { if (!_onigurumaPromise) { let loader; if (isBrowser) { if (typeof WASM === "string") { loader = vscodeOniguruma.loadWASM({ data: await fetch(_resolvePath(join(...dirpathparts(wasmPath), "onig.wasm"))) }); } else { loader = vscodeOniguruma.loadWASM({ data: WASM }); } } else { const path = require("path"); const wasmPath2 = path.join(require.resolve("vscode-oniguruma"), "../onig.wasm"); const fs = require("fs"); const wasmBin = fs.readFileSync(wasmPath2).buffer; loader = vscodeOniguruma.loadWASM(wasmBin); } _onigurumaPromise = loader.then(() => { return { createOnigScanner(patterns) { return vscodeOniguruma.createOnigScanner(patterns); }, createOnigString(s) { return vscodeOniguruma.createOnigString(s); } }; }); } return _onigurumaPromise; } function _resolvePath(filepath) { if (isBrowser) { return `${CDN_ROOT}${filepath}`; } else { const path = require("path"); if (path.isAbsolute(filepath)) { return filepath; } else { return path.resolve(__dirname, "..", filepath); } } } async function _fetchAssets(filepath) { const path = _resolvePath(filepath); if (isBrowser) { return await fetch(path).then((r) => r.text()); } else { const fs = require("fs"); return await fs.promises.readFile(path, "utf-8"); } } async function _fetchJSONAssets(filepath) { const errors = []; const assetString = await _fetchAssets(filepath); let rawAsset; try { rawAsset = JSON.parse(assetString); } catch (e) { rawAsset = parse(assetString, errors, { allowTrailingComma: true }); if (errors.length) { throw errors[0]; } } return rawAsset; } async function fetchTheme(themePath) { let theme = await _fetchJSONAssets(themePath); const shikiTheme = toShikiTheme(theme); if (shikiTheme.include) { const includedTheme = await fetchTheme(join(...dirpathparts(themePath), shikiTheme.include)); if (includedTheme.settings) { shikiTheme.settings = includedTheme.settings.concat(shikiTheme.settings); } if (includedTheme.bg && !shikiTheme.bg) { shikiTheme.bg = includedTheme.bg; } if (includedTheme.colors) { shikiTheme.colors = { ...includedTheme.colors, ...shikiTheme.colors }; } delete shikiTheme.include; } return shikiTheme; } async function fetchGrammar(filepath) { return await _fetchJSONAssets(filepath); } function repairTheme(theme) { if (!theme.settings) theme.settings = []; if (theme.settings[0] && theme.settings[0].settings && !theme.settings[0].scope) { return; } theme.settings.unshift({ settings: { foreground: theme.fg, background: theme.bg } }); } function toShikiTheme(rawTheme) { const type = rawTheme.type || "dark"; const shikiTheme = { name: rawTheme.name, type, ...rawTheme, ...getThemeDefaultColors(rawTheme) }; if (rawTheme.include) { shikiTheme.include = rawTheme.include; } if (rawTheme.tokenColors) { shikiTheme.settings = rawTheme.tokenColors; delete shikiTheme.tokenColors; } repairTheme(shikiTheme); return shikiTheme; } const VSCODE_FALLBACK_EDITOR_FG = { light: "#333333", dark: "#bbbbbb" }; const VSCODE_FALLBACK_EDITOR_BG = { light: "#fffffe", dark: "#1e1e1e" }; function getThemeDefaultColors(theme) { let fg, bg; let settings = theme.settings ? theme.settings : theme.tokenColors; const globalSetting = settings ? settings.find((s) => { return !s.name && !s.scope; }) : void 0; if (globalSetting?.settings?.foreground) { fg = globalSetting.settings.foreground; } if (globalSetting?.settings?.background) { bg = globalSetting.settings.background; } if (!fg && theme?.colors?.["editor.foreground"]) { fg = theme.colors["editor.foreground"]; } if (!bg && theme?.colors?.