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Get the count of the longest repeating streak of substring in value.


What is this?

This is a tiny package that finds the count of the longest adjacent repeating substring.

When should I use this?

This package is rather niche. I use it for serializing markdown ASTs (particularly fenced code and math).

You can use ccount if you need the total count of substrings occuring in a value.


This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 14.14+, 16.0+), install with npm:

npm install longest-streak

In Deno with esm.sh:

import {longestStreak} from 'https://esm.sh/longest-streak@3'

In browsers with esm.sh:

<script type="module">
  import {longestStreak} from 'https://esm.sh/longest-streak@3?bundle'


import {longestStreak} from 'longest-streak'

longestStreak('` foo `` bar `', '`') // => 2


This package exports the identifier longestStreak. There is no default export.

longestStreak(value, substring)

Get the count of the longest repeating streak of substring in value.

  • value (string) — content to search in
  • substring (string) — substring to look for, typically one character

Count of most frequent adjacent substrings in value (number).


This package is fully typed with TypeScript. It exports no additional types.


This package is at least compatible with all maintained versions of Node.js. As of now, that is Node.js 14.14+ and 16.0+. It also works in Deno and modern browsers.


This package is safe.

  • wooorm/ccount — count the total number of substrings in value
  • wooorm/direction — detect directionality: left-to-right, right-to-left, or neutral


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MIT © Titus Wormer