import kleur from 'kleur'; import { compare } from 'uvu/diff'; let isCLI = false, isNode = false; let hrtime = (now = => () => ( - now).toFixed(2) + 'ms'; let write = console.log; const into = (ctx, key) => (name, handler) => ctx[key].push({ name, handler }); const context = (state) => ({ tests:[], before:[], after:[], bEach:[], aEach:[], only:[], skips:0, state }); const milli = arr => (arr[0]*1e3 + arr[1]/1e6).toFixed(2) + 'ms'; const hook = (ctx, key) => handler => ctx[key].push(handler); if (isNode = typeof process < 'u' && typeof process.stdout < 'u') { // globalThis polyfill; Node < 12 if (typeof globalThis !== 'object') { Object.defineProperty(global, 'globalThis', { get: function () { return this } }); } let rgx = /(\.bin[\\+\/]uvu$|uvu[\\+\/]bin\.js)/i; isCLI = process.argv.some(x => rgx.test(x)); // attach node-specific utils write = x => process.stdout.write(x); hrtime = (now = process.hrtime()) => () => milli(process.hrtime(now)); } else if (typeof performance < 'u') { hrtime = (now = => () => ( - now).toFixed(2) + 'ms'; } globalThis.UVU_QUEUE = globalThis.UVU_QUEUE || []; isCLI = isCLI || !!globalThis.UVU_DEFER; isCLI || UVU_QUEUE.push([null]); const QUOTE = kleur.dim('"'), GUTTER = '\n '; const FAIL ='✘ '), PASS = kleur.gray('• '); const IGNORE = /^\s*at.*(?:\(|\s)(?:node|(internal\/[\w/]*))/; const FAILURE = kleur.bold().bgRed(' FAIL '); const FILE = kleur.bold().underline().white; const SUITE = kleur.bgWhite().bold; function stack(stack, idx) { let i=0, line, out=''; let arr = stack.substring(idx).replace(/\\/g, '/').split('\n'); for (; i < arr.length; i++) { line = arr[i].trim(); if (line.length && !IGNORE.test(line)) { out += '\n ' + line; } } return kleur.grey(out) + '\n'; } function format(name, err, suite = '') { let { details, operator='' } = err; let idx = err.stack && err.stack.indexOf('\n'); if ('AssertionError') && !operator.includes('not')) details = compare(err.actual, err.expected); // TODO? let str = ' ' + FAILURE + (suite ?` ${suite} `)) : '') + ' ' + QUOTE + + QUOTE; str += '\n ' + err.message + (operator ? kleur.italic().dim(` (${operator})`) : '') + '\n'; if (details) str += GUTTER + details.split('\n').join(GUTTER); if (!!~idx) str += stack(err.stack, idx); return str + '\n'; } async function runner(ctx, name) { let { only, tests, before, after, bEach, aEach, state } = ctx; let hook, test, arr = only.length ? only : tests; let num=0, errors='', total=arr.length; try { if (name) write(SUITE(` ${name} `)) + ' '); for (hook of before) await hook(state); for (test of arr) { state.__test__ =; try { for (hook of bEach) await hook(state); await test.handler(state); for (hook of aEach) await hook(state); write(PASS); num++; } catch (err) { for (hook of aEach) await hook(state); if (errors.length) errors += '\n'; errors += format(, err, name); write(FAIL); } } } finally { state.__test__ = ''; for (hook of after) await hook(state); let msg = ` (${num} / ${total})\n`; let skipped = (only.length ? tests.length : 0) + ctx.skips; write(errors.length ? :; return [errors || true, num, skipped, total]; } } let timer; function defer() { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(exec); } function setup(ctx, name = '') { ctx.state.__test__ = ''; ctx.state.__suite__ = name; const test = into(ctx, 'tests'); test.before = hook(ctx, 'before'); test.before.each = hook(ctx, 'bEach'); test.after = hook(ctx, 'after'); test.after.each = hook(ctx, 'aEach'); test.only = into(ctx, 'only'); test.skip = () => { ctx.skips++ }; = () => { let copy = { ...ctx }; let run = runner.bind(0, copy, name); Object.assign(ctx, context(copy.state)); UVU_QUEUE[globalThis.UVU_INDEX || 0].push(run); isCLI || defer(); }; return test; } export const suite = (name = '', state = {}) => setup(context(state), name); export const test = suite(); let isRunning = false; export async function exec(bail) { let timer = hrtime(); let done=0, total=0, skips=0, code=0; isRunning = true; for (let group of UVU_QUEUE) { if (total) write('\n'); let name = group.shift(); if (name != null) write(FILE(name) + '\n'); for (let test of group) { let [errs, ran, skip, max] = await test(); total += max; done += ran; skips += skip; if (errs.length) { write('\n' + errs + '\n'); code=1; if (bail) return isNode && process.exit(1); } } } isRunning = false; write('\n Total: ' + total); write((code ? :'\n Passed: ' + done)); write('\n Skipped: ' + (skips ? kleur.yellow(skips) : skips)); write('\n Duration: ' + timer() + '\n\n'); if (isNode) process.exitCode = code; } if (isNode) process.on('exit', () => { if (!isRunning) return; // okay to exit process.exitCode = process.exitCode || 1; console.error('Exiting early before testing is finished.'); });