43 lines
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43 lines
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* @typedef {import('estree-jsx').Program} Program
* @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root
* @typedef {'html' | 'react'} ElementAttributeNameCase
* Specify casing to use for attribute names.
* HTML casing is for example `class`, `stroke-linecap`, `xml:lang`.
* React casing is for example `className`, `strokeLinecap`, `xmlLang`.
* @typedef {'css' | 'dom'} StylePropertyNameCase
* Casing to use for property names in `style` objects.
* CSS casing is for example `background-color` and `-webkit-line-clamp`.
* DOM casing is for example `backgroundColor` and `WebkitLineClamp`.
* @typedef Options
* Configuration for internal plugin `rehype-recma`.
* @property {ElementAttributeNameCase | null | undefined} [elementAttributeNameCase='react']
* Specify casing to use for attribute names.
* This casing is used for hast elements, not for embedded MDX JSX nodes
* (components that someone authored manually).
* @property {StylePropertyNameCase | null | undefined} [stylePropertyNameCase='dom']
* Specify casing to use for property names in `style` objects.
* This casing is used for hast elements, not for embedded MDX JSX nodes
* (components that someone authored manually).
import {toEstree} from 'hast-util-to-estree'
* A plugin to transform an HTML (hast) tree to a JS (estree).
* `hast-util-to-estree` does all the work for us!
* @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options | null | undefined] | [], Root, Program>}
export function rehypeRecma(options) {
return (tree) => toEstree(tree, options)