2023-07-19 21:31:30 +02:00

605 lines
19 KiB

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
* Special values that tell deepmerge to perform a certain action.
const actions = {
defaultMerge: Symbol("deepmerge-ts: default merge"),
skip: Symbol("deepmerge-ts: skip"),
* Special values that tell deepmergeInto to perform a certain action.
const actionsInto = {
defaultMerge: actions.defaultMerge,
* The default function to update meta data.
function defaultMetaDataUpdater(previousMeta, metaMeta) {
return metaMeta;
* Get the type of the given object.
* @param object - The object to get the type of.
* @returns The type of the given object.
function getObjectType(object) {
if (typeof object !== "object" || object === null) {
return 0 /* ObjectType.NOT */;
if (Array.isArray(object)) {
return 2 /* ObjectType.ARRAY */;
if (isRecord(object)) {
return 1 /* ObjectType.RECORD */;
if (object instanceof Set) {
return 3 /* ObjectType.SET */;
if (object instanceof Map) {
return 4 /* ObjectType.MAP */;
return 5 /* ObjectType.OTHER */;
* Get the keys of the given objects including symbol keys.
* Note: Only keys to enumerable properties are returned.
* @param objects - An array of objects to get the keys of.
* @returns A set containing all the keys of all the given objects.
function getKeys(objects) {
const keys = new Set();
/* eslint-disable functional/no-loop-statements -- using a loop here is more efficient. */
for (const object of objects) {
for (const key of [
]) {
/* eslint-enable functional/no-loop-statements */
return keys;
* Does the given object have the given property.
* @param object - The object to test.
* @param property - The property to test.
* @returns Whether the object has the property.
function objectHasProperty(object, property) {
return (typeof object === "object" &&
Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(object, property));
* Get an iterable object that iterates over the given iterables.
function getIterableOfIterables(iterables) {
return {
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
// eslint-disable-next-line functional/no-loop-statements
for (const iterable of iterables) {
// eslint-disable-next-line functional/no-loop-statements
for (const value of iterable) {
yield value;
const validRecordToStringValues = new Set([
"[object Object]",
"[object Module]",
* Does the given object appear to be a record.
function isRecord(value) {
// All records are objects.
if (!validRecordToStringValues.has(Object.prototype.toString.call(value))) {
return false;
const { constructor } = value;
// If has modified constructor.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
if (constructor === undefined) {
return true;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
const prototype = constructor.prototype;
// If has modified prototype.
if (prototype === null ||
typeof prototype !== "object" ||
!validRecordToStringValues.has(Object.prototype.toString.call(prototype))) {
return false;
// If constructor does not have an Object-specific method.
// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/prefer-single-boolean-return, no-prototype-builtins
if (!prototype.hasOwnProperty("isPrototypeOf")) {
return false;
// Most likely a record.
return true;
* The default strategy to merge records.
* @param values - The records.
function mergeRecords$2(values, utils, meta) {
const result = {};
/* eslint-disable functional/no-loop-statements, functional/no-conditional-statements -- using a loop here is more performant. */
for (const key of getKeys(values)) {
const propValues = [];
for (const value of values) {
if (objectHasProperty(value, key)) {
if (propValues.length === 0) {
const updatedMeta = utils.metaDataUpdater(meta, {
parents: values,
const propertyResult = mergeUnknowns(propValues, utils, updatedMeta);
if (propertyResult === actions.skip) {
if (key === "__proto__") {
Object.defineProperty(result, key, {
value: propertyResult,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
else {
result[key] = propertyResult;
/* eslint-enable functional/no-loop-statements, functional/no-conditional-statements */
return result;
* The default strategy to merge arrays.
* @param values - The arrays.
function mergeArrays$2(values) {
return values.flat();
* The default strategy to merge sets.
* @param values - The sets.
function mergeSets$2(values) {
return new Set(getIterableOfIterables(values));
* The default strategy to merge maps.
* @param values - The maps.
function mergeMaps$2(values) {
return new Map(getIterableOfIterables(values));
* Get the last value in the given array.
function mergeOthers$2(values) {
return values[values.length - 1];
var defaultMergeFunctions = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
mergeRecords: mergeRecords$2,
mergeArrays: mergeArrays$2,
mergeSets: mergeSets$2,
mergeMaps: mergeMaps$2,
mergeOthers: mergeOthers$2
* Deeply merge objects.
* @param objects - The objects to merge.
function deepmerge(...objects) {
return deepmergeCustom({})(...objects);
function deepmergeCustom(options, rootMetaData) {
const utils = getUtils(options, customizedDeepmerge);
* The customized deepmerge function.
function customizedDeepmerge(...objects) {
return mergeUnknowns(objects, utils, rootMetaData);
return customizedDeepmerge;
* The the utils that are available to the merge functions.