["editor.background"]) { bg = theme.colors["editor.background"]; } if (!fg) { fg = theme.type === "light" ? VSCODE_FALLBACK_EDITOR_FG.light : VSCODE_FALLBACK_EDITOR_FG.dark; } if (!bg) { bg = theme.type === "light" ? VSCODE_FALLBACK_EDITOR_BG.light : VSCODE_FALLBACK_EDITOR_BG.dark; } return { fg, bg }; } class Resolver { constructor(onigLibPromise, onigLibName) { this.languagesPath = "languages/"; this.languageMap = {}; this.scopeToLangMap = {}; this._onigLibPromise = onigLibPromise; this._onigLibName = onigLibName; } get onigLib() { return this._onigLibPromise; } getOnigLibName() { return this._onigLibName; } getLangRegistration(langIdOrAlias) { return this.languageMap[langIdOrAlias]; } async loadGrammar(scopeName) { const lang = this.scopeToLangMap[scopeName]; if (!lang) { return null; } if (lang.grammar) { return lang.grammar; } const g = await fetchGrammar( languages.includes(lang) ? `${this.languagesPath}${lang.path}` : lang.path ); lang.grammar = g; return g; } addLanguage(l) { this.languageMap[l.id] = l; if (l.aliases) { l.aliases.forEach((a) => { this.languageMap[a] = l; }); } this.scopeToLangMap[l.scopeName] = l; } } function tokenizeWithTheme(theme, colorMap, fileContents, grammar, options) { let lines = fileContents.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); let ruleStack = vscodeTextmate.INITIAL; let actual = []; let final = []; for (let i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { let line = lines[i]; if (line === "") { actual = []; final.push([]); continue; } let resultWithScopes; let tokensWithScopes; let tokensWithScopesIndex; if (options.includeExplanation) { resultWithScopes = grammar.tokenizeLine(line, ruleStack); tokensWithScopes = resultWithScopes.tokens; tokensWithScopesIndex = 0; } let result = grammar.tokenizeLine2(line, ruleStack); let tokensLength = result.tokens.length / 2; for (let j = 0; j < tokensLength; j++) { let startIndex = result.tokens[2 * j]; let nextStartIndex = j + 1 < tokensLength ? result.tokens[2 * j + 2] : line.length; if (startIndex === nextStartIndex) { continue; } let metadata = result.tokens[2 * j + 1]; let foreground = StackElementMetadata.getForeground(metadata); let foregroundColor = colorMap[foreground]; let fontStyle = StackElementMetadata.getFontStyle(metadata); let explanation = []; if (options.includeExplanation) { let offset = 0; while (startIndex + offset < nextStartIndex) { let tokenWithScopes = tokensWithScopes[tokensWithScopesIndex]; let tokenWithScopesText = line.substring( tokenWithScopes.startIndex, tokenWithScopes.endIndex ); offset += tokenWithScopesText.length; explanation.push({ content: tokenWithScopesText, scopes: explainThemeScopes(theme, tokenWithScopes.scopes) }); tokensWithScopesIndex++; } } actual.push({ content: line.substring(startIndex, nextStartIndex), color: foregroundColor, fontStyle, explanation }); } final.push(actual); actual = []; ruleStack = result.ruleStack; } return final; } function explainThemeScopes(theme, scopes) { let result = []; for (let i = 0, len = scopes.length; i < len; i++) { let parentScopes = scopes.slice(0, i); let scope = scopes[i]; result[i] = { scopeName: scope, themeMatches: explainThemeScope(theme, scope, parentScopes) }; } return result; } function matchesOne(selector, scope) { let selectorPrefix = selector + "."; if (selector === scope || scope.substring(0, selectorPrefix.length) === selectorPrefix) { return true; } return false; } function matches(selector, selectorParentScopes, scope, parentScopes) { if (!matchesOne(selector, scope)) { return false; } let selectorParentIndex = selectorParentScopes.length - 1; let parentIndex = parentScopes.length - 1; while (selectorParentIndex >= 0 && parentIndex >= 0) { if (matchesOne(selectorParentScopes[selectorParentIndex], parentScopes[parentIndex])) { selectorParentIndex--; } parentIndex--; } if (selectorParentIndex === -1) { return true; } return false; } function explainThemeScope(theme, scope, parentScopes) { let result = [], resultLen = 0; for (let i = 0, len = theme.settings.length; i < len; i++) { let setting = theme.settings[i]; let selectors; if (typeof setting.scope === "string") { selectors = setting.scope.split(/,/).map((scope2) => scope2.trim()); } else if (Array.isArray(setting.scope)) { selectors = setting.scope; } else { continue; } for (let j = 0, lenJ = selectors.length; j < lenJ; j++) { let rawSelector = selectors[j]; let rawSelectorPieces = rawSelector.split(/ /); let selector = rawSelectorPieces[rawSelectorPieces.length - 1]; let selectorParentScopes = rawSelectorPieces.slice(0, rawSelectorPieces.length - 1); if (matches(selector, selectorParentScopes, scope, parentScopes)) { result[resultLen++] = setting; j = lenJ; } } } return result; } // src/colors.ts var namedColors = [ "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white", "brightBlack", "brightRed", "brightGreen", "brightYellow", "brightBlue", "brightMagenta", "brightCyan", "brightWhite" ]; // src/decorations.ts var decorations = { 1: "bold", 2: "dim", 3: "italic", 4: "underline", 7: "reverse", 9: "strikethrough" }; // src/parser.ts function findSequence(value, position) { const nextEscape = value.indexOf("\x1B", position); if (nextEscape !== -1) { if (value[nextEscape + 1] === "[") { const nextClose = value.indexOf("m", nextEscape); return { sequence: value.substring(nextEscape + 2, nextClose).split(";"), startPosition: nextEscape, position: nextClose + 1 }; } } return { position: value.length }; } function parseColor(sequence) { const colorMode = sequence.shift(); if (colorMode === "2") { const rgb = sequence.splice(0, 3).map((x) => Number.parseInt(x)); if (rgb.length !== 3 || rgb.some((x) => Number.isNaN(x))) return; return { type: "rgb", rgb }; } else if (colorMode === "5") { const index = sequence.shift(); if (index) { return { type: "table", index: Number(index) }; } } } function parseSequence(sequence) { const commands = []; while (sequence.length > 0) { const code = sequence.shift(); if (!code) continue; const codeInt = Number.parseInt(code); if (Number.isNaN(codeInt)) continue; if (codeInt === 0) { commands.push({ type: "resetAll" }); } else if (codeInt <= 9) { const decoration = decorations[codeInt]; if (decoration) { commands.push({ type: "setDecoration", value: decorations[codeInt] }); } } else if (codeInt <= 29) { const decoration = decorations[codeInt - 20]; if (decoration) { commands.push({ type: "resetDecoration", value: decoration }); } } else if (codeInt <= 37) { commands.push({ type: "setForegroundColor", value: { type: "named", name: namedColors[codeInt - 30] } }); } else if (codeInt === 38) { const color = parseColor(sequence); if (color) { commands.push({ type: "setForegroundColor", value: color }); } } else if (codeInt === 39) { commands.push({ type: "resetForegroundColor" }); } else if (codeInt <= 47) { commands.push({ type: "setBackgroundColor", value: { type: "named", name: namedColors[codeInt - 40] } }); } else if (codeInt === 48) { const color = parseColor(sequence); if (color) { commands.push({ type: "setBackgroundColor", value: color }); } } else if (codeInt === 49) { commands.push({ type: "resetBackgroundColor" }); } else if (codeInt >= 90 && codeInt <= 97) { commands.push({ type: "setForegroundColor", value: { type: "named", name: namedColors[codeInt - 90 + 8] } }); } else if (codeInt >= 100 && codeInt <= 107) { commands.push({ type: "setBackgroundColor", value: { type: "named", name: namedColors[codeInt - 100 + 8] } }); } } return