/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import { TokenType, Scanner } from './cssScanner'; import * as nodes from './cssNodes'; import { ParseError } from './cssErrors'; import * as languageFacts from '../languageFacts/facts'; import { isDefined } from '../utils/objects'; /// /// A parser for the css core specification. See for reference: /// https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html /// http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization /// export class Parser { constructor(scnr = new Scanner()) { this.keyframeRegex = /^@(\-(webkit|ms|moz|o)\-)?keyframes$/i; this.scanner = scnr; this.token = { type: TokenType.EOF, offset: -1, len: 0, text: '' }; this.prevToken = undefined; } peekIdent(text) { return TokenType.Ident === this.token.type && text.length === this.token.text.length && text === this.token.text.toLowerCase(); } peekKeyword(text) { return TokenType.AtKeyword === this.token.type && text.length === this.token.text.length && text === this.token.text.toLowerCase(); } peekDelim(text) { return TokenType.Delim === this.token.type && text === this.token.text; } peek(type) { return type === this.token.type; } peekOne(...types) { return types.indexOf(this.token.type) !== -1; } peekRegExp(type, regEx) { if (type !== this.token.type) { return false; } return regEx.test(this.token.text); } hasWhitespace() { return !!this.prevToken && (this.prevToken.offset + this.prevToken.len !== this.token.offset); } consumeToken() { this.prevToken = this.token; this.token = this.scanner.scan(); } acceptUnicodeRange() { const token = this.scanner.tryScanUnicode(); if (token) { this.prevToken = token; this.token = this.scanner.scan(); return true; } return false; } mark() { return { prev: this.prevToken, curr: this.token, pos: this.scanner.pos() }; } restoreAtMark(mark) { this.prevToken = mark.prev; this.token = mark.curr; this.scanner.goBackTo(mark.pos); } try(func) { const pos = this.mark(); const node = func(); if (!node) { this.restoreAtMark(pos); return null; } return node; } acceptOneKeyword(keywords) { if (TokenType.AtKeyword === this.token.type) { for (const keyword of keywords) { if (keyword.length === this.token.text.length && keyword === this.token.text.toLowerCase()) { this.consumeToken(); return true; } } } return false; } accept(type) { if (type === this.token.type) { this.consumeToken(); return true; } return false; } acceptIdent(text) { if (this.peekIdent(text)) { this.consumeToken(); return true; } return false; } acceptKeyword(text) { if (this.peekKeyword(text)) { this.consumeToken(); return true; } return false; } acceptDelim(text) { if (this.peekDelim(text)) { this.consumeToken(); return true; } return false; } acceptRegexp(regEx) { if (regEx.test(this.token.text)) { this.consumeToken(); return true; } return false; } _parseRegexp(regEx) { let node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.Identifier); do { } while (this.acceptRegexp(regEx)); return this.finish(node); } acceptUnquotedString() { const pos = this.scanner.pos(); this.scanner.goBackTo(this.token.offset); const unquoted = this.scanner.scanUnquotedString(); if (unquoted) { this.token = unquoted; this.consumeToken(); return true; } this.scanner.goBackTo(pos); return false; } resync(resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens) { while (true) { if (resyncTokens && resyncTokens.indexOf(this.token.type) !== -1) { this.consumeToken(); return true; } else if (resyncStopTokens && resyncStopTokens.indexOf(this.token.type) !== -1) { return true; } else { if (this.token.type === TokenType.EOF) { return false; } this.token = this.scanner.scan(); } } } createNode(nodeType) { return new nodes.Node(this.token.offset, this.token.len, nodeType); } create(ctor) { return new ctor(this.token.offset, this.token.len); } finish(node, error, resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens) { // parseNumeric misuses error for boolean flagging (however the real error mustn't be a false) // + nodelist offsets mustn't be modified, because there is a offset hack in rulesets for smartselection if (!(node instanceof nodes.Nodelist)) { if (error) { this.markError(node, error, resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens); } // set the node end position if (this.prevToken) { // length with more elements belonging together const prevEnd = this.prevToken.offset + this.prevToken.len; node.length = prevEnd > node.offset ? prevEnd - node.offset : 0; // offset is taken from current token, end from previous: Use 0 for empty nodes } } return node; } markError(node, error, resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens) { if (this.token !== this.lastErrorToken) { // do not report twice on the same token node.addIssue(new nodes.Marker(node, error, nodes.Level.Error, undefined, this.token.offset, this.token.len)); this.lastErrorToken = this.token; } if (resyncTokens || resyncStopTokens) { this.resync(resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens); } } parseStylesheet(textDocument) { const versionId = textDocument.version; const text = textDocument.getText(); const textProvider = (offset, length) => { if (textDocument.version !