279 lines
13 KiB
279 lines
13 KiB
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
(function (factory) {
if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
var v = factory(require, exports);
if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(["require", "exports", "../parser/htmlScanner", "../htmlLanguageTypes", "../utils/object", "../languageFacts/dataProvider", "../parser/htmlEntities", "../utils/strings", "@vscode/l10n"], factory);
})(function (require, exports) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.HTMLHover = void 0;
const htmlScanner_1 = require("../parser/htmlScanner");
const htmlLanguageTypes_1 = require("../htmlLanguageTypes");
const object_1 = require("../utils/object");
const dataProvider_1 = require("../languageFacts/dataProvider");
const htmlEntities_1 = require("../parser/htmlEntities");
const strings_1 = require("../utils/strings");
const l10n = require("@vscode/l10n");
class HTMLHover {
constructor(lsOptions, dataManager) {
this.lsOptions = lsOptions;
this.dataManager = dataManager;
doHover(document, position, htmlDocument, options) {
const convertContents = this.convertContents.bind(this);
const doesSupportMarkdown = this.doesSupportMarkdown();
const offset = document.offsetAt(position);
const node = htmlDocument.findNodeAt(offset);
const text = document.getText();
if (!node || !node.tag) {
return null;
const dataProviders = this.dataManager.getDataProviders().filter(p => p.isApplicable(document.languageId));
function getTagHover(currTag, range, open) {
for (const provider of dataProviders) {
let hover = null;
provider.provideTags().forEach(tag => {
if (tag.name.toLowerCase() === currTag.toLowerCase()) {
let markupContent = (0, dataProvider_1.generateDocumentation)(tag, options, doesSupportMarkdown);
if (!markupContent) {
markupContent = {
kind: doesSupportMarkdown ? 'markdown' : 'plaintext',
value: ''
hover = { contents: markupContent, range };
if (hover) {
hover.contents = convertContents(hover.contents);
return hover;
return null;
function getAttrHover(currTag, currAttr, range) {
for (const provider of dataProviders) {
let hover = null;
provider.provideAttributes(currTag).forEach(attr => {
if (currAttr === attr.name && attr.description) {
const contentsDoc = (0, dataProvider_1.generateDocumentation)(attr, options, doesSupportMarkdown);
if (contentsDoc) {
hover = { contents: contentsDoc, range };
else {
hover = null;
if (hover) {
hover.contents = convertContents(hover.contents);
return hover;
return null;
function getAttrValueHover(currTag, currAttr, currAttrValue, range) {
for (const provider of dataProviders) {
let hover = null;
provider.provideValues(currTag, currAttr).forEach(attrValue => {
if (currAttrValue === attrValue.name && attrValue.description) {
const contentsDoc = (0, dataProvider_1.generateDocumentation)(attrValue, options, doesSupportMarkdown);
if (contentsDoc) {
hover = { contents: contentsDoc, range };
else {
hover = null;
if (hover) {
hover.contents = convertContents(hover.contents);
return hover;
return null;
function getEntityHover(text, range) {
let currEntity = filterEntity(text);
for (const entity in htmlEntities_1.entities) {
let hover = null;
const label = '&' + entity;
if (currEntity === label) {
let code = htmlEntities_1.entities[entity].charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
let hex = 'U+';
if (code.length < 4) {
const zeroes = 4 - code.length;
let k = 0;
while (k < zeroes) {
hex += '0';
k += 1;
hex += code;
const contentsDoc = l10n.t('Character entity representing \'{0}\', unicode equivalent \'{1}\'', htmlEntities_1.entities[entity], hex);
if (contentsDoc) {
hover = { contents: contentsDoc, range };
else {
hover = null;
if (hover) {
hover.contents = convertContents(hover.contents);
return hover;
return null;
function getTagNameRange(tokenType, startOffset) {
const scanner = (0, htmlScanner_1.createScanner)(document.getText(), startOffset);
let token = scanner.scan();
