2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

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* @typedef {import('hast').Content} HastContent
* @typedef {import('hast').Element} HastElement
* @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} HastElementContent
* @typedef {import('hast').Properties} HastProperties
* @typedef {import('hast').Root} HastRoot
* @typedef {import('hast').Text} HastText
* @typedef {import('mdast').Content} MdastContent
* @typedef {import('mdast').Definition} MdastDefinition
* @typedef {import('mdast').FootnoteDefinition} MdastFootnoteDefinition
* @typedef {import('mdast').Parent} MdastParent
* @typedef {import('mdast').Root} MdastRoot
* @typedef {HastRoot | HastContent} HastNodes
* @typedef {MdastRoot | MdastContent} MdastNodes
* @typedef {Extract<MdastNodes, MdastParent>} MdastParents
* @typedef EmbeddedHastFields
* hast fields.
* @property {string | null | undefined} [hName]
* Generate a specific element with this tag name instead.
* @property {HastProperties | null | undefined} [hProperties]
* Generate an element with these properties instead.
* @property {Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined} [hChildren]
* Generate an element with this content instead.
* @typedef {Record<string, unknown> & EmbeddedHastFields} MdastData
* mdast data with embedded hast fields.
* @typedef {MdastNodes & {data?: MdastData | null | undefined}} MdastNodeWithData
* mdast node with embedded hast data.
* @typedef PointLike
* Point-like value.
* @property {number | null | undefined} [line]
* Line.
* @property {number | null | undefined} [column]
* Column.
* @property {number | null | undefined} [offset]
* Offset.
* @typedef PositionLike
* Position-like value.
* @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [start]
* Point-like value.
* @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [end]
* Point-like value.
* @callback Handler
* Handle a node.
* @param {State} state
* Info passed around.
* @param {any} node
* mdast node to handle.
* @param {MdastParents | null | undefined} parent
* Parent of `node`.
* @returns {HastElementContent | Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined}
* hast node.
* @callback HFunctionProps
* Signature of `state` for when props are passed.
* @param {MdastNodes | PositionLike | null | undefined} node
* mdast node or unist position.
* @param {string} tagName
* HTML tag name.
* @param {HastProperties} props
* Properties.
* @param {Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined} [children]
* hast content.
* @returns {HastElement}
* Compiled element.
* @callback HFunctionNoProps
* Signature of `state` for when no props are passed.
* @param {MdastNodes | PositionLike | null | undefined} node
* mdast node or unist position.
* @param {string} tagName
* HTML tag name.
* @param {Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined} [children]
* hast content.
* @returns {HastElement}
* Compiled element.
* @typedef HFields
* Info on `state`.
* @property {boolean} dangerous
* Whether HTML is allowed.
* @property {string} clobberPrefix
* Prefix to use to prevent DOM clobbering.
* @property {string} footnoteLabel
* Label to use to introduce the footnote section.
* @property {string} footnoteLabelTagName
* HTML used for the footnote label.
* @property {HastProperties} footnoteLabelProperties
* Properties on the HTML tag used for the footnote label.
* @property {string} footnoteBackLabel
* Label to use from backreferences back to their footnote call.
* @property {(identifier: string) => MdastDefinition | null} definition
* Definition cache.
* @property {Record<string, MdastFootnoteDefinition>} footnoteById
* Footnote definitions by their identifier.
* @property {Array<string>} footnoteOrder
* Identifiers of order when footnote calls first appear in tree order.
* @property {Record<string, number>} footnoteCounts
* Counts for how often the same footnote was called.
* @property {Handlers} handlers
* Applied handlers.
* @property {Handler} unknownHandler
* Handler for any none not in `passThrough` or otherwise handled.
* @property {(from: MdastNodes, node: HastNodes) => void} patch
* Copy a nodes positional info.
* @property {<Type extends HastNodes>(from: MdastNodes, to: Type) => Type | HastElement} applyData
* Honor the `data` of `from`, and generate an element instead of `node`.