== versionId) { throw new Error('Underlying model has changed, AST is no longer valid'); } return text.substr(offset, length); }; return this.internalParse(text, this._parseStylesheet, textProvider); } internalParse(input, parseFunc, textProvider) { this.scanner.setSource(input); this.token = this.scanner.scan(); const node = parseFunc.bind(this)(); if (node) { if (textProvider) { node.textProvider = textProvider; } else { node.textProvider = (offset, length) => { return input.substr(offset, length); }; } } return node; } _parseStylesheet() { const node = this.create(nodes.Stylesheet); while (node.addChild(this._parseStylesheetStart())) { // Parse statements only valid at the beginning of stylesheets. } let inRecovery = false; do { let hasMatch = false; do { hasMatch = false; const statement = this._parseStylesheetStatement(); if (statement) { node.addChild(statement); hasMatch = true; inRecovery = false; if (!this.peek(TokenType.EOF) && this._needsSemicolonAfter(statement) && !this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) { this.markError(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected); } } while (this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon) || this.accept(TokenType.CDO) || this.accept(TokenType.CDC)) { // accept empty statements hasMatch = true; inRecovery = false; } } while (hasMatch); if (this.peek(TokenType.EOF)) { break; } if (!inRecovery) { if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) { this.markError(node, ParseError.UnknownAtRule); } else { this.markError(node, ParseError.RuleOrSelectorExpected); } inRecovery = true; } this.consumeToken(); } while (!this.peek(TokenType.EOF)); return this.finish(node); } _parseStylesheetStart() { return this._parseCharset(); } _parseStylesheetStatement(isNested = false) { if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) { return this._parseStylesheetAtStatement(isNested); } return this._parseRuleset(isNested); } _parseStylesheetAtStatement(isNested = false) { return this._parseImport() || this._parseMedia(isNested) || this._parsePage() || this._parseFontFace() || this._parseKeyframe() || this._parseSupports(isNested) || this._parseLayer(isNested) || this._parsePropertyAtRule() || this._parseViewPort() || this._parseNamespace() || this._parseDocument() || this._parseUnknownAtRule(); } _tryParseRuleset(isNested) { const mark = this.mark(); if (this._parseSelector(isNested)) { while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma) && this._parseSelector(isNested)) { // loop } if (this.accept(TokenType.CurlyL)) { this.restoreAtMark(mark); return this._parseRuleset(isNested); } } this.restoreAtMark(mark); return null; } _parseRuleset(isNested = false) { const node = this.create(nodes.RuleSet); const selectors = node.getSelectors(); if (!selectors.addChild(this._parseSelector(isNested))) { return null; } while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) { if (!selectors.addChild(this._parseSelector(isNested))) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.SelectorExpected); } } return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this)); } _parseRuleSetDeclarationAtStatement() { return this._parseMedia(true) || this._parseSupports(true) || this._parseLayer(true) || this._parseUnknownAtRule(); } _parseRuleSetDeclaration() { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-a-list-of-declarations if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) { return this._parseRuleSetDeclarationAtStatement(); } if (!this.peek(TokenType.Ident)) { return this._parseRuleset(true); } return this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._parseDeclaration(); } _needsSemicolonAfter(node) { switch (node.type) { case nodes.NodeType.Keyframe: case nodes.NodeType.ViewPort: case nodes.NodeType.Media: case nodes.NodeType.Ruleset: case nodes.NodeType.Namespace: case nodes.NodeType.If: case nodes.NodeType.For: case nodes.NodeType.Each: case nodes.NodeType.While: case nodes.NodeType.MixinDeclaration: case nodes.NodeType.FunctionDeclaration: case nodes.NodeType.MixinContentDeclaration: return false; case nodes.NodeType.ExtendsReference: case nodes.NodeType.MixinContentReference: case nodes.NodeType.ReturnStatement: case nodes.NodeType.MediaQuery: case nodes.NodeType.Debug: case nodes.NodeType.Import: case nodes.NodeType.AtApplyRule: case nodes.NodeType.CustomPropertyDeclaration: return true; case nodes.NodeType.VariableDeclaration: return node.needsSemicolon; case nodes.NodeType.MixinReference: return !node.getContent(); case nodes.NodeType.Declaration: return !node.getNestedProperties(); } return false; } _parseDeclarations(parseDeclaration) { const node = this.create(nodes.Declarations); if (!this.accept(TokenType.CurlyL)) { return null; } let decl = parseDeclaration(); while (node.addChild(decl)) { if (this.peek(TokenType.CurlyR)) { break; } if (this._needsSemicolonAfter(decl) && !this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected, [TokenType.SemiColon, TokenType.CurlyR]); } // We accepted semicolon token. Link it to declaration. if (decl && this.prevToken && this.prevToken.type === TokenType.SemiColon) { decl.semicolonPosition = this.prevToken.offset; } while (this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) { // accept empty statements } decl = parseDeclaration(); } if (!this.accept(TokenType.CurlyR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightCurlyExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR, TokenType.SemiColon]); } return this.finish(node); } _parseBody(node, parseDeclaration) { if (!node.setDeclarations(this._parseDeclarations(parseDeclaration))) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftCurlyExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR, TokenType.SemiColon]); } return this.finish(node); } _parseSelector(isNested) { const node = this.create(nodes.Selector); let hasContent = false; if (isNested) { // nested selectors can start with a combinator hasContent = node.addChild(this._parseCombinator()); } while (node.addChild(this._parseSimpleSelector())) { hasContent = true; node.addChild(this._parseCombinator()); // optional } return hasContent ? this.finish(node) : null; } _parseDeclaration(stopTokens) { const customProperty = this._tryParseCustomPropertyDeclaration(stopTokens); if (customProperty) { return customProperty; } const node = this.create(nodes.Declaration); if (!node.setProperty(this._parseProperty())) { return null; } if (!this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.ColonExpected, [TokenType.Colon], stopTokens || [TokenType.SemiColon]); } if (this.prevToken) { node.