2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

51 lines
1.8 KiB

* @typedef {import('../core.js').ProcessorOptions} ProcessorOptions
* @typedef RunnerOptions
* Configuration with JSX runtime.
* @property {any} Fragment
* Symbol to use for fragments.
* @property {any} [jsx]
* Function to generate an element with static children in production mode.
* @property {any} [jsxs]
* Function to generate an element with dynamic children in production mode.
* @property {any} [jsxDEV]
* Function to generate an element in development mode.
* @property {any} [useMDXComponents]
* Function to get `MDXComponents` from context.
* @typedef {Omit<ProcessorOptions, 'jsx' | 'jsxImportSource' | 'jsxRuntime' | 'pragma' | 'pragmaFrag' | 'pragmaImportSource' | 'providerImportSource' | 'outputFormat'> } EvaluateProcessorOptions
* Compile configuration without JSX options for evaluation.
* @typedef {EvaluateProcessorOptions & RunnerOptions} EvaluateOptions
* Configuration for evaluation.
* Split compiletime options from runtime options.
* @param {EvaluateOptions | null | undefined} options
* @returns {{compiletime: ProcessorOptions, runtime: RunnerOptions}}
export function resolveEvaluateOptions(options) {
const {development, Fragment, jsx, jsxs, jsxDEV, useMDXComponents, ...rest} =
options || {}
if (!Fragment) throw new Error('Expected `Fragment` given to `evaluate`')
if (development) {
if (!jsxDEV) throw new Error('Expected `jsxDEV` given to `evaluate`')
} else {
if (!jsx) throw new Error('Expected `jsx` given to `evaluate`')
if (!jsxs) throw new Error('Expected `jsxs` given to `evaluate`')
return {
compiletime: {
outputFormat: 'function-body',
providerImportSource: useMDXComponents ? '#' : undefined
runtime: {Fragment, jsx, jsxs, jsxDEV, useMDXComponents}