commands; } function createAnsiSequenceParser() { let foreground = null; let background = null; let decorations2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); return { parse(value) { const tokens = []; let position = 0; do { const findResult = findSequence(value, position); const text = findResult.sequence ? value.substring(position, findResult.startPosition) : value.substring(position); if (text.length > 0) { tokens.push({ value: text, foreground, background, decorations: new Set(decorations2) }); } if (findResult.sequence) { const commands = parseSequence(findResult.sequence); for (const styleToken of commands) { if (styleToken.type === "resetAll") { foreground = null; background = null; decorations2.clear(); } else if (styleToken.type === "resetForegroundColor") { foreground = null; } else if (styleToken.type === "resetBackgroundColor") { background = null; } else if (styleToken.type === "resetDecoration") { decorations2.delete(styleToken.value); } } for (const styleToken of commands) { if (styleToken.type === "setForegroundColor") { foreground = styleToken.value; } else if (styleToken.type === "setBackgroundColor") { background = styleToken.value; } else if (styleToken.type === "setDecoration") { decorations2.add(styleToken.value); } } } position = findResult.position; } while (position < value.length); return tokens; } }; } // src/palette.ts var defaultNamedColorsMap = { black: "#000000", red: "#bb0000", green: "#00bb00", yellow: "#bbbb00", blue: "#0000bb", magenta: "#ff00ff", cyan: "#00bbbb", white: "#eeeeee", brightBlack: "#555555", brightRed: "#ff5555", brightGreen: "#00ff00", brightYellow: "#ffff55", brightBlue: "#5555ff", brightMagenta: "#ff55ff", brightCyan: "#55ffff", brightWhite: "#ffffff" }; function createColorPalette(namedColorsMap = defaultNamedColorsMap) { function namedColor(name) { return namedColorsMap[name]; } function rgbColor(rgb) { return `#${rgb.map((x) => Math.max(0, Math.min(x, 255)).toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join("")}`; } let colorTable; function getColorTable() { if (colorTable) { return colorTable; } colorTable = []; for (let i = 0; i < namedColors.length; i++) { colorTable.push(namedColor(namedColors[i])); } let levels = [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255]; for (let r = 0; r < 6; r++) { for (let g = 0; g < 6; g++) { for (let b = 0; b < 6; b++) { colorTable.push(rgbColor([levels[r], levels[g], levels[b]])); } } } let level = 8; for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++, level += 10) { colorTable.push(rgbColor([level, level, level])); } return colorTable; } function tableColor(index) { return getColorTable()[index]; } function value(color) { switch (color.type) { case "named": return namedColor(color.name); case "rgb": return rgbColor(color.rgb); case "table": return tableColor(color.index); } } return { value }; } function tokenizeAnsiWithTheme(theme, fileContents) { const lines = fileContents.split(/\r?\n/); const colorPalette = createColorPalette( Object.fromEntries( namedColors.map((name) => [ name, theme.colors[`terminal.ansi${name[0].toUpperCase()}${name.substring(1)}`] ]) ) ); const parser = createAnsiSequenceParser(); return lines.map( (line) => parser.parse(line).map((token) => { let color; if (token.decorations.has("reverse")) { color = token.background ? colorPalette.value(token.background) : theme.bg; } else { color = token.foreground ? colorPalette.value(token.foreground) : theme.fg; } if (token.decorations.has("dim")) { color = dimColor(color); } let fontStyle = FontStyle.None; if (token.decorations.has("bold")) { fontStyle |= FontStyle.Bold; } if (token.decorations.has("italic")) { fontStyle |= FontStyle.Italic; } if (token.decorations.has("underline")) { fontStyle |= FontStyle.Underline; } return { content: token.value, color, fontStyle }; }) ); } function dimColor(color) { const hexMatch = color.match(/#([0-9a-f]{3})([0-9a-f]{3})?