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset; } if (!node.setValue(this._parseExpr())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.PropertyValueExpected); } node.addChild(this._parsePrio()); if (this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon)) { node.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset; // not part of the declaration, but useful information for code assist } return this.finish(node); } _tryParseCustomPropertyDeclaration(stopTokens) { if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^--/)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.CustomPropertyDeclaration); if (!node.setProperty(this._parseProperty())) { return null; } if (!this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.ColonExpected, [TokenType.Colon]); } if (this.prevToken) { node.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset; } const mark = this.mark(); if (this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) { // try to parse it as nested declaration const propertySet = this.create(nodes.CustomPropertySet); const declarations = this._parseDeclarations(this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this)); if (propertySet.setDeclarations(declarations) && !declarations.isErroneous(true)) { propertySet.addChild(this._parsePrio()); if (this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon)) { this.finish(propertySet); node.setPropertySet(propertySet); node.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset; // not part of the declaration, but useful information for code assist return this.finish(node); } } this.restoreAtMark(mark); } // try to parse as expression const expression = this._parseExpr(); if (expression && !expression.isErroneous(true)) { this._parsePrio(); if (this.peekOne(...(stopTokens || []), TokenType.SemiColon, TokenType.EOF)) { node.setValue(expression); if (this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon)) { node.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset; // not part of the declaration, but useful information for code assist } return this.finish(node); } } this.restoreAtMark(mark); node.addChild(this._parseCustomPropertyValue(stopTokens)); node.addChild(this._parsePrio()); if (isDefined(node.colonPosition) && this.token.offset === node.colonPosition + 1) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.PropertyValueExpected); } return this.finish(node); } /** * Parse custom property values. * * Based on https://www.w3.org/TR/css-variables/#syntax * * This code is somewhat unusual, as the allowed syntax is incredibly broad, * parsing almost any sequence of tokens, save for a small set of exceptions. * Unbalanced delimitors, invalid tokens, and declaration * terminators like semicolons and !important directives (when not inside * of delimitors). */ _parseCustomPropertyValue(stopTokens = [TokenType.CurlyR]) { const node = this.create(nodes.Node); const isTopLevel = () => curlyDepth === 0 && parensDepth === 0 && bracketsDepth === 0; const onStopToken = () => stopTokens.indexOf(this.token.type) !== -1; let curlyDepth = 0; let parensDepth = 0; let bracketsDepth = 0; done: while (true) { switch (this.token.type) { case TokenType.SemiColon: // A semicolon only ends things if we're not inside a delimitor. if (isTopLevel()) { break done; } break; case TokenType.Exclamation: // An exclamation ends the value if we're not inside delims. if (isTopLevel()) { break done; } break; case TokenType.CurlyL: curlyDepth++; break; case TokenType.CurlyR: curlyDepth--; if (curlyDepth < 0) { // The property value has been terminated without a semicolon, and // this is the last declaration in the ruleset. if (onStopToken() && parensDepth === 0 && bracketsDepth === 0) { break done; } return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftCurlyExpected); } break; case TokenType.ParenthesisL: parensDepth++; break; case TokenType.ParenthesisR: parensDepth--; if (parensDepth < 0) { if (onStopToken() && bracketsDepth === 0 && curlyDepth === 0) { break done; } return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected); } break; case TokenType.BracketL: bracketsDepth++; break; case TokenType.BracketR: bracketsDepth--; if (bracketsDepth < 0) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftSquareBracketExpected); } break; case TokenType.BadString: // fall through break done; case TokenType.EOF: // We shouldn't have reached the end of input, something is // unterminated. let error = ParseError.RightCurlyExpected; if (bracketsDepth > 0) { error = ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected; } else if (parensDepth > 0) { error = ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected; } return this.finish(node, error); } this.consumeToken(); } return this.finish(node); } _tryToParseDeclaration(stopTokens) { const mark = this.mark(); if (this._parseProperty() && this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) { // looks like a declaration, go ahead this.restoreAtMark(mark); return this._parseDeclaration(stopTokens); } this.restoreAtMark(mark); return null; } _parseProperty() { const node = this.create(nodes.Property); const mark = this.mark(); if (this.acceptDelim('*') || this.acceptDelim('_')) { // support for IE 5.x, 6 and 7 star hack: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS_filter#Star_hack if (this.hasWhitespace()) { this.restoreAtMark(mark); return null; } } if (node.setIdentifier(this._parsePropertyIdentifier())) { return this.finish(node); } return null; } _parsePropertyIdentifier() { return this._parseIdent(); } _parseCharset() { if (!this.peek(TokenType.Charset)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Node); this.consumeToken(); // charset if (!this.accept(TokenType.String)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } if (!this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parseImport() { // @import [ | ] // [ layer | layer() ]? // ; // = [ supports( [ | ] ) ]? // ? if (!this.peekKeyword('@import')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Import); this.consumeToken(); // @import if (!node.