2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

571 lines
26 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { createScanner } from '../parser/htmlScanner';
import { ScannerState, TokenType, Position, CompletionItemKind, Range, TextEdit, InsertTextFormat, MarkupKind } from '../htmlLanguageTypes';
import { entities } from '../parser/htmlEntities';
import * as l10n from '@vscode/l10n';
import { isLetterOrDigit, endsWith, startsWith } from '../utils/strings';
import { isDefined } from '../utils/object';
import { generateDocumentation } from '../languageFacts/dataProvider';
import { PathCompletionParticipant } from './pathCompletion';
export class HTMLCompletion {
constructor(lsOptions, dataManager) {
this.lsOptions = lsOptions;
this.dataManager = dataManager;
this.completionParticipants = [];
setCompletionParticipants(registeredCompletionParticipants) {
this.completionParticipants = registeredCompletionParticipants || [];
async doComplete2(document, position, htmlDocument, documentContext, settings) {
if (!this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider || !this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider.readDirectory) {
return this.doComplete(document, position, htmlDocument, settings);
const participant = new PathCompletionParticipant(this.dataManager, this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider.readDirectory);
const contributedParticipants = this.completionParticipants;
this.completionParticipants = [participant].concat(contributedParticipants);
const result = this.doComplete(document, position, htmlDocument, settings);
try {
const pathCompletionResult = await participant.computeCompletions(document, documentContext);
return {
isIncomplete: result.isIncomplete || pathCompletionResult.isIncomplete,
items: pathCompletionResult.items.concat(result.items)
finally {
this.completionParticipants = contributedParticipants;
doComplete(document, position, htmlDocument, settings) {
const result = this._doComplete(document, position, htmlDocument, settings);
return this.convertCompletionList(result);
_doComplete(document, position, htmlDocument, settings) {
const result = {
isIncomplete: false,
items: []
const completionParticipants = this.completionParticipants;
const dataProviders = this.dataManager.getDataProviders().filter(p => p.isApplicable(document.languageId) && (!settings || settings[p.getId()] !== false));
const voidElements = this.dataManager.getVoidElements(dataProviders);
const doesSupportMarkdown = this.doesSupportMarkdown();
const text = document.getText();
const offset = document.offsetAt(position);
const node = htmlDocument.findNodeBefore(offset);
if (!node) {
return result;
const scanner = createScanner(text, node.start);
let currentTag = '';
let currentAttributeName;
function getReplaceRange(replaceStart, replaceEnd = offset) {
if (replaceStart > offset) {
replaceStart = offset;
return { start: document.positionAt(replaceStart), end: document.positionAt(replaceEnd) };
function collectOpenTagSuggestions(afterOpenBracket, tagNameEnd) {
const range = getReplaceRange(afterOpenBracket, tagNameEnd);
dataProviders.forEach((provider) => {
provider.provideTags().forEach(tag => {
label: tag.name,
kind: CompletionItemKind.Property,
documentation: generateDocumentation(tag, undefined, doesSupportMarkdown),
textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, tag.name),
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.PlainText
return result;
function getLineIndent(offset) {
let start = offset;
while (start > 0) {
const ch = text.charAt(start - 1);
if ("\n\r".indexOf(ch) >= 0) {
return text.substring(start, offset);
if (!isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
return null;
return text.substring(0, offset);
function collectCloseTagSuggestions(afterOpenBracket, inOpenTag, tagNameEnd = offset) {
const range = getReplaceRange(afterOpenBracket, tagNameEnd);
const closeTag = isFollowedBy(text, tagNameEnd, ScannerState.WithinEndTag, TokenType.EndTagClose) ? '' : '>';
let curr = node;
if (inOpenTag) {
curr = curr.parent; // don't suggest the own tag, it's not yet open
while (curr) {
const tag = curr.tag;
if (tag && (!curr.closed || curr.endTagStart && (curr.endTagStart > offset))) {
const item = {
label: '/' + tag,
kind: CompletionItemKind.Property,
filterText: '/' + tag,
textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, '/' + tag + closeTag),
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.PlainText
const startIndent = getLineIndent(curr.start);
const endIndent = getLineIndent(afterOpenBracket - 1);
if (startIndent !== null && endIndent !== null && startIndent !== endIndent) {
