169 lines
6.2 KiB
169 lines
6.2 KiB
import { z } from "astro/zod";
import { XMLBuilder, XMLParser } from "fast-xml-parser";
import { yellow } from "kleur/colors";
import { rssSchema } from "./schema.js";
import { createCanonicalURL, errorMap, isValidURL } from "./util.js";
const rssFeedItemValidator = rssSchema.extend({ link: z.string(), content: z.string().optional() });
const globResultValidator = z.record(z.function().returns(z.promise(z.any())));
const rssOptionsValidator = z.object({
title: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
site: z.preprocess((url) => url instanceof URL ? url.href : url, z.string().url()),
items: z.array(rssFeedItemValidator).or(globResultValidator).transform((items) => {
if (!Array.isArray(items)) {
"[RSS] Passing a glob result directly has been deprecated. Please migrate to the `pagesGlobToRssItems()` helper: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/rss/"
return pagesGlobToRssItems(items);
return items;
xmlns: z.record(z.string()).optional(),
drafts: z.boolean().default(false),
stylesheet: z.union([z.string(), z.boolean()]).optional(),
customData: z.string().optional(),
trailingSlash: z.boolean().default(true)
async function getRSS(rssOptions) {
const validatedRssOptions = await validateRssOptions(rssOptions);
return {
body: await generateRSS(validatedRssOptions)
async function validateRssOptions(rssOptions) {
const parsedResult = await rssOptionsValidator.safeParseAsync(rssOptions, { errorMap });
if (parsedResult.success) {
return parsedResult.data;
const formattedError = new Error(
`[RSS] Invalid or missing options:`,
(zodError) => `${zodError.message} (${zodError.path.join(".")})`
throw formattedError;
function pagesGlobToRssItems(items) {
return Promise.all(
Object.entries(items).map(async ([filePath, getInfo]) => {
const { url, frontmatter } = await getInfo();
if (url === void 0 || url === null) {
throw new Error(
`[RSS] You can only glob entries within 'src/pages/' when passing import.meta.glob() directly. Consider mapping the result to an array of RSSFeedItems. See the RSS docs for usage examples: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/rss/#2-list-of-rss-feed-objects`
const parsedResult = rssFeedItemValidator.safeParse(
{ ...frontmatter, link: url },
{ errorMap }
if (parsedResult.success) {
return parsedResult.data;
const formattedError = new Error(
`[RSS] ${filePath} has invalid or missing frontmatter.
Fix the following properties:`,
...parsedResult.error.errors.map((zodError) => zodError.message)
formattedError.file = filePath;
throw formattedError;
async function generateRSS(rssOptions) {
var _a;
const { site } = rssOptions;
const items = rssOptions.drafts ? rssOptions.items : rssOptions.items.filter((item) => !item.draft);
const xmlOptions = {
ignoreAttributes: false,
// Avoid correcting self-closing tags to standard tags
// when using `customData`
// https://github.com/withastro/astro/issues/5794
suppressEmptyNode: true,
suppressBooleanAttributes: false
const parser = new XMLParser(xmlOptions);
const root = { "?xml": { "@_version": "1.0", "@_encoding": "UTF-8" } };
if (typeof rssOptions.stylesheet === "string") {
const isXSL = /\.xsl$/i.test(rssOptions.stylesheet);
root["?xml-stylesheet"] = {
"@_href": rssOptions.stylesheet,
...isXSL && { "@_type": "text/xsl" }
root.rss = { "@_version": "2.0" };
if (items.find((result) => result.content)) {
const XMLContentNamespace = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/";
root.rss["@_xmlns:content"] = XMLContentNamespace;
if (((_a = rssOptions.xmlns) == null ? void 0 : _a.content) && rssOptions.xmlns.content === XMLContentNamespace) {
delete rssOptions.xmlns.content;
if (rssOptions.xmlns) {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(rssOptions.xmlns)) {
root.rss[`@_xmlns:${k}`] = v;
root.rss.channel = {
title: rssOptions.title,
description: rssOptions.description,
link: createCanonicalURL(site, rssOptions.trailingSlash, void 0).href
if (typeof rssOptions.customData === "string")
root.rss.channel.item = items.map((result) => {
const itemLink = isValidURL(result.link) ? result.link : createCanonicalURL(result.link, rssOptions.trailingSlash, site).href;
const item = {
title: result.title,
link: itemLink,
guid: { "#text": itemLink, "@_isPermaLink": "true" }
if (result.description) {
item.description = result.description;
if (result.pubDate) {
item.pubDate = result.pubDate.toUTCString();
if (typeof result.content === "string") {
item["content:encoded"] = result.content;
if (typeof result.customData === "string") {
Object.assign(item, parser.parse(`<item>${result.customData}</item>`).item);
if (Array.isArray(result.categories)) {
item.category = result.categories;
if (typeof result.author === "string") {
item.author = result.author;
if (typeof result.commentsUrl === "string") {
item.comments = isValidURL(result.commentsUrl) ? result.commentsUrl : createCanonicalURL(result.commentsUrl, rssOptions.trailingSlash, site).href;
if (result.source) {
item.source = parser.parse(
`<source url="${result.source.url}">${result.source.title}</source>`
if (result.enclosure) {
const enclosureURL = isValidURL(result.enclosure.url) ? result.enclosure.url : createCanonicalURL(result.enclosure.url, rssOptions.trailingSlash, site).href;
item.enclosure = parser.parse(
`<enclosure url="${enclosureURL}" length="${result.enclosure.length}" type="${result.enclosure.type}"/>`
return item;
return new XMLBuilder(xmlOptions).build(root);
export {
getRSS as default,