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) && !node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.URIOrStringExpected); } if (this.acceptIdent('layer')) { if (this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseLayerName())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [TokenType.SemiColon]); } if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.ParenthesisR], []); } } } if (this.acceptIdent('supports')) { if (this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { node.addChild(this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._parseSupportsCondition()); if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.ParenthesisR], []); } } } if (!this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon) && !this.peek(TokenType.EOF)) { node.setMedialist(this._parseMediaQueryList()); } return this.finish(node); } _parseNamespace() { // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-namespace/ // namespace : NAMESPACE_SYM S* [IDENT S*]? [STRING|URI] S* ';' S* if (!this.peekKeyword('@namespace')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Namespace); this.consumeToken(); // @namespace if (!node.addChild(this._parseURILiteral())) { // url literal also starts with ident node.addChild(this._parseIdent()); // optional prefix if (!node.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) && !node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.URIExpected, [TokenType.SemiColon]); } } if (!this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parseFontFace() { if (!this.peekKeyword('@font-face')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.FontFace); this.consumeToken(); // @font-face return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this)); } _parseViewPort() { if (!this.peekKeyword('@-ms-viewport') && !this.peekKeyword('@-o-viewport') && !this.peekKeyword('@viewport')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.ViewPort); this.consumeToken(); // @-ms-viewport return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this)); } _parseKeyframe() { if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.AtKeyword, this.keyframeRegex)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Keyframe); const atNode = this.create(nodes.Node); this.consumeToken(); // atkeyword node.setKeyword(this.finish(atNode)); if (atNode.matches('@-ms-keyframes')) { // -ms-keyframes never existed this.markError(atNode, ParseError.UnknownKeyword); } if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseKeyframeIdent())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]); } return this._parseBody(node, this._parseKeyframeSelector.bind(this)); } _parseKeyframeIdent() { return this._parseIdent([nodes.ReferenceType.Keyframe]); } _parseKeyframeSelector() { const node = this.create(nodes.KeyframeSelector); if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(TokenType.Percentage)) { return null; } while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(TokenType.Percentage)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.PercentageExpected); } } return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this)); } _tryParseKeyframeSelector() { const node = this.create(nodes.KeyframeSelector); const pos = this.mark(); if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(TokenType.Percentage)) { return null; } while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(TokenType.Percentage)) { this.restoreAtMark(pos); return null; } } if (!this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) { this.restoreAtMark(pos); return null; } return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this)); } _parsePropertyAtRule() { // @property { // // } if (!this.peekKeyword('@property')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.PropertyAtRule); this.consumeToken(); // @layer if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^--/) || !node.setName(this._parseIdent([nodes.ReferenceType.Property]))) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } return this._parseBody(node, this._parseDeclaration.bind(this)); } _parseLayer(isNested = false) { // @layer layer-name {rules} // @layer layer-name; // @layer layer-name, layer-name, layer-name; // @layer {rules} if (!this.peekKeyword('@layer')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Layer); this.consumeToken(); // @layer const names = this._parseLayerNameList(); if (names) { node.setNames(names); } if ((!names || names.getChildren().length === 1) && this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) { return this._parseBody(node, this._parseLayerDeclaration.bind(this, isNested)); } if (!this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parseLayerDeclaration(isNested = false) { if (isNested) { // if nested, the body can contain rulesets, but also declarations return this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._parseStylesheetStatement(true); } return this._parseStylesheetStatement(false); } _parseLayerNameList() { const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.LayerNameList); if (!node.addChild(this._parseLayerName())) { return null; } while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseLayerName())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } } return this.finish(node); } _parseLayerName() { // = [ '.' ]* if (!this.peek(TokenType.Ident)) { return null; } const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.LayerName); node.addChild(this._parseIdent()); while (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim('.')) { if (this.hasWhitespace() || !node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } } return this.finish(node); } _parseSupports(isNested = false) { // SUPPORTS_SYM S* supports_condition '{' S* ruleset* '}' S* if (!this.peekKeyword('@supports')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Supports); this.consumeToken(); // @supports