const insertText = startIndent + '</' + tag + closeTag;
item.textEdit = TextEdit.replace(getReplaceRange(afterOpenBracket - 1 - endIndent.length), insertText);
item.filterText = endIndent + '</' + tag;
return result;
curr = curr.parent;
if (inOpenTag) {
return result;
dataProviders.forEach(provider => {
provider.provideTags().forEach(tag => {
label: '/' + tag.name,
kind: CompletionItemKind.Property,
documentation: generateDocumentation(tag, undefined, doesSupportMarkdown),
filterText: '/' + tag.name + closeTag,
textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, '/' + tag.name + closeTag),
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.PlainText
return result;
const collectAutoCloseTagSuggestion = (tagCloseEnd, tag) => {
if (settings && settings.hideAutoCompleteProposals) {
return result;
if (!this.dataManager.isVoidElement(tag, voidElements)) {
const pos = document.positionAt(tagCloseEnd);
label: '</' + tag + '>',
kind: CompletionItemKind.Property,
filterText: '</' + tag + '>',
textEdit: TextEdit.insert(pos, '$0</' + tag + '>'),
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet
return result;
function collectTagSuggestions(tagStart, tagEnd) {
collectOpenTagSuggestions(tagStart, tagEnd);
collectCloseTagSuggestions(tagStart, true, tagEnd);
return result;
function getExistingAttributes() {
const existingAttributes = Object.create(null);
node.attributeNames.forEach(attribute => {
existingAttributes[attribute] = true;
return existingAttributes;
function collectAttributeNameSuggestions(nameStart, nameEnd = offset) {
let replaceEnd = offset;
while (replaceEnd < nameEnd && text[replaceEnd] !== '<') { // < is a valid attribute name character, but we rather assume the attribute name ends. See #23236.
const currentAttribute = text.substring(nameStart, nameEnd);
const range = getReplaceRange(nameStart, replaceEnd);
let value = '';
if (!isFollowedBy(text, nameEnd, ScannerState.AfterAttributeName, TokenType.DelimiterAssign)) {
const defaultValue = settings?.attributeDefaultValue ?? 'doublequotes';
if (defaultValue === 'empty') {
value = '=$1';
else if (defaultValue === 'singlequotes') {
value = '=\'$1\'';
else {
value = '="$1"';
const seenAttributes = getExistingAttributes();
// include current typing attribute
seenAttributes[currentAttribute] = false;
dataProviders.forEach(provider => {
provider.provideAttributes(currentTag).forEach(attr => {
if (seenAttributes[attr.name]) {
seenAttributes[attr.name] = true;
let codeSnippet = attr.name;
let command;
if (attr.valueSet !== 'v' && value.length) {
codeSnippet = codeSnippet + value;
if (attr.valueSet || attr.name === 'style') {
command = {
title: 'Suggest',
command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest'
label: attr.name,
kind: attr.valueSet === 'handler' ? CompletionItemKind.Function : CompletionItemKind.Value,
documentation: generateDocumentation(attr, undefined, doesSupportMarkdown),
textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, codeSnippet),
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
collectDataAttributesSuggestions(range, seenAttributes);
return result;
function collectDataAttributesSuggestions(range, seenAttributes) {
const dataAttr = 'data-';
const dataAttributes = {};
dataAttributes[dataAttr] = `${dataAttr}$1="$2"`;
function addNodeDataAttributes(node) {
node.attributeNames.forEach(attr => {
if (startsWith(attr, dataAttr) && !dataAttributes[attr] && !seenAttributes[attr]) {
dataAttributes[attr] = attr + '="$1"';
node.children.forEach(child => addNodeDataAttributes(child));
if (htmlDocument) {
htmlDocument.roots.forEach(root => addNodeDataAttributes(root));
Object.keys(dataAttributes).forEach(attr => result.items.push({
label: attr,
kind: CompletionItemKind.Value,
textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, dataAttributes[attr]),
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet
function collectAttributeValueSuggestions(valueStart, valueEnd = offset) {
let range;
let addQuotes;
let valuePrefix;
if (offset > valueStart && offset <= valueEnd && isQuote(text[valueStart])) {
// inside quoted attribute
const valueContentStart = valueStart + 1;
let valueContentEnd = valueEnd;
// valueEnd points to the char after quote, which encloses the replace range
if (valueEnd > valueStart && text[valueEnd - 1] === text[valueStart]) {
const wsBefore = getWordStart(text, offset, valueContentStart);
const wsAfter = getWordEnd(text, offset, valueContentEnd);
range = getReplaceRange(wsBefore, wsAfter);
valuePrefix = offset >= valueContentStart && offset <= valueContentEnd ? text.substring(valueContentStart, offset) : '';