([0-9a-f]{2})?/); if (hexMatch) { if (hexMatch[3]) { const alpha = Math.round(Number.parseInt(hexMatch[3], 16) / 2).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); return `#${hexMatch[1]}${hexMatch[2]}${alpha}`; } else if (hexMatch[2]) { return `#${hexMatch[1]}${hexMatch[2]}80`; } else { return `#${Array.from(hexMatch[1]).map((x) => `${x}${x}`).join("")}80`; } } const cssVarMatch = color.match(/var\((--shiki-color-ansi-[\w-]+)\)/); if (cssVarMatch) { return `var(${cssVarMatch[1]}-dim)`; } return color; } const defaultElements = { pre({ className, style, children }) { return `
`; }, code({ children }) { return `${children}`; }, line({ className, children }) { return `${children}`; }, token({ style, children }) { return `${children}`; } }; function renderToHtml(lines, options = {}) { const bg = options.bg || "#fff"; const optionsByLineNumber = groupBy(options.lineOptions ?? [], (option) => option.line); const userElements = options.elements || {}; function h(type = "", props = {}, children) { const element = userElements[type] || defaultElements[type]; if (element) { children = children.filter(Boolean); return element({ ...props, children: type === "code" ? children.join("\n") : children.join("") }); } return ""; } return h( "pre", { className: "shiki " + (options.themeName || ""), style: `background-color: ${bg}` }, [ options.langId ? `
` : "", h( "code", {}, lines.map((line, index) => { const lineNumber = index + 1; const lineOptions = optionsByLineNumber.get(lineNumber) ?? []; const lineClasses = getLineClasses(lineOptions).join(" "); return h( "line", { className: lineClasses, lines, line, index }, line.map((token, index2) => { const cssDeclarations = [`color: ${token.color || options.fg}`]; if (token.fontStyle & FontStyle.Italic) { cssDeclarations.push("font-style: italic"); } if (token.fontStyle & FontStyle.Bold) { cssDeclarations.push("font-weight: bold"); } if (token.fontStyle & FontStyle.Underline) { cssDeclarations.push("text-decoration: underline"); } return h( "token", { style: cssDeclarations.join("; "), tokens: line, token, index: index2 }, [escapeHtml(token.content)] ); }) ); }) ) ] ); } const htmlEscapes = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'" }; function escapeHtml(html) { return html.replace(/[&<>"']/g, (chr) => htmlEscapes[chr]); } function getLineClasses(lineOptions) { const lineClasses = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["line"]); for (const lineOption of lineOptions) { for (const lineClass of lineOption.classes ?? []) { lineClasses.add(lineClass); } } return Array.from(lineClasses); } class Registry extends vscodeTextmate.Registry { constructor(_resolver) { super(_resolver); this._resolver = _resolver; this.themesPath = "themes/"; this._resolvedThemes = {}; this._resolvedGrammars = {}; this._langGraph = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._langMap = languages.reduce((acc, lang) => { acc[lang.id] = lang; return acc; }, {}); } getTheme(theme) { if (typeof theme === "string") { return this._resolvedThemes[theme]; } else { return theme; } } async loadTheme(theme) { if (typeof theme === "string") { if (!this._resolvedThemes[theme]) { this._resolvedThemes[theme] = await fetchTheme(`${this.themesPath}${theme}.json`); } return this._resolvedThemes[theme]; } else { theme = toShikiTheme(theme); if (theme.name) { this._resolvedThemes[theme.name] = theme; } return