* @property {(node: MdastNodes, parent: MdastParents | null | undefined) => HastElementContent | Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined} one
* Transform an mdast node to hast.
* @property {(node: MdastNodes) => Array<HastElementContent>} all
* Transform the children of an mdast parent to hast.
* @property {<Type extends HastContent>(nodes: Array<Type>, loose?: boolean | null | undefined) => Array<Type | HastText>} wrap
* Wrap `nodes` with line endings between each node, adds initial/final line endings when `loose`.
* @property {(left: MdastNodeWithData | PositionLike | null | undefined, right: HastElementContent) => HastElementContent} augment
* Like `state` but lower-level and usable on non-elements.
* Deprecated: use `patch` and `applyData`.
* @property {Array<string>} passThrough
* List of node types to pass through untouched (except for their children).
* @typedef Options
* Configuration (optional).
* @property {boolean | null | undefined} [allowDangerousHtml=false]
* Whether to persist raw HTML in markdown in the hast tree.
* @property {string | null | undefined} [clobberPrefix='user-content-']
* Prefix to use before the `id` attribute on footnotes to prevent it from
* *clobbering*.
* @property {string | null | undefined} [footnoteBackLabel='Back to content']
* Label to use from backreferences back to their footnote call (affects
* screen readers).
* @property {string | null | undefined} [footnoteLabel='Footnotes']
* Label to use for the footnotes section (affects screen readers).
* @property {HastProperties | null | undefined} [footnoteLabelProperties={className: ['sr-only']}]
* Properties to use on the footnote label (note that `id: 'footnote-label'`
* is always added as footnote calls use it with `aria-describedby` to
* provide an accessible label).
* @property {string | null | undefined} [footnoteLabelTagName='h2']
* Tag name to use for the footnote label.
* @property {Handlers | null | undefined} [handlers]
* Extra handlers for nodes.
* @property {Array<string> | null | undefined} [passThrough]
* List of custom mdast node types to pass through (keep) in hast (note that
* the node itself is passed, but eventual children are transformed).
* @property {Handler | null | undefined} [unknownHandler]
* Handler for all unknown nodes.
* @typedef {Record<string, Handler>} Handlers
* Handle nodes.
* @typedef {HFunctionProps & HFunctionNoProps & HFields} State
* Info passed around.
import {visit} from 'unist-util-visit'
import {position, pointStart, pointEnd} from 'unist-util-position'
import {generated} from 'unist-util-generated'
import {definitions} from 'mdast-util-definitions'
import {handlers} from './handlers/index.js'
const own = {}.hasOwnProperty
* Create `state` from an mdast tree.
* @param {MdastNodes} tree
* mdast node to transform.
* @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]
* Configuration.
* @returns {State}
* `state` function.
export function createState(tree, options) {
const settings = options || {}
const dangerous = settings.allowDangerousHtml || false
/** @type {Record<string, MdastFootnoteDefinition>} */
const footnoteById = {}
// To do: next major: add `options` to state, remove:
// `dangerous`, `clobberPrefix`, `footnoteLabel`, `footnoteLabelTagName`,
// `footnoteLabelProperties`, `footnoteBackLabel`, `passThrough`,
// `unknownHandler`.
// To do: next major: move to `state.options.allowDangerousHtml`.
state.dangerous = dangerous
// To do: next major: move to `state.options`.
state.clobberPrefix =
settings.clobberPrefix === undefined || settings.clobberPrefix === null
? 'user-content-'
: settings.clobberPrefix
// To do: next major: move to `state.options`.
state.footnoteLabel = settings.footnoteLabel || 'Footnotes'
// To do: next major: move to `state.options`.
state.footnoteLabelTagName = settings.footnoteLabelTagName || 'h2'
// To do: next major: move to `state.options`.
state.footnoteLabelProperties = settings.footnoteLabelProperties || {
className: ['sr-only']
// To do: next major: move to `state.options`.
state.footnoteBackLabel = settings.footnoteBackLabel || 'Back to content'
// To do: next major: move to `state.options`.
