# Astring [![NPM Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/astring.svg)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/astring) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/davidbonnet/astring.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/davidbonnet/astring) [![Coverage](https://codecov.io/gh/davidbonnet/astring/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/davidbonnet/astring) [![devDependency Status](https://david-dm.org/davidbonnet/astring/dev-status.svg)](https://david-dm.org/davidbonnet/astring?type=dev) 🌳 Tiny and fast JavaScript code generator from an [ESTree](https://github.com/estree/estree)-compliant AST. 🎁 Checkout the [live demo](https://david.bonnet.cc/astring/demo/). ### Key features - Generates JavaScript code up to [version 13 (2022)](https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/) and [finished proposals](https://github.com/tc39/proposals/blob/master/finished-proposals.md). - Works on [ESTree](https://github.com/estree/estree)-compliant ASTs such as the ones produced by [Meriyah](https://github.com/meriyah/meriyah) or [Acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn). - Extendable with custom AST node handlers. - Considerably faster than [Bublé](https://gitlab.com/Rich-Harris/buble) (up to 5×), [Escodegen](https://github.com/estools/escodegen) (up to 10×), [Babel](https://github.com/babel/babel) (up to 50×), [UglifyJS](https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2) (up to 125×), and [Prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier) (up to 380×). - Supports source map generation with [Source Map](https://github.com/mozilla/source-map#sourcemapgenerator). - Supports comment generation with [Astravel](https://github.com/davidbonnet/astravel). - No dependencies and small footprint (≈ 16 KB minified, ≈ 4 KB gziped). - Runs on [🦕 Deno](https://deno.land). ## Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Import](#import) - [API](#api) - [`generate(node: object, options: object): string | object`](#generatenode-object-options-object-string-%7C-object) - [`GENERATOR: object`](#generator-object) - [`EXPRESSIONS_PRECEDENCE: object`](#expressions_precedence-object) - [`NEEDS_PARENTHESES: number`](#needs_parentheses-number) - [`baseGenerator: object`](#basegenerator-object) - [Benchmark](#benchmark) - [Generating code](#generating-code) - [Parsing and generating code](#parsing-and-generating-code) - [Examples](#examples) - [Generating code](#generating-code-1) - [Generating source maps](#generating-source-maps) - [Using writable streams](#using-writable-streams) - [Generating comments](#generating-comments) - [Extending](#extending) - [Command line interface](#command-line-interface) - [Example](#example) ## Installation > :warning: Astring relies on `String.prototype.repeat(amount)` and `String.prototype.endsWith(string)`. If the environment running Astring does not define these methods, use [`string.prototype.repeat`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/string.prototype.repeat), [`string.prototype.endsWith`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/string.prototype.endswith) or [`babel-polyfill`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-polyfill). Install with the [Node Package Manager](https://www.npmjs.com/package/astring): ```bash npm install astring ``` Alternatively, checkout this repository and install the development dependencies to build the module file: ```bash git clone https://github.com/davidbonnet/astring.git cd astring npm install ``` ## Import Import it from [Deno's third party module repository](https://deno.land/x/astring/src/astring.js): ```js const { generate } = await import('https://deno.land/x/astring/src/astring.js') ``` With JavaScript 6 modules: ```js import { generate } from 'astring' ``` With CommonJS: ```js const { generate } = require('astring') ``` A browser-ready minified bundle containing Astring is available at `dist/astring.min.js`. The module exposes a global variable `astring`: ```html ``` ## API The `astring` module exposes the following properties: ### `generate(node: object, options: object): string | object` Returns a string representing the rendered code of the provided AST `node`. However, if an `output` stream is provided in the `options`, it writes to that stream and returns it. The `options` are: - `indent`: string to use for indentation (defaults to `"␣␣"`) - `lineEnd`: string to use for line endings (defaults to `"\n"`) - `startingIndentLevel`: indent level to start from (defaults to `0`) - `comments`: generate comments if `true` (defaults to `false`) - `output`: output stream to write the rendered code to (defaults to `null`) - `generator`: custom code generator (defaults to `GENERATOR`) - `sourceMap`: [source map generator](https://github.com/mozilla/source-map#sourcemapgenerator) (defaults to `null`) - `expressionsPrecedence`: custom map of node types and their precedence level (defaults to `EXPRESSIONS_PRECEDENCE`) ### `GENERATOR: object` Base generator that can be used to [extend Astring](#extending). ### `EXPRESSIONS_PRECEDENCE: object` Mapping of node types and their precedence level to let the generator know when to use parentheses. ### `NEEDS_PARENTHESES: number` Default precedence level that always triggers the use of parentheses. ### `baseGenerator: object` > :warning: Deprecated, use `GENERATOR` instead. ## Benchmark ### Generating code Operations per second for generating each sample code from a pre-parsed AST: | code sample (length) | escodegen | astring | uglify | babel | prettier | | :------------------- | --------: | --------: | ------: | ------: | -------: | | tiny code (11) | 1,257,527 | 7,185,642 | 129,467 | 156,184 | 333 | | everything (8532) | 1,366 | 8,008 | 0 | 346 | 64 | ### Parsing and generating code Operations per second for parsing and generating each