addQuotes = false;
else {
range = getReplaceRange(valueStart, valueEnd);
valuePrefix = text.substring(valueStart, offset);
addQuotes = true;
if (completionParticipants.length > 0) {
const tag = currentTag.toLowerCase();
const attribute = currentAttributeName.toLowerCase();
const fullRange = getReplaceRange(valueStart, valueEnd);
for (const participant of completionParticipants) {
if (participant.onHtmlAttributeValue) {
participant.onHtmlAttributeValue({ document, position, tag, attribute, value: valuePrefix, range: fullRange });
dataProviders.forEach(provider => {
provider.provideValues(currentTag, currentAttributeName).forEach(value => {
const insertText = addQuotes ? '"' + value.name + '"' : value.name;
label: value.name,
filterText: insertText,
kind: CompletionItemKind.Unit,
documentation: generateDocumentation(value, undefined, doesSupportMarkdown),
textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, insertText),
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.PlainText
return result;
function scanNextForEndPos(nextToken) {
if (offset === scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
token = scanner.scan();
if (token === nextToken && scanner.getTokenOffset() === offset) {
return scanner.getTokenEnd();
return offset;
function collectInsideContent() {
for (const participant of completionParticipants) {
if (participant.onHtmlContent) {
participant.onHtmlContent({ document, position });
return collectCharacterEntityProposals();
function collectCharacterEntityProposals() {
// character entities
let k = offset - 1;
let characterStart = position.character;
while (k >= 0 && isLetterOrDigit(text, k)) {
if (k >= 0 && text[k] === '&') {
const range = Range.create(Position.create(position.line, characterStart - 1), position);
for (const entity in entities) {
if (endsWith(entity, ';')) {
const label = '&' + entity;
kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword,
documentation: l10n.t('Character entity representing \'{0}\'', entities[entity]),
textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, label),
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.PlainText
return result;
function suggestDoctype(replaceStart, replaceEnd) {
const range = getReplaceRange(replaceStart, replaceEnd);
label: '!DOCTYPE',
kind: CompletionItemKind.Property,
documentation: 'A preamble for an HTML document.',
textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, '!DOCTYPE html>'),
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.PlainText
let token = scanner.scan();
while (token !== TokenType.EOS && scanner.getTokenOffset() <= offset) {
switch (token) {
case TokenType.StartTagOpen:
if (scanner.getTokenEnd() === offset) {
const endPos = scanNextForEndPos(TokenType.StartTag);
if (position.line === 0) {
suggestDoctype(offset, endPos);
return collectTagSuggestions(offset, endPos);
case TokenType.StartTag:
if (scanner.getTokenOffset() <= offset && offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
return collectOpenTagSuggestions(scanner.getTokenOffset(), scanner.getTokenEnd());
currentTag = scanner.getTokenText();
case TokenType.AttributeName:
if (scanner.getTokenOffset() <= offset && offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
return collectAttributeNameSuggestions(scanner.getTokenOffset(), scanner.getTokenEnd());
currentAttributeName = scanner.getTokenText();
case TokenType.DelimiterAssign:
if (scanner.getTokenEnd() === offset) {
const endPos = scanNextForEndPos(TokenType.AttributeValue);
return collectAttributeValueSuggestions(offset, endPos);
case TokenType.AttributeValue:
if (scanner.getTokenOffset() <= offset && offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
return collectAttributeValueSuggestions(scanner.getTokenOffset(), scanner.getTokenEnd());
case TokenType.Whitespace:
if (offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
switch (scanner.getScannerState()) {
case ScannerState.AfterOpeningStartTag:
const startPos = scanner.getTokenOffset();
const endTagPos = scanNextForEndPos(TokenType.StartTag);
return collectTagSuggestions(startPos, endTagPos);
case ScannerState.WithinTag:
case ScannerState.AfterAttributeName:
return collectAttributeNameSuggestions(scanner.getTokenEnd());
case ScannerState.BeforeAttributeValue:
return collectAttributeValueSuggestions(scanner.getTokenEnd());
case ScannerState.AfterOpeningEndTag:
return collectCloseTagSuggestions(scanner.getTokenOffset() - 1, false);
case ScannerState.WithinContent:
return collectInsideContent();
case TokenType.EndTagOpen:
if (offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
const afterOpenBracket = scanner.getTokenOffset() + 1;