theme; } } async loadThemes(themes) { return await Promise.all(themes.map((theme) => this.loadTheme(theme))); } getLoadedThemes() { return Object.keys(this._resolvedThemes); } getGrammar(name) { return this._resolvedGrammars[name]; } async loadLanguage(lang) { const embeddedLanguages = lang.embeddedLangs?.reduce(async (acc, l, idx) => { if (!this.getLoadedLanguages().includes(l) && this._resolver.getLangRegistration(l)) { await this._resolver.loadGrammar(this._resolver.getLangRegistration(l).scopeName); acc[this._resolver.getLangRegistration(l).scopeName] = idx + 2; return acc; } }, {}); const grammarConfig = { embeddedLanguages, balancedBracketSelectors: lang.balancedBracketSelectors || ["*"], unbalancedBracketSelectors: lang.unbalancedBracketSelectors || [] }; const g = await this.loadGrammarWithConfiguration(lang.scopeName, 1, grammarConfig); this._resolvedGrammars[lang.id] = g; if (lang.aliases) { lang.aliases.forEach((la) => { this._resolvedGrammars[la] = g; }); } } async loadLanguages(langs) { for (const lang of langs) { this.resolveEmbeddedLanguages(lang); } const langsGraphArray = Array.from(this._langGraph.values()); for (const lang of langsGraphArray) { this._resolver.addLanguage(lang); } for (const lang of langsGraphArray) { await this.loadLanguage(lang); } } getLoadedLanguages() { return Object.keys(this._resolvedGrammars); } resolveEmbeddedLanguages(lang) { if (!this._langGraph.has(lang.id)) { this._langGraph.set(lang.id, lang); } if (lang.embeddedLangs) { for (const embeddedLang of lang.embeddedLangs) { this._langGraph.set(embeddedLang, this._langMap[embeddedLang]); } } } } function resolveLang(lang) { return typeof lang === "string" ? languages.find((l) => l.id === lang || l.aliases?.includes(lang)) : lang; } function resolveOptions(options) { let _languages = languages; let _themes = options.themes || []; let _wasmPath = options.paths?.wasm ? options.paths.wasm.endsWith("/") ? options.paths.wasm : options.paths.wasm + "/" : WASM_PATH; if (options.langs) { _languages = options.langs.map(resolveLang); } if (options.theme) { _themes.unshift(options.theme); } if (!_themes.length) { _themes = ["nord"]; } return { _languages, _themes, _wasmPath }; } function generateDefaultColorReplacements() { const replacements = { "#000001": "var(--shiki-color-text)", "#000002": "var(--shiki-color-background)", "#000004": "var(--shiki-token-constant)", "#000005": "var(--shiki-token-string)", "#000006": "var(--shiki-token-comment)", "#000007": "var(--shiki-token-keyword)", "#000008": "var(--shiki-token-parameter)", "#000009": "var(--shiki-token-function)", "#000010": "var(--shiki-token-string-expression)", "#000011": "var(--shiki-token-punctuation)", "#000012": "var(--shiki-token-link)" }; for (let i = 0; i < namedColors.length; i++) { const code = `#A${i.toString().padStart(5, "0")}`; const colorNameKebab = namedColors[i].replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase(); replacements[code] = `var(--shiki-color-ansi-${colorNameKebab})`; } return replacements; } async function getHighlighter(options) { const { _languages, _themes, _wasmPath } = resolveOptions(options); const _resolver = new Resolver(getOniguruma(_wasmPath), "vscode-oniguruma"); const _registry = new Registry(_resolver); if (options.paths?.themes) { _registry.themesPath = options.paths.themes.endsWith("/") ? options.paths.themes : options.paths.themes + "/"; } if (options.paths?.languages) { _resolver.languagesPath = options.paths.languages.endsWith("/") ? options.paths.languages : options.paths.languages + "/"; } const themes = await _registry.loadThemes(_themes); const _defaultTheme = themes[0]; let _currentTheme; await _registry.loadLanguages(_languages); let COLOR_REPLACEMENTS = generateDefaultColorReplacements(); function setColorReplacements(map) { COLOR_REPLACEMENTS = map; } function fixCssVariablesTheme(theme, colorMap) { theme.bg = COLOR_REPLACEMENTS[theme.bg] || theme.bg; theme.fg = COLOR_REPLACEMENTS[theme.fg] || theme.fg; Object.entries(theme.colors).forEach(([key, value]) => { theme.colors[key] = COLOR_REPLACEMENTS[value] || value; }); colorMap.forEach((val, i) => { colorMap[i] = COLOR_REPLACEMENTS[val] || val; }); } function getTheme(theme) { const _theme = theme ? _registry.getTheme(theme) : _defaultTheme; if (!_theme) { throw Error(`No theme registration for ${theme}`); } if (!_currentTheme || _currentTheme.name !== _theme.name) { _registry.setTheme(_theme); _currentTheme = _theme; } const _colorMap = _registry.getColorMap(); if (_theme.type === "css") { fixCssVariablesTheme(_theme, _colorMap); } return { _theme, _colorMap }; } function getGrammar(lang) { const _grammar = _registry.getGrammar(lang); if (!_grammar) { throw Error(`No language registration for ${lang}`); } return { _grammar }; } function codeToThemedTokens(code, lang = "text", theme, options2 = { includeExplanation: true }) { if (isPlaintext(lang)) { const lines = code.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); return [...lines.map((line) => [{ content: line }])]; } const { _grammar } = getGrammar(lang); const { _theme, _colorMap } = getTheme(theme); return tokenizeWithTheme(_theme, _colorMap, code, _grammar, options2); } function ansiToThemedTokens(ansi, theme) { const { _theme } = getTheme(theme); return tokenizeAnsiWithTheme(_theme, ansi); } function codeToHtml(code, arg1 = "text", arg2) { let options2; if (typeof arg1 === "object") { options2 = arg1; } else { options2 = { lang: arg1, theme: arg2 }; } const tokens = codeToThemedTokens(code, options2.lang, options2.theme, { includeExplanation: false }); const { _theme } = getTheme(options2.theme); return renderToHtml(tokens, { fg: _theme.fg, bg: _theme.bg, lineOptions: options2?.lineOptions, themeName: _theme.name }); } function ansiToHtml(ansi, options2) { const tokens = ansiToThemedTokens(ansi, options2?.theme); const { _theme } = getTheme(options2?.theme); return renderToHtml(tokens, { fg: _theme.fg, bg: _theme.bg, lineOptions: options2?.lineOptions, themeName: _theme.name }); } async function loadTheme(theme) { await _registry.loadTheme(theme); } async function loadLanguage(lang) { const _lang = resolveLang(lang); _resolver.addLanguage(_lang); await _registry.loadLanguage(_lang); } function getLoadedThemes() { return _registry.getLoadedThemes(); } function getLoadedLanguages() { return _registry.getLoadedLanguages(); } function getBackgroundColor(theme) { const { _theme } = getTheme(theme); return _theme.bg; } function getForegroundColor(theme) { const { _theme } = getTheme(theme); return _theme.fg; } return { codeToThemedTokens, codeToHtml, ansiToThemedTokens, ansiToHtml, getTheme: (theme) => { return getTheme(theme)._theme; }, loadTheme, loadLanguage, getBackgroundColor, getForegroundColor, getLoadedThemes, getLoadedLanguages, setColorReplacements }; } function isPlaintext(lang) { return !lang || ["plaintext", "txt", "text"].includes(lang); } function setOnigasmWASM(path) { setWasm(path); } exports.BUNDLED_LANGUAGES = languages; exports.BUNDLED_THEMES = themes; exports.FontStyle = FontStyle; exports.getHighlighter = getHighlighter; exports.loadTheme = fetchTheme; exports.renderToHtml = renderToHtml; exports.setCDN = setCDN; exports.setOnigasmWASM = setOnigasmWASM; exports.setWasm = setWasm; exports.toShikiTheme = toShikiTheme;