node.addChild(this._parseSupportsCondition()); return this._parseBody(node, this._parseSupportsDeclaration.bind(this, isNested)); } _parseSupportsDeclaration(isNested = false) { if (isNested) { // if nested, the body can contain rulesets, but also declarations return this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._parseStylesheetStatement(true); } return this._parseStylesheetStatement(false); } _parseSupportsCondition() { // supports_condition : supports_negation | supports_conjunction | supports_disjunction | supports_condition_in_parens ; // supports_condition_in_parens: ( '(' S* supports_condition S* ')' ) | supports_declaration_condition | general_enclosed ; // supports_negation: NOT S+ supports_condition_in_parens ; // supports_conjunction: supports_condition_in_parens ( S+ AND S+ supports_condition_in_parens )+; // supports_disjunction: supports_condition_in_parens ( S+ OR S+ supports_condition_in_parens )+; // supports_declaration_condition: '(' S* declaration ')'; // general_enclosed: ( FUNCTION | '(' ) ( any | unused )* ')' ; const node = this.create(nodes.SupportsCondition); if (this.acceptIdent('not')) { node.addChild(this._parseSupportsConditionInParens()); } else { node.addChild(this._parseSupportsConditionInParens()); if (this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^(and|or)$/i)) { const text = this.token.text.toLowerCase(); while (this.acceptIdent(text)) { node.addChild(this._parseSupportsConditionInParens()); } } } return this.finish(node); } _parseSupportsConditionInParens() { const node = this.create(nodes.SupportsCondition); if (this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { if (this.prevToken) { node.lParent = this.prevToken.offset; } if (!node.addChild(this._tryToParseDeclaration([TokenType.ParenthesisR]))) { if (!this._parseSupportsCondition()) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.ConditionExpected); } } if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.ParenthesisR], []); } if (this.prevToken) { node.rParent = this.prevToken.offset; } return this.finish(node); } else if (this.peek(TokenType.Ident)) { const pos = this.mark(); this.consumeToken(); if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { let openParentCount = 1; while (this.token.type !== TokenType.EOF && openParentCount !== 0) { if (this.token.type === TokenType.ParenthesisL) { openParentCount++; } else if (this.token.type === TokenType.ParenthesisR) { openParentCount--; } this.consumeToken(); } return this.finish(node); } else { this.restoreAtMark(pos); } } return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected, [], [TokenType.ParenthesisL]); } _parseMediaDeclaration(isNested = false) { if (isNested) { // if nested, the body can contain rulesets, but also declarations return this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._parseStylesheetStatement(true); } return this._parseStylesheetStatement(false); } _parseMedia(isNested = false) { // MEDIA_SYM S* media_query_list '{' S* ruleset* '}' S* // media_query_list : S* [media_query [ ',' S* media_query ]* ]? if (!this.peekKeyword('@media')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Media); this.consumeToken(); // @media if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaQueryList())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.MediaQueryExpected); } return this._parseBody(node, this._parseMediaDeclaration.bind(this, isNested)); } _parseMediaQueryList() { const node = this.create(nodes.Medialist); if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaQuery())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.MediaQueryExpected); } while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaQuery())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.MediaQueryExpected); } } return this.finish(node); } _parseMediaQuery() { // = | [ not | only ]? [ and ]? const node = this.create(nodes.MediaQuery); const pos = this.mark(); this.acceptIdent('not'); if (!this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { if (this.acceptIdent('only')) { // optional } if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) { return null; } if (this.acceptIdent('and')) { node.addChild(this._parseMediaCondition()); } } else { this.restoreAtMark(pos); // 'not' is part of the MediaCondition node.addChild(this._parseMediaCondition()); } return this.finish(node); } _parseRatio() { const pos = this.mark(); const node = this.create(nodes.RatioValue); if (!this._parseNumeric()) { return null; } if (!this.acceptDelim('/')) { this.restoreAtMark(pos); return null; } if (!this._parseNumeric()) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.NumberExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parseMediaCondition() { // = | | | // = not // = [ and ]+ // = [ or ]+ // = ( ) | | const node = this.create(nodes.MediaCondition); this.acceptIdent('not'); let parseExpression = true; while (parseExpression) { if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected, [], [TokenType.CurlyL]); } if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL) || this.peekIdent('not')) { // node.addChild(this._parseMediaCondition()); } else { node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeature()); } // not yet implemented: general enclosed if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [], [TokenType.CurlyL]); } parseExpression = this.acceptIdent('and') || this.acceptIdent('or'); } return this.finish(node); } _parseMediaFeature() { const resyncStopToken = [TokenType.ParenthesisR]; const node = this.create(nodes.MediaFeature); // = ( [ | | ] ) // = : // = // = [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? | [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? | '<' '='? '<' '='? | '>' '='? '>' '='? if (node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureName())) { if (this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected, [], resyncStopToken); } } else if (this._parseMediaFeatureRangeOperator()) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected, [], resyncStopToken); } if (this._parseMediaFeatureRangeOperator()) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected, [], resyncStopToken); } } } else { // = } } else if (node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) { if (!this._parseMediaFeatureRangeOperator()) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.OperatorExpected, [], resyncStopToken); } if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureName())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [], resyncStopToken); } if (this._parseMediaFeatureRangeOperator()) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected, [], resyncStopToken); } } } else { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [], resyncStopToken); } return this.finish(node); } _parseMediaFeatureRangeOperator() { if (this.acceptDelim('<') || this.acceptDelim('>')) { if (!this.hasWhitespace()) { this.acceptDelim('='); } return true; } else if (this.acceptDelim('=')) { return true; } return false; } _parseMediaFeatureName() { return this._parseIdent(); } _parseMediaFeatureValue() { return this._parseRatio() || this._parseTermExpression(); } _parseMedium() { const node = this.create(nodes.Node); if (node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) { return this.finish(node); } else { return null; } } _parsePageDeclaration() { return this._parsePageMarginBox() || this._parseRuleSetDeclaration(); } _parsePage() { // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-page/ // page_rule : PAGE_SYM S* page_selector_list '{' S* page_body '}' S* // page_body : /* Can be empty */ declaration? [ ';' S* page_body ]? | page_margin_box page_body if (!this.peekKeyword('@page')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Page); this.consumeToken(); if (node.addChild(this._parsePageSelector())) { while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) { if (!node.addChild(this._parsePageSelector())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } } } return this._parseBody(node, this._parsePageDeclaration.bind(this)); } _parsePageMarginBox() { // page_margin_box : margin_sym S* '{' S* declaration? [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S* if (!this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.PageBoxMarginBox); if (!this.acceptOneKeyword(languageFacts.pageBoxDirectives)) { this.markError(node, ParseError.UnknownAtRule, [], [TokenType.CurlyL]); } return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this)); } _parsePageSelector() { // page_selector : pseudo_page+ | IDENT pseudo_page* // pseudo_page : ':' [ "left" | "right" | "first" | "blank" ]; if (!this.peek(TokenType.Ident) && !this.peek(TokenType.Colon)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Node); node.addChild(this._parseIdent()); // optional ident if (this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) { if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) { // optional ident return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } } return this.finish(node); } _parseDocument() { // -moz-document is experimental but has been pushed to css4 if (!this.peekKeyword('@-moz-document')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Document); this.consumeToken(); // @-moz-document this.resync([], [TokenType.CurlyL]); // ignore all the rules return this._parseBody(node, this._parseStylesheetStatement.bind(this)); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-an-at-rule _parseUnknownAtRule() { if (!this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.UnknownAtRule); node.addChild(this._parseUnknownAtRuleName()); const isTopLevel = () => curlyDepth === 0 && parensDepth === 0 && bracketsDepth === 0; let curlyLCount = 0; let curlyDepth = 0; let parensDepth = 0; let bracketsDepth = 0; done: while (true) { switch (this.token.type) { case TokenType.SemiColon: if (isTopLevel()) { break done; } break; case TokenType.EOF: if (curlyDepth > 0) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightCurlyExpected); } else if (bracketsDepth > 0) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected); } else if (parensDepth > 0) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected); } else { return this.finish(node); } case TokenType.CurlyL: curlyLCount++; curlyDepth++; break; case TokenType.CurlyR: curlyDepth--; // End of at-rule, consume CurlyR and return node if (curlyLCount > 0 && curlyDepth === 0) { this.consumeToken(); if (bracketsDepth > 0) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected); } else if (parensDepth > 0) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected); } break done; } if (curlyDepth < 0) { // The property value has been terminated without a semicolon, and // this is the last declaration in the ruleset. if (parensDepth === 0 && bracketsDepth === 0) { break done; } return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftCurlyExpected); } break; case TokenType.ParenthesisL: parensDepth++; break; case TokenType.ParenthesisR: parensDepth--; if (parensDepth < 0) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected); } break; case TokenType.BracketL: bracketsDepth++; break; case TokenType.BracketR: bracketsDepth--; if (bracketsDepth < 0) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftSquareBracketExpected); } break; } this.consumeToken(); } return node; } _parseUnknownAtRuleName() { const node = this.create(nodes.Node); if (this.accept(TokenType.AtKeyword)) { return this.finish(node); } return node; } _parseOperator() { // these are operators for binary expressions if (this.peekDelim('/') || this.peekDelim('*') || this.peekDelim('+') || this.peekDelim('-') || this.peek(TokenType.Dashmatch) || this.peek(TokenType.Includes) || this.peek(TokenType.SubstringOperator) || this.peek(TokenType.PrefixOperator) || this.peek(TokenType.SuffixOperator) || this.peekDelim('=')) { // doesn't stick to the standard