const endOffset = scanNextForEndPos(TokenType.EndTag);
return collectCloseTagSuggestions(afterOpenBracket, false, endOffset);
case TokenType.EndTag:
if (offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
let start = scanner.getTokenOffset() - 1;
while (start >= 0) {
const ch = text.charAt(start);
if (ch === '/') {
return collectCloseTagSuggestions(start, false, scanner.getTokenEnd());
else if (!isWhiteSpace(ch)) {
case TokenType.StartTagClose:
if (offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
if (currentTag) {
return collectAutoCloseTagSuggestion(scanner.getTokenEnd(), currentTag);
case TokenType.Content:
if (offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
return collectInsideContent();
if (offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
return result;
token = scanner.scan();
return result;
doQuoteComplete(document, position, htmlDocument, settings) {
const offset = document.offsetAt(position);
if (offset <= 0) {
return null;
const defaultValue = settings?.attributeDefaultValue ?? 'doublequotes';
if (defaultValue === 'empty') {
return null;
const char = document.getText().charAt(offset - 1);
if (char !== '=') {
return null;
const value = defaultValue === 'doublequotes' ? '"$1"' : '\'$1\'';
const node = htmlDocument.findNodeBefore(offset);
if (node && node.attributes && node.start < offset && (!node.endTagStart || node.endTagStart > offset)) {
const scanner = createScanner(document.getText(), node.start);
let token = scanner.scan();
while (token !== TokenType.EOS && scanner.getTokenEnd() <= offset) {
if (token === TokenType.AttributeName && scanner.getTokenEnd() === offset - 1) {
// Ensure the token is a valid standalone attribute name
token = scanner.scan(); // this should be the = just written
if (token !== TokenType.DelimiterAssign) {
return null;
token = scanner.scan();
// Any non-attribute valid tag
if (token === TokenType.Unknown || token === TokenType.AttributeValue) {
return null;
return value;
token = scanner.scan();
return null;
doTagComplete(document, position, htmlDocument) {
const offset = document.offsetAt(position);
if (offset <= 0) {
return null;
const char = document.getText().charAt(offset - 1);
if (char === '>') {
const voidElements = this.dataManager.getVoidElements(document.languageId);
const node = htmlDocument.findNodeBefore(offset);
if (node && node.tag && !this.dataManager.isVoidElement(node.tag, voidElements) && node.start < offset && (!node.endTagStart || node.endTagStart > offset)) {
const scanner = createScanner(document.getText(), node.start);
let token = scanner.scan();
while (token !== TokenType.EOS && scanner.getTokenEnd() <= offset) {
if (token === TokenType.StartTagClose && scanner.getTokenEnd() === offset) {
return `$0</${node.tag}>`;
token = scanner.scan();
else if (char === '/') {
let node = htmlDocument.findNodeBefore(offset);
while (node && node.closed && !(node.endTagStart && (node.endTagStart > offset))) {
node = node.parent;
if (node && node.tag) {
const scanner = createScanner(document.getText(), node.start);
let token = scanner.scan();
while (token !== TokenType.EOS && scanner.getTokenEnd() <= offset) {
if (token === TokenType.EndTagOpen && scanner.getTokenEnd() === offset) {
return `${node.tag}>`;
token = scanner.scan();
return null;
convertCompletionList(list) {
if (!this.doesSupportMarkdown()) {
list.items.forEach(item => {
if (item.documentation && typeof item.documentation !== 'string') {
item.documentation = {
kind: 'plaintext',
value: item.documentation.value
return list;
doesSupportMarkdown() {
if (!isDefined(this.supportsMarkdown)) {
if (!isDefined(this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities)) {
this.supportsMarkdown = true;
return this.supportsMarkdown;
const documentationFormat = this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities.textDocument?.completion?.completionItem?.documentationFormat;
this.supportsMarkdown = Array.isArray(documentationFormat) && documentationFormat.indexOf(MarkupKind.Markdown) !== -1;
return this.supportsMarkdown;
function isQuote(s) {
return /^["']*$/.test(s);
function isWhiteSpace(s) {
return /^\s*$/.test(s);
function isFollowedBy(s, offset, intialState, expectedToken) {
const scanner = createScanner(s, offset, intialState);
let token = scanner.scan();
while (token === TokenType.Whitespace) {
token = scanner.scan();
return token === expectedToken;
function getWordStart(s, offset, limit) {
while (offset > limit && !isWhiteSpace(s[offset - 1])) {
return offset;
function getWordEnd(s, offset, limit) {
while (offset < limit && !isWhiteSpace(s[offset])) {
return offset;