2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

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* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Expression} Expression
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Function} EstreeFunction
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Identifier} Identifier
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').ImportSpecifier} ImportSpecifier
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').JSXElement} JSXElement
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').ModuleDeclaration} ModuleDeclaration
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Node} Node
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').ObjectPattern} ObjectPattern
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Program} Program
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Property} Property
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Statement} Statement
* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').VariableDeclarator} VariableDeclarator
* @typedef {import('periscopic').Scope & {node: Node}} Scope
* @typedef RecmaJsxRewriteOptions
* Configuration for internal plugin `recma-jsx-rewrite`.
* @property {'function-body' | 'program' | null | undefined} [outputFormat='program']
* Whether to use an import statement or `arguments[0]` to get the provider.
* @property {string | null | undefined} [providerImportSource]
* Place to import a provider from.
* @property {boolean | null | undefined} [development=false]
* Whether to add extra info to error messages in generated code.
* This also results in the development automatic JSX runtime
* (`/jsx-dev-runtime`, `jsxDEV`) being used, which passes positional info to
* nodes.
* The default can be set to `true` in Node.js through environment variables:
* set `NODE_ENV=development`.
* @typedef StackEntry
* @property {Array<string>} objects
* @property {Array<string>} components
* @property {Array<string>} tags
* @property {Record<string, {node: JSXElement, component: boolean}>} references
* @property {Map<string|number, string>} idToInvalidComponentName
* @property {EstreeFunction} node
import {stringifyPosition} from 'unist-util-stringify-position'
import {positionFromEstree} from 'unist-util-position-from-estree'
import {name as isIdentifierName} from 'estree-util-is-identifier-name'
import {walk} from 'estree-walker'
import {analyze} from 'periscopic'
import {specifiersToDeclarations} from '../util/estree-util-specifiers-to-declarations.js'
import {
} from '../util/estree-util-to-id-or-member-expression.js'
import {toBinaryAddition} from '../util/estree-util-to-binary-addition.js'
const own = {}.hasOwnProperty
* A plugin that rewrites JSX in functions to accept components as
* `props.components` (when the function is called `_createMdxContent`), or from
* a provider (if there is one).
* It also makes sure that any undefined components are defined: either from
* received components or as a function that throws an error.
* @type {import('unified').Plugin<[RecmaJsxRewriteOptions | null | undefined] | [], Program>}
export function recmaJsxRewrite(options) {
// Always given inside `@mdx-js/mdx`
/* c8 ignore next */
const {development, providerImportSource, outputFormat} = options || {}
return (tree, file) => {
// Find everything thats defined in the top-level scope.
const scopeInfo = analyze(tree)
/** @type {Array<StackEntry>} */
const fnStack = []
let importProvider = false
let createErrorHelper = false
/** @type {Scope | undefined} */
let currentScope
walk(tree, {
enter(node) {
const newScope = /** @type {Scope | undefined} */ (
if (
node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' ||
node.type === 'FunctionExpression' ||
node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression'
) {
objects: [],
components: [],
tags: [],
references: {},
idToInvalidComponentName: new Map(),
// MDXContent only ever contains MDXLayout
if (
isNamedFunction(node, 'MDXContent') &&
newScope &&
!inScope(newScope, 'MDXLayout')
) {
const fnScope = fnStack[0]
if (
!fnScope ||
(!isNamedFunction(fnScope.node, '_createMdxContent') &&
) {
if (newScope) {
newScope.node = node
currentScope = newScope
if (currentScope && node.type === 'JSXElement') {
let name = node.openingElement.name
// `<x.y>`, `<Foo.Bar>`, `<x.y.z>`.
if (name.type === 'JSXMemberExpression') {
/** @type {Array<string>} */
const ids = []
// Find the left-most identifier.
while (name.type === 'JSXMemberExpression') {
name = name.object
const fullId = ids.join('.')
const id = name.name
const isInScope = inScope(currentScope, id)
if (!own.call(fnScope.references, fullId)) {
const parentScope = /** @type {Scope | undefined} */ (
if (
!isInScope ||
// If the parent scope is `_createMdxContent`, then this
// references a component we can add a check statement for.
(parentScope &&
parentScope.node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' &&
isNamedFunction(parentScope.node, '_createMdxContent'))
) {
fnScope.references[fullId] = {node, component: true}
if (!fnScope.objects.includes(id) && !isInScope) {
// `<xml:thing>`.
else if (name.type === 'JSXNamespacedName') {
// Ignore namespaces.
// If the name is a valid ES identifier, and it doesnt start with a
// lowercase letter, its a component.