here const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.Operator); this.consumeToken(); return this.finish(node); } else { return null; } } _parseUnaryOperator() { if (!this.peekDelim('+') && !this.peekDelim('-')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Node); this.consumeToken(); return this.finish(node); } _parseCombinator() { if (this.peekDelim('>')) { const node = this.create(nodes.Node); this.consumeToken(); const mark = this.mark(); if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim('>')) { if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim('>')) { node.type = nodes.NodeType.SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant; return this.finish(node); } this.restoreAtMark(mark); } node.type = nodes.NodeType.SelectorCombinatorParent; return this.finish(node); } else if (this.peekDelim('+')) { const node = this.create(nodes.Node); this.consumeToken(); node.type = nodes.NodeType.SelectorCombinatorSibling; return this.finish(node); } else if (this.peekDelim('~')) { const node = this.create(nodes.Node); this.consumeToken(); node.type = nodes.NodeType.SelectorCombinatorAllSiblings; return this.finish(node); } else if (this.peekDelim('/')) { const node = this.create(nodes.Node); this.consumeToken(); const mark = this.mark(); if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptIdent('deep') && !this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim('/')) { node.type = nodes.NodeType.SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant; return this.finish(node); } this.restoreAtMark(mark); } return null; } _parseSimpleSelector() { // simple_selector // : element_name [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo ]* | [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo ]+ ; const node = this.create(nodes.SimpleSelector); let c = 0; if (node.addChild(this._parseElementName() || this._parseNestingSelector())) { c++; } while ((c === 0 || !this.hasWhitespace()) && node.addChild(this._parseSimpleSelectorBody())) { c++; } return c > 0 ? this.finish(node) : null; } _parseNestingSelector() { if (this.peekDelim('&')) { const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.SelectorCombinator); this.consumeToken(); return this.finish(node); } return null; } _parseSimpleSelectorBody() { return this._parsePseudo() || this._parseHash() || this._parseClass() || this._parseAttrib(); } _parseSelectorIdent() { return this._parseIdent(); } _parseHash() { if (!this.peek(TokenType.Hash) && !this.peekDelim('#')) { return null; } const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.IdentifierSelector); if (this.acceptDelim('#')) { if (this.hasWhitespace() || !node.addChild(this._parseSelectorIdent())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } } else { this.consumeToken(); // TokenType.Hash } return this.finish(node); } _parseClass() { // class: '.' IDENT ; if (!this.peekDelim('.')) { return null; } const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.ClassSelector); this.consumeToken(); // '.' if (this.hasWhitespace() || !node.addChild(this._parseSelectorIdent())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parseElementName() { // element_name: (ns? '|')? IDENT | '*'; const pos = this.mark(); const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.ElementNameSelector); node.addChild(this._parseNamespacePrefix()); if (!node.addChild(this._parseSelectorIdent()) && !this.acceptDelim('*')) { this.restoreAtMark(pos); return null; } return this.finish(node); } _parseNamespacePrefix() { const pos = this.mark(); const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.NamespacePrefix); if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.acceptDelim('*')) { // ns is optional } if (!this.acceptDelim('|')) { this.restoreAtMark(pos); return null; } return this.finish(node); } _parseAttrib() { // attrib : '[' S* IDENT S* [ [ '=' | INCLUDES | DASHMATCH ] S* [ IDENT | STRING ] S* ]? ']' if (!this.peek(TokenType.BracketL)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.AttributeSelector); this.consumeToken(); // BracketL // Optional attrib namespace node.setNamespacePrefix(this._parseNamespacePrefix()); if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } if (node.setOperator(this._parseOperator())) { node.setValue(this._parseBinaryExpr()); this.acceptIdent('i'); // case insensitive matching this.acceptIdent('s'); // case sensitive matching } if (!this.accept(TokenType.BracketR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parsePseudo() { // pseudo: ':' [ IDENT | FUNCTION S* [IDENT S*]? ')' ] const node = this._tryParsePseudoIdentifier(); if (node) { if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { const tryAsSelector = () => { const selectors = this.create(nodes.Node); if (!selectors.addChild(this._parseSelector(true))) { return null; } while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma) && selectors.addChild(this._parseSelector(true))) { // loop } if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { return this.finish(selectors); } return null; }; node.addChild(this.try(tryAsSelector) || this._parseBinaryExpr()); if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected); } } return this.finish(node); } return null; } _tryParsePseudoIdentifier() { if (!this.peek(TokenType.Colon)) { return null; } const pos = this.mark(); const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.PseudoSelector); this.consumeToken(); // Colon if (this.hasWhitespace()) { this.restoreAtMark(pos); return null; } // optional, support :: this.accept(TokenType.Colon); if (this.hasWhitespace() || !node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _tryParsePrio() { const mark = this.mark(); const prio = this._parsePrio(); if (prio) { return prio; } this.restoreAtMark(mark); return null; } _parsePrio() { if (!this.peek(TokenType.Exclamation)) { return null; } const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.Prio); if (this.accept(TokenType.Exclamation) && this.acceptIdent('important')) { return this.finish(node); } return null; } _parseExpr(stopOnComma = false) { const node = this.create(nodes.Expression); if (!node.