sample code: | code sample (length) | acorn + astring | meriyah + astring | buble | sucrase | | :------------------- | --------------: | ----------------: | -----: | ------: | | tiny code (11) | 92,578 | 864,665 | 25,911 | 575,370 | | everything (8532) | 706 | 1,425 | 132 | 1,403 | ## Examples The following examples are written in JavaScript 5 with Astring imported _à la CommonJS_. ### Generating code This example uses [Acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn), a blazingly fast JavaScript AST producer and therefore the perfect companion of Astring. ```javascript // Make sure acorn and astring modules are imported // Set example code var code = 'let answer = 4 + 7 * 5 + 3;\n' // Parse it into an AST var ast = acorn.parse(code, { ecmaVersion: 6 }) // Format it into a code string var formattedCode = astring.generate(ast) // Check it console.log(code === formattedCode ? 'It works!' : 'Something went wrong…') ``` ### Generating source maps This example uses the source map generator from the [Source Map](https://github.com/mozilla/source-map#sourcemapgenerator) module. ```javascript // Make sure acorn, sourceMap and astring modules are imported var code = 'function add(a, b) { return a + b; }\n' var ast = acorn.parse(code, { ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: 'module', // Locations are needed in order for the source map generator to work locations: true, }) // Create empty source map generator var map = new sourceMap.SourceMapGenerator({ // Source file name must be set and will be used for mappings file: 'script.js', }) var formattedCode = generate(ast, { // Enable source maps sourceMap: map, }) // Display generated source map console.log(map.toString()) ``` ### Using writable streams This example for [Node](http://nodejs.org) shows how to use writable streams to get the rendered code. ```javascript // Make sure acorn and astring modules are imported // Set example code var code = 'let answer = 4 + 7 * 5 + 3;\n' // Parse it into an AST var ast = acorn.parse(code, { ecmaVersion: 6 }) // Format it and write the result to stdout var stream = astring.generate(ast, { output: process.stdout, }) // The returned value is the output stream console.log('Does stream equal process.stdout?', stream === process.stdout) ``` ### Generating comments Astring supports comment generation, provided they are stored on the AST nodes. To do so, this example uses [Astravel](https://github.com/davidbonnet/astravel), a fast AST traveller and modifier. ```javascript // Make sure acorn, astravel and astring modules are imported // Set example code var code = [ '// Compute the answer to everything', 'let answer = 4 + 7 * 5 + 3;', '// Display it', 'console.log(answer);', ].join('\n') + '\n' // Parse it into an AST and retrieve the list of comments var comments = [] var ast = acorn.parse(code, { ecmaVersion: 6, locations: true, onComment: comments, }) // Attach comments to AST nodes astravel.attachComments(ast, comments) // Format it into a code string var formattedCode = astring.generate(ast, { comments: true, }) // Check it console.log(code === formattedCode ? 'It works!' : 'Something went wrong…') ``` ### Extending Astring can easily be extended by updating or passing a custom code `generator`. A code `generator` consists of a mapping of node names and functions that take two arguments: `node` and `state`. The `node` points to the node from which to generate the code and the `state` exposes the `write` method that takes generated code strings. This example shows how to support the `await` keyword which is part of the [asynchronous functions proposal](https://github.com/tc39/ecmascript-asyncawait). The corresponding `AwaitExpression` node is based on [this suggested definition](https://github.com/estree/estree/blob/master/es2017.md). ```javascript // Make sure the astring module is imported and that `Object.assign` is defined // Create a custom generator that inherits from Astring's base generator var customGenerator = Object.assign({}, astring.GENERATOR, { AwaitExpression: function (node, state) { state.write('await ') var argument = node.argument if (argument != null) { this[argument.type](argument, state) } }, }) // Obtain a custom AST somehow (note that this AST is not obtained from a valid code) var ast = { type: 'AwaitExpression', argument: { type: 'CallExpression', callee: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'callable', }, arguments: [], }, } // Format it var code = astring.generate(ast, { generator: customGenerator, }) // Check it console.log( code === 'await callable();\n' ? 'It works!' : 'Something went wrong…', ) ``` ## Command line interface The `bin/astring` utility can be used to convert a JSON-formatted ESTree compliant AST of a JavaScript code. It accepts the following arguments: - `-i`, `--indent`: string to use as indentation (defaults to `"␣␣"`) - `-l`, `--line-end`: string to use for line endings (defaults to `"\n"`) - `-s`, `--starting-indent-level`: indent level to start from (defaults to `0`) - `-h`, `--help`: print a usage message and exit - `-v`, `--version`: print package version and exit The utility reads the AST from a provided list of files or from `stdin` if none is supplied and prints the generated code. ### Example As in the previous example, these examples use [Acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn) to get the JSON-formatted AST. This command pipes the AST output by Acorn from a `script.js` file to Astring and writes the formatted JavaScript code into a `result.js` file: ```bash acorn --ecma6 script.js | astring > result.js ``` This command does the same, but reads the AST from an intermediary file: ```bash acorn --ecma6 script.js > ast.json astring ast.json > result.js ``` This command reads JavaScript 6 code from `stdin` and outputs a prettified version: ```bash cat | acorn --ecma6 | astring ```