* @param options - The options the user specified
function getUtils(options, customizedDeepmerge) {
var _a, _b;
return {
mergeFunctions: {
.filter(([key, option]) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(defaultMergeFunctions, key))
.map(([key, option]) => option === false
? [key, mergeOthers$2]
: [key, option])),
metaDataUpdater: ((_a = options.metaDataUpdater) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : defaultMetaDataUpdater),
deepmerge: customizedDeepmerge,
useImplicitDefaultMerging: (_b = options.enableImplicitDefaultMerging) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false,
* Merge unknown things.
* @param values - The values.
function mergeUnknowns(values, utils, meta) {
if (values.length === 0) {
return undefined;
if (values.length === 1) {
return mergeOthers$1(values, utils, meta);
const type = getObjectType(values[0]);
// eslint-disable-next-line functional/no-conditional-statements -- add an early escape for better performance.
if (type !== 0 /* ObjectType.NOT */ && type !== 5 /* ObjectType.OTHER */) {
// eslint-disable-next-line functional/no-loop-statements -- using a loop here is more performant than mapping every value and then testing every value.
for (let m_index = 1; m_index < values.length; m_index++) {
if (getObjectType(values[m_index]) === type) {
return mergeOthers$1(values, utils, meta);
switch (type) {
case 1 /* ObjectType.RECORD */: {
return mergeRecords$1(values, utils, meta);
case 2 /* ObjectType.ARRAY */: {
return mergeArrays$1(values, utils, meta);
case 3 /* ObjectType.SET */: {
return mergeSets$1(values, utils, meta);
case 4 /* ObjectType.MAP */: {
return mergeMaps$1(values, utils, meta);
default: {
return mergeOthers$1(values, utils, meta);
* Merge records.
* @param values - The records.
function mergeRecords$1(values, utils, meta) {
const result = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeRecords(values, utils, meta);
if (result === actions.defaultMerge ||
(utils.useImplicitDefaultMerging &&
result === undefined &&
utils.mergeFunctions.mergeRecords !==
utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeRecords)) {
return utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeRecords(values, utils, meta);
return result;
* Merge arrays.
* @param values - The arrays.
function mergeArrays$1(values, utils, meta) {
const result = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeArrays(values, utils, meta);
if (result === actions.defaultMerge ||
(utils.useImplicitDefaultMerging &&
result === undefined &&
utils.mergeFunctions.mergeArrays !==
utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeArrays)) {
return utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeArrays(values);
return result;
* Merge sets.
* @param values - The sets.
function mergeSets$1(values, utils, meta) {
const result = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeSets(values, utils, meta);
if (result === actions.defaultMerge ||
(utils.useImplicitDefaultMerging &&
result === undefined &&
utils.mergeFunctions.mergeSets !== utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeSets)) {
return utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeSets(values);
return result;
* Merge maps.
* @param values - The maps.
function mergeMaps$1(values, utils, meta) {
const result = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeMaps(values, utils, meta);
if (result === actions.defaultMerge ||
(utils.useImplicitDefaultMerging &&
result === undefined &&
utils.mergeFunctions.mergeMaps !== utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeMaps)) {
return utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeMaps(values);
return result;
* Merge other things.
* @param values - The other things.
function mergeOthers$1(values, utils, meta) {
const result = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeOthers(values, utils, meta);
if (result === actions.defaultMerge ||
(utils.useImplicitDefaultMerging &&
result === undefined &&
utils.mergeFunctions.mergeOthers !==
utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeOthers)) {
return utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeOthers(values);
return result;
* The default strategy to merge records into a target record.
* @param m_target - The result will be mutated into this record
* @param values - The records (including the target's value if there is one).
function mergeRecords(m_target, values, utils, meta) {
/* eslint-disable functional/no-loop-statements, functional/no-conditional-statements -- using a loop here is more performant. */
for (const key of getKeys(values)) {
const propValues = [];
for (const value of values) {
if (objectHasProperty(value, key)) {
if (propValues.length === 0) {
const updatedMeta = utils.metaDataUpdater(meta, {
parents: values,
const propertyTarget = { value: propValues[0] };
mergeUnknownsInto(propertyTarget, propValues, utils, updatedMeta);
if (key === "__proto__") {
Object.defineProperty(m_target, key, {
value: propertyTarget.value,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
else {
m_target.value[key] = propertyTarget.value;
/* eslint-enable functional/no-loop-statements, functional/no-conditional-statements */
* The default strategy to merge arrays into a target array.
* @param m_target - The result will be mutated into this array
* @param values - The arrays (including the target's value if there is one).
function mergeArrays(m_target, values) {
* The default strategy to merge sets into a target set.
* @param m_target - The result will be mutated into this set
* @param values - The sets (including the target's value if there is one).
function mergeSets(m_target, values) {
for (const value of getIterableOfIterables(values.slice(1))) {
* The default strategy to merge maps into a target map.