while (token !== htmlLanguageTypes_1.TokenType.EOS && (scanner.getTokenEnd() < offset || scanner.getTokenEnd() === offset && token !== tokenType)) {
token = scanner.scan();
if (token === tokenType && offset <= scanner.getTokenEnd()) {
return { start: document.positionAt(scanner.getTokenOffset()), end: document.positionAt(scanner.getTokenEnd()) };
return null;
function getEntityRange() {
let k = offset - 1;
let characterStart = position.character;
while (k >= 0 && (0, strings_1.isLetterOrDigit)(text, k)) {
let n = k + 1;
let characterEnd = characterStart;
while ((0, strings_1.isLetterOrDigit)(text, n)) {
if (k >= 0 && text[k] === '&') {
let range = null;
if (text[n] === ';') {
range = htmlLanguageTypes_1.Range.create(htmlLanguageTypes_1.Position.create(position.line, characterStart), htmlLanguageTypes_1.Position.create(position.line, characterEnd + 1));
else {
range = htmlLanguageTypes_1.Range.create(htmlLanguageTypes_1.Position.create(position.line, characterStart), htmlLanguageTypes_1.Position.create(position.line, characterEnd));
return range;
return null;
function filterEntity(text) {
let k = offset - 1;
let newText = '&';
while (k >= 0 && (0, strings_1.isLetterOrDigit)(text, k)) {
k = k + 1;
while ((0, strings_1.isLetterOrDigit)(text, k)) {
newText += text[k];
k += 1;
newText += ';';
return newText;
if (node.endTagStart && offset >= node.endTagStart) {
const tagRange = getTagNameRange(htmlLanguageTypes_1.TokenType.EndTag, node.endTagStart);
if (tagRange) {
return getTagHover(node.tag, tagRange, false);
return null;
const tagRange = getTagNameRange(htmlLanguageTypes_1.TokenType.StartTag, node.start);
if (tagRange) {
return getTagHover(node.tag, tagRange, true);
const attrRange = getTagNameRange(htmlLanguageTypes_1.TokenType.AttributeName, node.start);
if (attrRange) {
const tag = node.tag;
const attr = document.getText(attrRange);
return getAttrHover(tag, attr, attrRange);
const entityRange = getEntityRange();
if (entityRange) {
return getEntityHover(text, entityRange);
function scanAttrAndAttrValue(nodeStart, attrValueStart) {
const scanner = (0, htmlScanner_1.createScanner)(document.getText(), nodeStart);
let token = scanner.scan();
let prevAttr = undefined;
while (token !== htmlLanguageTypes_1.TokenType.EOS && (scanner.getTokenEnd() <= attrValueStart)) {
token = scanner.scan();
if (token === htmlLanguageTypes_1.TokenType.AttributeName) {
prevAttr = scanner.getTokenText();
return prevAttr;
const attrValueRange = getTagNameRange(htmlLanguageTypes_1.TokenType.AttributeValue, node.start);
if (attrValueRange) {
const tag = node.tag;
const attrValue = trimQuotes(document.getText(attrValueRange));
const matchAttr = scanAttrAndAttrValue(node.start, document.offsetAt(attrValueRange.start));
if (matchAttr) {
return getAttrValueHover(tag, matchAttr, attrValue, attrValueRange);
return null;
convertContents(contents) {
if (!this.doesSupportMarkdown()) {
if (typeof contents === 'string') {
return contents;
// MarkupContent
else if ('kind' in contents) {
return {
kind: 'plaintext',
value: contents.value
// MarkedString[]
else if (Array.isArray(contents)) {
contents.map(c => {
return typeof c === 'string' ? c : c.value;
// MarkedString
else {
return contents.value;
return contents;
doesSupportMarkdown() {
if (!(0, object_1.isDefined)(this.supportsMarkdown)) {
if (!(0, object_1.isDefined)(this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities)) {
this.supportsMarkdown = true;
return this.supportsMarkdown;
const contentFormat = this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities?.textDocument?.hover?.contentFormat;
this.supportsMarkdown = Array.isArray(contentFormat) && contentFormat.indexOf(htmlLanguageTypes_1.MarkupKind.Markdown) !== -1;
return this.supportsMarkdown;
exports.HTMLHover = HTMLHover;
function trimQuotes(s) {
if (s.length <= 1) {
return s.replace(/['"]/, '');
if (s[0] === `'` || s[0] === `"`) {
s = s.slice(1);
if (s[s.length - 1] === `'` || s[s.length - 1] === `"`) {
s = s.slice(0, -1);
return s;