const kleur = require('kleur'); const diff = require('diff'); const colors = { '--':, '··': kleur.grey, '++':, }; const TITLE = kleur.dim().italic; const TAB=kleur.dim('→'), SPACE=kleur.dim('·'), NL=kleur.dim('↵'); const LOG = (sym, str) => colors[sym](sym + PRETTY(str)) + '\n'; const LINE = (num, x) => kleur.dim('L' + String(num).padStart(x, '0') + ' '); const PRETTY = str => str.replace(/[ ]/g, SPACE).replace(/\t/g, TAB).replace(/(\r?\n)/g, NL); function line(obj, prev, pad) { let char = obj.removed ? '--' : obj.added ? '++' : '··'; let arr = obj.value.replace(/\r?\n$/, '').split('\n'); let i=0, tmp, out=''; if (obj.added) out += colors[char]().underline(TITLE('Expected:')) + '\n'; else if (obj.removed) out += colors[char]().underline(TITLE('Actual:')) + '\n'; for (; i < arr.length; i++) { tmp = arr[i]; if (tmp != null) { if (prev) out += LINE(prev + i, pad); out += LOG(char, tmp || '\n'); } } return out; } // TODO: want better diffing //~> complex items bail outright function arrays(input, expect) { let arr = diff.diffArrays(input, expect); let i=0, j=0, k=0, tmp, val, char, isObj, str; let out = LOG('··', '['); for (; i < arr.length; i++) { char = (tmp = arr[i]).removed ? '--' : tmp.added ? '++' : '··'; if (tmp.added) { out += colors[char]().underline(TITLE('Expected:')) + '\n'; } else if (tmp.removed) { out += colors[char]().underline(TITLE('Actual:')) + '\n'; } for (j=0; j < tmp.value.length; j++) { isObj = (tmp.value[j] && typeof tmp.value[j] === 'object'); val = stringify(tmp.value[j]).split(/\r?\n/g); for (k=0; k < val.length;) { str = ' ' + val[k++] + (isObj ? '' : ','); if (isObj && k === val.length && (j + 1) < tmp.value.length) str += ','; out += LOG(char, str); } } } return out + LOG('··', ']'); } function lines(input, expect, linenum = 0) { let i=0, tmp, output=''; let arr = diff.diffLines(input, expect); let pad = String(expect.split(/\r?\n/g).length - linenum).length; for (; i < arr.length; i++) { output += line(tmp = arr[i], linenum, pad); if (linenum && !tmp.removed) linenum += tmp.count; } return output; } function chars(input, expect) { let arr = diff.diffChars(input, expect); let i=0, output='', tmp; let l1 = input.length; let l2 = expect.length; let p1 = PRETTY(input); let p2 = PRETTY(expect); tmp = arr[i]; if (l1 === l2) { // no length offsets } else if (tmp.removed && arr[i + 1]) { let del = tmp.count - arr[i + 1].count; if (del == 0) { // wash~ } else if (del > 0) { expect = ' '.repeat(del) + expect; p2 = ' '.repeat(del) + p2; l2 += del; } else if (del < 0) { input = ' '.repeat(-del) + input; p1 = ' '.repeat(-del) + p1; l1 += -del; } } output += direct(p1, p2, l1, l2); if (l1 === l2) { for (tmp=' '; i < l1; i++) { tmp += input[i] === expect[i] ? ' ' : '^'; } } else { for (tmp=' '; i < arr.length; i++) { tmp += ((arr[i].added || arr[i].removed) ? '^' : ' ').repeat(Math.max(arr[i].count, 0)); if (i + 1 < arr.length && ((arr[i].added && arr[i+1].removed) || (arr[i].removed && arr[i+1].added))) { arr[i + 1].count -= arr[i].count; } } } return output +; } function direct(input, expect, lenA = String(input).length, lenB = String(expect).length) { let gutter = 4; let lenC = Math.max(lenA, lenB); let typeA=typeof input, typeB=typeof expect; if (typeA !== typeB) { gutter = 2; let delA = gutter + lenC - lenA; let delB = gutter + lenC - lenB; input += ' '.repeat(delA) + kleur.dim(`[${typeA}]`); expect += ' '.repeat(delB) + kleur.dim(`[${typeB}]`); lenA += delA + typeA.length + 2; lenB += delB + typeB.length + 2; lenC = Math.max(lenA, lenB); } let output = colors['++']('++' + expect + ' '.repeat(gutter + lenC - lenB) + TITLE('(Expected)')) + '\n'; return output + colors['--']('--' + input + ' '.repeat(gutter + lenC - lenA) + TITLE('(Actual)')) + '\n'; } function sort(input, expect) { var k, i=0, tmp, isArr = Array.isArray(input); var keys=[], out=isArr ? Array(input.length) : {}; if (isArr) { for (i=0; i < out.length; i++) { tmp = input[i]; if (!tmp || typeof tmp !== 'object') out[i] = tmp; else out[i] = sort(tmp, expect[i]); // might not be right } } else { for (k in expect) keys.push(k); for (; i < keys.length; i++) { if (, k = keys[i])) { if (!(tmp = input[k]) || typeof tmp !== 'object') out[k] = tmp; else out[k] = sort(tmp, expect[k]); } } for (k in input) { if (!out.hasOwnProperty(k)) { out[k] = input[k]; // expect didnt have } } } return out; } function circular() { var cache = new Set; return function print(key, val) { if (val === void 0) return '[__VOID__]'; if (typeof val === 'number' && val !== val) return '[__NAN__]'; if (typeof val === 'bigint') return val.toString(); if (!val || typeof val !== 'object') return val; if (cache.has(val)) return '[Circular]'; cache.add(val); return val; } } function stringify(input) { return JSON.stringify(input, circular(), 2).replace(/"\[__NAN__\]"/g, 'NaN').replace(/"\[__VOID__\]"/g, 'undefined'); } function compare(input, expect) { if (Array.isArray(expect) && Array.isArray(input)) return arrays(input, expect); if (expect instanceof RegExp) return chars(''+input, ''+expect); let isA = input && typeof input == 'object'; let isB = expect && typeof expect == 'object'; if (isA && isB) input = sort(input, expect); if (isB) expect = stringify(expect); if (isA) input = stringify(input); if (expect && typeof expect == 'object') { input = stringify(sort(input, expect)); expect = stringify(expect); } isA = typeof input == 'string'; isB = typeof expect == 'string'; if (isA && /\r?\n/.test(input)) return lines(input, ''+expect); if (isB && /\r?\n/.test(expect)) return lines(''+input, expect); if (isA && isB) return chars(input, expect); return direct(input, expect); } exports.arrays = arrays; exports.chars = chars; exports.circular = circular; = compare; = direct; exports.lines = lines; exports.sort = sort; exports.stringify = stringify;