state.unknownHandler = settings.unknownHandler
// To do: next major: move to `state.options`.
state.passThrough = settings.passThrough
state.handlers = {...handlers, ...settings.handlers}
// To do: next major: replace utility with `definitionById` object, so we
// only walk once (as we need footnotes too).
state.definition = definitions(tree)
state.footnoteById = footnoteById
/** @type {Array<string>} */
state.footnoteOrder = []
/** @type {Record<string, number>} */
state.footnoteCounts = {}
state.patch = patch
state.applyData = applyData
state.one = oneBound
state.all = allBound
state.wrap = wrap
// To do: next major: remove `augment`.
state.augment = augment
visit(tree, 'footnoteDefinition', (definition) => {
const id = String(definition.identifier).toUpperCase()
// Mimick CM behavior of link definitions.
// See: <https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast-util-definitions/blob/8290999/index.js#L26>.
if (!own.call(footnoteById, id)) {
footnoteById[id] = definition
// @ts-expect-error Hush, its fine!
return state
* Finalise the created `right`, a hast node, from `left`, an mdast node.
* @param {MdastNodeWithData | PositionLike | null | undefined} left
* @param {HastElementContent} right
* @returns {HastElementContent}
/* c8 ignore start */
// To do: next major: remove.
function augment(left, right) {
// Handle `data.hName`, `data.hProperties, `data.hChildren`.
if (left && 'data' in left && left.data) {
/** @type {MdastData} */
const data = left.data
if (data.hName) {
if (right.type !== 'element') {
right = {
type: 'element',
tagName: '',
properties: {},
children: []
right.tagName = data.hName
if (right.type === 'element' && data.hProperties) {
right.properties = {...right.properties, ...data.hProperties}
if ('children' in right && right.children && data.hChildren) {
right.children = data.hChildren
if (left) {
const ctx = 'type' in left ? left : {position: left}
if (!generated(ctx)) {
// @ts-expect-error: fine.
right.position = {start: pointStart(ctx), end: pointEnd(ctx)}
return right
/* c8 ignore stop */
* Create an element for `node`.
* @type {HFunctionProps}
/* c8 ignore start */
// To do: next major: remove.
function state(node, tagName, props, children) {
if (Array.isArray(props)) {
children = props
props = {}
// @ts-expect-error augmenting an element yields an element.
return augment(node, {
type: 'element',
properties: props || {},
children: children || []
/* c8 ignore stop */
* Transform an mdast node into a hast node.
* @param {MdastNodes} node
* mdast node.
* @param {MdastParents | null | undefined} [parent]
* Parent of `node`.
* @returns {HastElementContent | Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined}
* Resulting hast node.
function oneBound(node, parent) {
// @ts-expect-error: thats a state :)
return one(state, node, parent)
* Transform the children of an mdast node into hast nodes.
* @param {MdastNodes} parent
* mdast node to compile
* @returns {Array<HastElementContent>}
* Resulting hast nodes.
function allBound(parent) {
// @ts-expect-error: thats a state :)
return all(state, parent)
* Copy a nodes positional info.
* @param {MdastNodes} from
* mdast node to copy from.
* @param {HastNodes} to
* hast node to copy into.
* @returns {void}
* Nothing.
function patch(from, to) {
if (from.position) to.position = position(from)
* Honor the `data` of `from` and maybe generate an element instead of `to`.
* @template {HastNodes} Type
* Node type.
* @param {MdastNodes} from
* mdast node to use data from.
* @param {Type} to
* hast node to change.
* @returns {Type | HastElement}
* Nothing.
function applyData(from, to) {
/** @type {Type | HastElement} */
let result = to
// Handle `data.hName`, `data.hProperties, `data.hChildren`.
if (from && from.data) {
const hName = from.data.hName
const hChildren = from.data.hChildren
const hProperties = from.data.hProperties
if (typeof hName === 'string') {
// Transforming the node resulted in an element with a different name
// than wanted:
if (result.type === 'element') {
result.tagName = hName
// Transforming the node resulted in a non-element, which happens for
// raw, text, and root nodes (unless custom handlers are passed).
