2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

107 lines
2.6 KiB

* Find patterns in a tree and replace them.
* The algorithm searches the tree in *preorder* for complete values in `Text`
* nodes.
* Partial matches are not supported.
* @param tree
* Tree to change.
* @param find
* Patterns to find.
* @param replace
* Things to replace with (when `find` is `Find`) or configuration.
* @param options
* Configuration (when `find` is not `Find`).
* @returns
* Given, modified, tree.
export const findAndReplace: (<Tree extends Node>(
tree: Tree,
find: Find,
replace?: Replace | null | undefined,
options?: Options | null | undefined
) => Tree) &
(<Tree_1 extends Node>(
tree: Tree_1,
schema: FindAndReplaceSchema | FindAndReplaceList,
options?: Options | null | undefined
) => Tree_1)
export type MdastParent = import('mdast').Parent
export type Root = import('mdast').Root
export type Content = import('mdast').Content
export type PhrasingContent = import('mdast').PhrasingContent
export type Text = import('mdast').Text
export type Test = import('unist-util-visit-parents').Test
export type VisitorResult = import('unist-util-visit-parents').VisitorResult
export type Node = Content | Root
export type Parent = Extract<Node, MdastParent>
export type ContentParent = Exclude<Parent, Root>
* Info on the match.
export type RegExpMatchObject = {
* The index of the search at which the result was found.
index: number
* A copy of the search string in the text node.
input: string
* All ancestors of the text node, where the last node is the text itself.
stack: [Root, ...Array<ContentParent>, Text]
* Callback called when a search matches.
export type ReplaceFunction = (
...parameters: any[]
) =>
| Array<PhrasingContent>
| PhrasingContent
| string
| false
| undefined
| null
* Pattern to find.
* Strings are escaped and then turned into global expressions.
export type Find = string | RegExp
* Several find and replaces, in array form.
export type FindAndReplaceList = Array<[Find, Replace]>
* Several find and replaces, in object form.
export type FindAndReplaceSchema = Record<string, Replace>
* Find and replace in tuple form.
export type FindAndReplaceTuple = [Find, Replace]
* Thing to replace with.
export type Replace = string | ReplaceFunction
* Normalized find and replace.
export type Pair = [RegExp, ReplaceFunction]
* All find and replaced.
export type Pairs = Array<[RegExp, ReplaceFunction]>
* Configuration.
export type Options = {
* Test for which nodes to ignore.
ignore?: Test | null | undefined