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uvu is an extremely fast and lightweight test runner for Node.js and the browser
Ultimate Velocity, Unleashed

example with suites
## Features * Super [lightweight](https://npm.anvaka.com/#/view/2d/uvu) * Extremely [performant](#benchmarks) * Individually executable test files * Supports `async`/`await` tests * Supports native ES Modules * Browser-Compatible * Familiar API ## Install ``` $ npm install --save-dev uvu ``` ## Usage > Check out [`/examples`](/examples) for a list of working demos! ```js // tests/demo.js import { test } from 'uvu'; import * as assert from 'uvu/assert'; test('Math.sqrt()', () => { assert.is(Math.sqrt(4), 2); assert.is(Math.sqrt(144), 12); assert.is(Math.sqrt(2), Math.SQRT2); }); test('JSON', () => { const input = { foo: 'hello', bar: 'world' }; const output = JSON.stringify(input); assert.snapshot(output, `{"foo":"hello","bar":"world"}`); assert.equal(JSON.parse(output), input, 'matches original'); }); test.run(); ``` Then execute this test file: ```sh # via `uvu` cli, for all `/tests/**` files $ uvu -r esm tests # via `node` directly, for file isolation $ node -r esm tests/demo.js ``` > **Note:** The `-r esm` is for legacy Node.js versions. [Learn More](/docs/esm.md) > [View the `uvu` CLI documentation](/docs/cli.md) ## Assertions The [`uvu/assert`](/docs/api.assert.md) module is _completely_ optional. In fact, you may use any assertion library, including Node's native [`assert`](https://nodejs.org/api/assert.html) module! This works because `uvu` relies on thrown Errors to detect failures. Implicitly, this also means that any uncaught exceptions and/or unhandled `Promise` rejections will result in a failure, which is what you want! ## API ### Module: `uvu` > [View `uvu` API documentation](/docs/api.uvu.md) The main entry from which you will import the `test` or `suite` methods. ### Module: `uvu/assert` > [View `uvu/assert` API documentation](/docs/api.assert.md) A collection of assertion methods to use within your tests. Please note that: * these are browser compatible * these are _completely_ optional ## Benchmarks > via the [`/bench`](/bench) directory with Node v10.21.0 Below you'll find each test runner with two timing values: * the `took ___` value is the total process execution time – from startup to termination * the parenthesis value (`(___)`) is the self-reported execution time, if known Each test runner's `stdout` is printed to the console to verify all assertions pass.
Said output is excluded below for brevity. ``` ~> "ava" took 594ms ( ??? ) ~> "jest" took 962ms (356 ms) ~> "mocha" took 209ms ( 4 ms) ~> "tape" took 122ms ( ??? ) ~> "uvu" took 72ms ( 1.3ms) ``` ## License MIT © [Luke Edwards](https://lukeed.com)