// For example, `$foo`, `_bar`, `Baz` are all component names.
// But `foo` and `b-ar` are tag names.
else if (isIdentifierName(name.name) && !/^[a-z]/.test(name.name)) {
const id = name.name
if (!inScope(currentScope, id)) {
// No need to add an error for an undefined layout — we use an
// `if` later.
if (id !== 'MDXLayout' && !own.call(fnScope.references, id)) {
fnScope.references[id] = {node, component: true}
if (!fnScope.components.includes(id)) {
// @ts-expect-error Allow fields passed through from mdast through hast to
// esast.
else if (node.data && node.data._mdxExplicitJsx) {
// Do not turn explicit JSX into components from `_components`.
// As in, a given `h1` component is used for `# heading` (next case),
// but not for `<h1>heading</h1>`.
} else {
const id = name.name
if (!fnScope.tags.includes(id)) {
/** @type {Array<string | number>} */
let jsxIdExpression = ['_components', id]
if (isIdentifierName(id) === false) {
let invalidComponentName =
if (invalidComponentName === undefined) {
invalidComponentName = `_component${fnScope.idToInvalidComponentName.size}`
fnScope.idToInvalidComponentName.set(id, invalidComponentName)
jsxIdExpression = [invalidComponentName]
node.openingElement.name =
if (node.closingElement) {
node.closingElement.name =
leave(node) {
/** @type {Array<Property>} */
const defaults = []
/** @type {Array<string>} */
const actual = []
/** @type {Array<Expression>} */
const parameters = []
/** @type {Array<VariableDeclarator>} */
const declarations = []
if (currentScope && currentScope.node === node) {
// @ts-expect-error: `node`s were patched when entering.
currentScope = currentScope.parent
if (
node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' ||
node.type === 'FunctionExpression' ||
node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression'
) {
const fn = node
const scope = fnStack[fnStack.length - 1]
/** @type {string} */
let name
for (name of scope.tags) {
type: 'Property',
kind: 'init',
key: isIdentifierName(name)
? {type: 'Identifier', name}
: {type: 'Literal', value: name},
value: {type: 'Literal', value: name},
method: false,
shorthand: false,
computed: false
for (name of scope.objects) {
// In some cases, a component is used directly (`<X>`) but its also
// used as an object (`<X.Y>`).
if (!actual.includes(name)) {
/** @type {Array<Statement>} */
const statements = []
if (
defaults.length > 0 ||
actual.length > 0 ||
scope.idToInvalidComponentName.size > 0
) {
if (providerImportSource) {
importProvider = true
type: 'CallExpression',
callee: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_provideComponents'},
arguments: [],
optional: false
// Accept `components` as a prop if this is the `MDXContent` or
// `_createMdxContent` function.
if (
isNamedFunction(scope.node, 'MDXContent') ||
isNamedFunction(scope.node, '_createMdxContent')
) {
parameters.push(toIdOrMemberExpression(['props', 'components']))
if (defaults.length > 0 || parameters.length > 1) {
type: 'ObjectExpression',
properties: defaults
// If were getting components from several sources, merge them.
/** @type {Expression} */
let componentsInit =
parameters.length > 1
? {
type: 'CallExpression',
callee: toIdOrMemberExpression(['Object', 'assign']),
arguments: parameters,
optional: false
: parameters[0].type === 'MemberExpression'
? // If were only getting components from `props.components`,
// make sure its defined.
type: 'LogicalExpression',
operator: '||',
left: parameters[0],
right: {type: 'ObjectExpression', properties: []}
: parameters[0]
/** @type {ObjectPattern | undefined} */
let componentsPattern
// Add components to scope.
// For `['MyComponent', 'MDXLayout']` this generates:
// ```js
// const {MyComponent, wrapper: MDXLayout} = _components
// ```
// Note that MDXLayout is special as its taken from
// `_components.wrapper`.
if (actual.length > 0) {
componentsPattern = {
type: 'ObjectPattern',
properties: actual.map((name) => ({
type: 'Property',
kind: 'init',
key: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: name === 'MDXLayout' ? 'wrapper' : name
value: {type: 'Identifier', name},
method: false,
shorthand: name !== 'MDXLayout',
computed: false
if (scope.tags.length > 0) {
type: 'VariableDeclarator',
id: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_components'},
init: componentsInit
componentsInit = {type: 'Identifier', name: '_components'}
if (isNamedFunction(scope.node, '_createMdxContent')) {
for (const [
] of scope.idToInvalidComponentName) {
// For JSX IDs that cant be represented as JavaScript IDs (as in,
// those with dashes, such as `custom-element`), generate a
// separate variable that is a valid JS ID (such as `_component0`),
// and takes it from components:
// `const _component0 = _components['custom-element']`
type: 'VariableDeclarator',
id: {type: 'Identifier', name: componentName},
init: {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_components'},
property: {type: 'Literal', value: id},
computed: true,
optional: false
if (componentsPattern) {
type: 'VariableDeclarator',
id: componentsPattern,
init: componentsInit
if (declarations.length > 0) {
type: 'VariableDeclaration',
kind: 'const',
/** @type {string} */
let key
// Add partials (so for `x.y.z` itd generate `x` and `x.y` too).