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr())) { return null; } while (true) { if (this.peek(TokenType.Comma)) { // optional if (stopOnComma) { return this.finish(node); } this.consumeToken(); } if (!node.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr())) { break; } } return this.finish(node); } _parseUnicodeRange() { if (!this.peekIdent('u')) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.UnicodeRange); if (!this.acceptUnicodeRange()) { return null; } return this.finish(node); } _parseNamedLine() { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-grid-1/#named-lines if (!this.peek(TokenType.BracketL)) { return null; } const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.GridLine); this.consumeToken(); while (node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) { // repeat } if (!this.accept(TokenType.BracketR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parseBinaryExpr(preparsedLeft, preparsedOper) { let node = this.create(nodes.BinaryExpression); if (!node.setLeft((preparsedLeft || this._parseTerm()))) { return null; } if (!node.setOperator(preparsedOper || this._parseOperator())) { return this.finish(node); } if (!node.setRight(this._parseTerm())) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected); } // things needed for multiple binary expressions node = this.finish(node); const operator = this._parseOperator(); if (operator) { node = this._parseBinaryExpr(node, operator); } return this.finish(node); } _parseTerm() { let node = this.create(nodes.Term); node.setOperator(this._parseUnaryOperator()); // optional if (node.setExpression(this._parseTermExpression())) { return this.finish(node); } return null; } _parseTermExpression() { return this._parseURILiteral() || // url before function this._parseUnicodeRange() || this._parseFunction() || // function before ident this._parseIdent() || this._parseStringLiteral() || this._parseNumeric() || this._parseHexColor() || this._parseOperation() || this._parseNamedLine(); } _parseOperation() { if (!this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Node); this.consumeToken(); // ParenthesisL node.addChild(this._parseExpr()); if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parseNumeric() { if (this.peek(TokenType.Num) || this.peek(TokenType.Percentage) || this.peek(TokenType.Resolution) || this.peek(TokenType.Length) || this.peek(TokenType.EMS) || this.peek(TokenType.EXS) || this.peek(TokenType.Angle) || this.peek(TokenType.Time) || this.peek(TokenType.Dimension) || this.peek(TokenType.Freq)) { const node = this.create(nodes.NumericValue); this.consumeToken(); return this.finish(node); } return null; } _parseStringLiteral() { if (!this.peek(TokenType.String) && !this.peek(TokenType.BadString)) { return null; } const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.StringLiteral); this.consumeToken(); return this.finish(node); } _parseURILiteral() { if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^url(-prefix)?$/i)) { return null; } const pos = this.mark(); const node = this.createNode(nodes.NodeType.URILiteral); this.accept(TokenType.Ident); if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { this.restoreAtMark(pos); return null; } this.scanner.inURL = true; this.consumeToken(); // consume () node.addChild(this._parseURLArgument()); // argument is optional this.scanner.inURL = false; if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parseURLArgument() { const node = this.create(nodes.Node); if (!this.accept(TokenType.String) && !this.accept(TokenType.BadString) && !this.acceptUnquotedString()) { return null; } return this.finish(node); } _parseIdent(referenceTypes) { if (!this.peek(TokenType.Ident)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Identifier); if (referenceTypes) { node.referenceTypes = referenceTypes; } node.isCustomProperty = this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^--/); this.consumeToken(); return this.finish(node); } _parseFunction() { const pos = this.mark(); const node = this.create(nodes.Function); if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseFunctionIdentifier())) { return null; } if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) { this.restoreAtMark(pos); return null; } if (node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) { while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) { if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { break; } if (!node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) { this.markError(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected); } } } if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) { return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected); } return this.finish(node); } _parseFunctionIdentifier() { if (!this.peek(TokenType.Ident)) { return null; } const node = this.create(nodes.Identifier); node.referenceTypes = [nodes.ReferenceType.Function]; if (this.acceptIdent('progid')) { // support for IE7 specific filters: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.MotionBlur(strength=13, direction=310)' if (this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) { while (this.accept(TokenType.Ident) && this.acceptDelim('.')) { // loop } } return this.finish(node); } this.consumeToken(); return this.finish(node); } _parseFunctionArgument() { const node = this.create(nodes.FunctionArgument); if (node.setValue(this._parseExpr(true))) { return this.finish(node); } return null; } _parseHexColor() { if (this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Hash, /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{8})$/g)) { const node = this.create(nodes.HexColorValue); this.consumeToken(); return this.finish(node); } else { return null; } } }