* @param m_target - The result will be mutated into this map
* @param values - The maps (including the target's value if there is one).
function mergeMaps(m_target, values) {
for (const [key, value] of getIterableOfIterables(values.slice(1))) {
m_target.value.set(key, value);
* Set the target to the last value.
function mergeOthers(m_target, values) {
m_target.value = values[values.length - 1];
var defaultMergeIntoFunctions = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
mergeRecords: mergeRecords,
mergeArrays: mergeArrays,
mergeSets: mergeSets,
mergeMaps: mergeMaps,
mergeOthers: mergeOthers
function deepmergeInto(target, ...objects) {
return void deepmergeIntoCustom({})(target, ...objects);
function deepmergeIntoCustom(options, rootMetaData) {
const utils = getIntoUtils(options, customizedDeepmergeInto);
* The customized deepmerge function.
function customizedDeepmergeInto(target, ...objects) {
mergeUnknownsInto({ value: target }, [target, ...objects], utils, rootMetaData);
return customizedDeepmergeInto;
* The the utils that are available to the merge functions.
* @param options - The options the user specified
function getIntoUtils(options, customizedDeepmergeInto) {
var _a;
return {
defaultMergeFunctions: defaultMergeIntoFunctions,
mergeFunctions: {
.filter(([key, option]) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(defaultMergeIntoFunctions, key))
.map(([key, option]) => option === false
? [key, mergeOthers]
: [key, option])),
metaDataUpdater: ((_a = options.metaDataUpdater) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : defaultMetaDataUpdater),
deepmergeInto: customizedDeepmergeInto,
actions: actionsInto,
* Merge unknown things into a target.
* @param m_target - The target to merge into.
* @param values - The values.
function mergeUnknownsInto(m_target, values, utils, meta
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type
) {
if (values.length === 0) {
if (values.length === 1) {
return void mergeOthersInto(m_target, values, utils, meta);
const type = getObjectType(m_target.value);
// eslint-disable-next-line functional/no-conditional-statements -- add an early escape for better performance.
if (type !== 0 /* ObjectType.NOT */ && type !== 5 /* ObjectType.OTHER */) {
// eslint-disable-next-line functional/no-loop-statements -- using a loop here is more performant than mapping every value and then testing every value.
for (let m_index = 1; m_index < values.length; m_index++) {
if (getObjectType(values[m_index]) === type) {
return void mergeOthersInto(m_target, values, utils, meta);
switch (type) {
case 1 /* ObjectType.RECORD */: {
return void mergeRecordsInto(m_target, values, utils, meta);
case 2 /* ObjectType.ARRAY */: {
return void mergeArraysInto(m_target, values, utils, meta);
case 3 /* ObjectType.SET */: {
return void mergeSetsInto(m_target, values, utils, meta);
case 4 /* ObjectType.MAP */: {
return void mergeMapsInto(m_target, values, utils, meta);
default: {
return void mergeOthersInto(m_target, values, utils, meta);
* Merge records into a target record.
* @param m_target - The target to merge into.
* @param values - The records.
function mergeRecordsInto(m_target, values, utils, meta) {
const action = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeRecords(m_target, values, utils, meta);
if (action === actionsInto.defaultMerge) {
utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeRecords(m_target, values, utils, meta);
* Merge arrays into a target array.
* @param m_target - The target to merge into.
* @param values - The arrays.
function mergeArraysInto(m_target, values, utils, meta) {
const action = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeArrays(m_target, values, utils, meta);
if (action === actionsInto.defaultMerge) {
utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeArrays(m_target, values);
* Merge sets into a target set.
* @param m_target - The target to merge into.
* @param values - The sets.
function mergeSetsInto(m_target, values, utils, meta) {
const action = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeSets(m_target, values, utils, meta);
if (action === actionsInto.defaultMerge) {
utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeSets(m_target, values);
* Merge maps into a target map.
* @param m_target - The target to merge into.
* @param values - The maps.
function mergeMapsInto(m_target, values, utils, meta) {
const action = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeMaps(m_target, values, utils, meta);
if (action === actionsInto.defaultMerge) {
utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeMaps(m_target, values);
* Merge other things into a target.
* @param m_target - The target to merge into.
* @param values - The other things.
function mergeOthersInto(m_target, values, utils, meta) {
const action = utils.mergeFunctions.mergeOthers(m_target, values, utils, meta);
if (action === actionsInto.defaultMerge ||
m_target.value === actionsInto.defaultMerge) {
utils.defaultMergeFunctions.mergeOthers(m_target, values);
exports.deepmerge = deepmerge;
exports.deepmergeCustom = deepmergeCustom;
exports.deepmergeInto = deepmergeInto;
exports.deepmergeIntoCustom = deepmergeIntoCustom;