for (key in scope.references) {
if (own.call(scope.references, key)) {
const parts = key.split('.')
let index = 0
while (++index < parts.length) {
const partial = parts.slice(0, index).join('.')
if (!own.call(scope.references, partial)) {
scope.references[partial] = {
node: scope.references[key].node,
component: false
const references = Object.keys(scope.references).sort()
let index = -1
while (++index < references.length) {
const id = references[index]
const info = scope.references[id]
const place = stringifyPosition(positionFromEstree(info.node))
/** @type {Array<Expression>} */
const parameters = [
{type: 'Literal', value: id},
{type: 'Literal', value: info.component}
createErrorHelper = true
if (development && place !== '1:1-1:1') {
parameters.push({type: 'Literal', value: place})
type: 'IfStatement',
test: {
type: 'UnaryExpression',
operator: '!',
prefix: true,
argument: toIdOrMemberExpression(id.split('.'))
consequent: {
type: 'ExpressionStatement',
expression: {
type: 'CallExpression',
callee: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_missingMdxReference'},
arguments: parameters,
optional: false
alternate: null
if (statements.length > 0) {
// Arrow functions with an implied return:
if (fn.body.type !== 'BlockStatement') {
fn.body = {
type: 'BlockStatement',
body: [{type: 'ReturnStatement', argument: fn.body}]
// If a provider is used (and can be used), import it.
if (importProvider && providerImportSource) {
createImportProvider(providerImportSource, outputFormat)
// If potentially missing components are used.
if (createErrorHelper) {
/** @type {Array<Expression>} */
const message = [
{type: 'Literal', value: 'Expected '},
type: 'ConditionalExpression',
test: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'component'},
consequent: {type: 'Literal', value: 'component'},
alternate: {type: 'Literal', value: 'object'}
{type: 'Literal', value: ' `'},
{type: 'Identifier', name: 'id'},
type: 'Literal',
'` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.'
/** @type {Array<Identifier>} */
const parameters = [
{type: 'Identifier', name: 'id'},
{type: 'Identifier', name: 'component'}
if (development) {
type: 'ConditionalExpression',
test: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'place'},
consequent: toBinaryAddition([
{type: 'Literal', value: '\nIts referenced in your code at `'},
{type: 'Identifier', name: 'place'},
type: 'Literal',
value: (file.path ? '` in `' + file.path : '') + '`'
alternate: {type: 'Literal', value: ''}
parameters.push({type: 'Identifier', name: 'place'})
type: 'FunctionDeclaration',
id: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_missingMdxReference'},
generator: false,
async: false,
params: parameters,
body: {
type: 'BlockStatement',
body: [
type: 'ThrowStatement',
argument: {
type: 'NewExpression',
callee: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'Error'},
arguments: [toBinaryAddition(message)]
* @param {string} providerImportSource
* @param {RecmaJsxRewriteOptions['outputFormat']} outputFormat
* @returns {Statement | ModuleDeclaration}
function createImportProvider(providerImportSource, outputFormat) {
/** @type {Array<ImportSpecifier>} */
const specifiers = [
type: 'ImportSpecifier',
imported: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'useMDXComponents'},
local: {type: 'Identifier', name: '_provideComponents'}
return outputFormat === 'function-body'
? {
type: 'VariableDeclaration',
kind: 'const',
declarations: specifiersToDeclarations(
toIdOrMemberExpression(['arguments', 0])
: {
type: 'ImportDeclaration',
source: {type: 'Literal', value: providerImportSource}
* @param {EstreeFunction} node
* @param {string} name
* @returns {boolean}
function isNamedFunction(node, name) {
return Boolean(node && 'id' in node && node.id && node.id.name === name)
* @param {Scope} scope
* @param {string} id
* @returns {boolean}
function inScope(scope, id) {
/** @type {Scope | undefined} */
let currentScope = scope
while (currentScope) {
if (currentScope.declarations.has(id)) {
return true
// @ts-expect-error: `node`s have been added when entering.
currentScope = currentScope.parent
return false