// The intent is likely to keep the content around (otherwise: pass
// `hChildren`).
else {
result = {
type: 'element',
tagName: hName,
properties: {},
children: []
// To do: next major: take the children from the `root`, or inject the
// raw/text/comment or so into the element?
// if ('children' in node) {
// // @ts-expect-error: assume `children` are allowed in elements.
// result.children = node.children
// } else {
// // @ts-expect-error: assume `node` is allowed in elements.
// result.children.push(node)
// }
if (result.type === 'element' && hProperties) {
result.properties = {...result.properties, ...hProperties}
if (
'children' in result &&
result.children &&
hChildren !== null &&
hChildren !== undefined
) {
// @ts-expect-error: assume valid children are defined.
result.children = hChildren
return result
* Transform an mdast node into a hast node.
* @param {State} state
* Info passed around.
* @param {MdastNodes} node
* mdast node.
* @param {MdastParents | null | undefined} [parent]
* Parent of `node`.
* @returns {HastElementContent | Array<HastElementContent> | null | undefined}
* Resulting hast node.
// To do: next major: do not expose, keep bound.
export function one(state, node, parent) {
const type = node && node.type
// Fail on non-nodes.
if (!type) {
throw new Error('Expected node, got `' + node + '`')
if (own.call(state.handlers, type)) {
return state.handlers[type](state, node, parent)
if (state.passThrough && state.passThrough.includes(type)) {
// To do: next major: deep clone.
// @ts-expect-error: types of passed through nodes are expected to be added manually.
return 'children' in node ? {...node, children: all(state, node)} : node
if (state.unknownHandler) {
return state.unknownHandler(state, node, parent)
return defaultUnknownHandler(state, node)
* Transform the children of an mdast node into hast nodes.
* @param {State} state
* Info passed around.
* @param {MdastNodes} parent
* mdast node to compile
* @returns {Array<HastElementContent>}
* Resulting hast nodes.
// To do: next major: do not expose, keep bound.
export function all(state, parent) {
/** @type {Array<HastElementContent>} */
const values = []
if ('children' in parent) {
const nodes = parent.children
let index = -1
while (++index < nodes.length) {
const result = one(state, nodes[index], parent)
// To do: see if we van clean this? Can we merge texts?
if (result) {
if (index && nodes[index - 1].type === 'break') {
if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.type === 'text') {
result.value = result.value.replace(/^\s+/, '')
if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.type === 'element') {
const head = result.children[0]
if (head && head.type === 'text') {
head.value = head.value.replace(/^\s+/, '')
if (Array.isArray(result)) {
} else {
return values
* Transform an unknown node.
* @param {State} state
* Info passed around.
* @param {MdastNodes} node
* Unknown mdast node.
* @returns {HastText | HastElement}
* Resulting hast node.
function defaultUnknownHandler(state, node) {
const data = node.data || {}
/** @type {HastText | HastElement} */
const result =
'value' in node &&
!(own.call(data, 'hProperties') || own.call(data, 'hChildren'))
? {type: 'text', value: node.value}
: {
type: 'element',
tagName: 'div',
properties: {},
children: all(state, node)
state.patch(node, result)
return state.applyData(node, result)
* Wrap `nodes` with line endings between each node.
* @template {HastContent} Type
* Node type.
* @param {Array<Type>} nodes
* List of nodes to wrap.
* @param {boolean | null | undefined} [loose=false]
* Whether to add line endings at start and end.
* @returns {Array<Type | HastText>}
* Wrapped nodes.
export function wrap(nodes, loose) {
/** @type {Array<Type | HastText>} */
const result = []
let index = -1
if (loose) {
result.push({type: 'text', value: '\n'})
while (++index < nodes.length) {
if (index) result.push({type: 'text', value: '\n'})
if (loose && nodes.length > 0) {
result.push({type: 'text', value: '\n'})
return result